2007-04-17 GnuCash IRC logs
00:14:42 *** Chintan has joined #gnucash
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08:09:45 *** gnucash-user has joined #gnucash
08:16:32 <gnucash-user> I am using gnucash 2.0.2 (openSUSE 10.2 x86_64). I have a redraw problem with a register window. It does not update correctly. When I move the mouse it updates. Is this a known problem? Further question: I cannot see Preferences -> Register Colors. Did this option disappear in some release?
08:29:24 *** twunder has joined #gnucash
08:36:30 <jsled> gnucash-user: No, that' s not a known problem.
08:36:51 <jsled> but the register does a bit too much custom work, so it doesn't surprise me.
08:37:00 <jsled> gnucash-user: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_do_I_change_the_register_colors.3F
09:03:21 *** boricua has joined #gnucash
09:03:49 <boricua> hola
09:04:10 *** boricua is now known as kid
09:04:31 <kid> hi anyone
09:07:13 <kid> hi anyone
09:11:21 <kid> does this progran can be used by an accountant? does it supports many customers for accounting service?
09:15:25 <jsled> It could be used by an accountant, yes. I know of no reason why it couldn't.
09:15:43 <jsled> One would want to have a separate datafile for each customer.
09:16:24 <kid> does it have templates for chart of accounts
09:16:35 <kid> different ones
09:16:42 <jsled> some, yes.
09:16:50 <kid> how many?
09:19:05 <jsled> There's primarily 17 ... some languages don't have them all translated.
09:19:35 <kid> is it better than peachtree
09:19:58 <jsled> I don't know anything about Peachtree; I'd be hesitant to make such a subjective statement in any case.
09:20:47 <kid> does it works with solaris 10?
09:21:10 <kid> or it has some problems
09:21:51 <jsled> I'm not sure; we do take care to remain portable, and I know we've built on solaris in the past, but I don't recall any recent reports.
09:21:54 <jsled> (either way)
09:23:04 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:23:07 <kid> do you know if some in puerto rico use it?
09:23:19 *** BlackBsd has joined #GnuCash
09:23:21 <warlord> 1.8.x works on Solaris. I haven't tried 2.0 or 2.1/2.2 yet
09:23:31 <warlord> kid: You should ask on gnucash-user
09:24:12 <kid> i email several times but no answers
09:24:26 <kid> emailed
09:24:31 <warlord> I haven't seen any emails asking these questions.
09:24:50 <kid> what is the email address?
09:26:04 <warlord> See https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/
09:29:01 *** fell_was_frank has joined #gnucash
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09:50:06 *** suzi has joined #gnucash
09:51:02 <suzi> I'm trying to install gnucash. I have compiled using terminal and MacPorts but it failed to run. I found out that I still needed X11. I'm trying to figure out how to change my profile in X11 to the proper path. Sorry such a newbie!
09:51:20 <jsled> "profile"?
09:52:30 <jsled> You might have more luck with a mac support channel ....
09:53:16 <warlord> suzi: from the Xterm, just run /opt/local/bin/gnucash
09:53:49 <hampton> So now that 2.1.0 has appeared out of nowhere, should I still finish converting the Account and QofInstance objects from public->private instance variables, or should I postpone that until after 2.2?
09:53:59 <jsled> I'd say wait, or branch.
09:54:06 <jsled> And why do you say "out of nowhere"?
09:54:08 <hampton> Personally I'd like to finish and have at least one object fully converted for the 2.2 relesae.
09:54:22 <warlord> hampton: I think it's safe to keep working on it for now.
09:54:58 <chris> why does our release process feel like an out-of-control train? :(
09:55:01 <hampton> I had forgotten about the schedule, and also thought that it was a talking proposal not an agreed upon schedule.
09:55:19 <hampton> because you have clueless people like me?
09:55:49 <warlord> heh
09:56:22 <hampton> chris: does that statement mean you think I should wait?
09:58:08 <chris> hampton: no, I don't think you should wait.
09:58:36 <hampton> k.
09:59:49 <chris> I'm just disappointed that we've created a situation where the question has to be asked.
10:00:10 <jsled> what do you mean?
10:00:25 <hampton> Blame warlord for that GObject commit. :-) Thats what got me started.
10:00:33 <warlord> LOL
10:00:38 <warlord> Yep, all my fault. ;)
10:00:43 <hampton> If I'd realized the 2.1.0 release was so close I might not have started.
10:00:50 <hampton> I have a set of finished changes for the splits and balances field that passes 'make check'. I want to write one test case before committing.
10:01:34 <hampton> The final set of Account changes is for the currency fields and seems to work properly when running gnucash, bod doesn't pass 'make check'. I have to spend some more time trying to track down why.
10:01:55 <chris> I just think it's an inconvenient and risky time to cut a 2.1.0.
10:02:34 <warlord> chris: why? because of GSoC?
10:02:45 <warlord> (and it's too late for that -- 2.1.0 has been cut)
10:03:26 <chris> warlord: more because of the state of the tree in general.
10:03:40 <warlord> Hmm
10:04:28 <warlord> So, what's wrong with the tree in general?
10:04:41 <jsled> I'm not quite sure what you're referring to, either.
10:07:01 <hampton> I'm disappointed that we're having another release with the old register code. I'd rather ship the new register (which I admittedly haven't looked at yet.)
10:07:09 <chris> I'll just say that I think our release schedule seems to be more driven by dates than by code state.
10:08:05 <chris> Anyway, I don't really feel like griping about it, so I'll be quiet now.
10:08:42 <warlord> hampton: we can''t ship with the new register; it's not complete, and right now nobody is working on it.
10:08:49 <jsled> hampton: I am too. But in the absence of the work getting done, it just is what it is.
10:08:53 <hampton> I know, and I understand the reasons.
10:09:40 <hampton> Lets see... We're in the middle of the old qof to the gobject qof transition, we're in the middle of rewriting all the scheme code (sans reports) to C.... what else are we in the middle of?
10:10:17 <warlord> The year?
10:10:18 <warlord> ;)
10:10:21 <jsled> heh
10:10:36 <hampton> lol
10:11:05 <hampton> I can think of several other things I'm in the middle of. Mostly messes. ;-)
10:11:31 <warlord> Well, nothing says that we couldn't have another release after GSoC if we've got successful students.
10:19:04 <hampton> Release early, release often?
10:19:16 <jsled> word
10:22:53 <warlord> Well, something like that.
10:23:44 <suzi> warloard: thanks so much! it took a while to load the first time, but I have it now. THANK YOU!
10:23:59 <warlord> suzi: you're welcome.
10:24:08 <warlord> enjoy your gnucashing.
10:24:30 <suzi> Hopefully the rest of it goes easier! I learned a lot through this process though.
10:24:55 <warlord> we really need someone to finish the gtk-macos port, and then we need a .dmg installer for gnucash if we can swing it.
10:32:28 *** minDscrm has joined #gnucash
10:38:55 *** scy has joined #gnucash
10:40:09 <scy> hi.
10:40:20 <jsled> hello.
10:43:04 <scy> i have a litte problem with printing my envoice. using an alternative language (german instead of english) for the ui, the right border gets cropped. using the default language, there is everything ok
10:43:13 <scy> is there anything i can do against this behavior?
10:43:38 <warlord> which invoice?
10:43:45 <warlord> (there are three)
10:43:47 <scy> its gnucash 2.0.5
10:44:05 <scy> iirc all of them. but wait.
10:47:34 <scy> the fance invoice is the only invoice which gehts printed properly
10:47:49 <scy> because it doesn't contain all the elements of the other invoices
10:48:15 <warlord> Hmm.
10:48:28 <scy> i have already removed some unneded columns but its still to wide
10:49:36 <warlord> Could you show a screenshot and/or a pdf?
10:49:37 <scy> it is not really to wide. the german and the english version have the same width, but only the english one gets rammed
10:49:40 <scy> yeah
10:50:21 <warlord> "rammed"?
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10:50:51 <scy> eh, can't find the right word :)
10:51:11 <scy> the table width gets adjusted to the page width
10:51:33 <fell_was_frank> scy: do you mean framed (gerahmt)?
10:52:06 <scy> http://choerbaert.org/scy/tmp/gnucash_wrong.pdf http://choerbaert.org/scy/tmp/gnucash_right.pdf
10:52:19 <warlord> Ahh, yes, the Printable Invoice does adjust itself.
10:52:22 <scy> no, gestaucht
10:52:35 <scy> warlord: yeah, but not with the german interface
10:55:02 <warlord> Oh, I see. The problem is that there's no way to split it.
10:55:32 <fell_was_frank> Our words are too long ...
10:55:33 <scy> hm, yeah. the english version consists of more shorter words
10:55:36 <warlord> Yep.
10:55:36 <scy> :(
10:55:50 <scy> damn
10:55:52 <warlord> You'd need a smaller fontsize.
10:55:57 <warlord> Or.. Use the Fancy Invoice.
10:56:09 <warlord> Sorry.
10:56:10 <scy> the fancy doesn't contain all needed columns
10:56:21 <scy> is there any way to set the fontsize?
10:56:45 <warlord> "needed columns"?
10:57:19 <warlord> What columns do you need that aren't available in the report?
10:57:59 <scy> taxes
10:58:41 <warlord> Sure you can!
10:58:50 <warlord> Have you looked in the Report Options?
10:59:01 <scy> yeah, but then the table gets too wide, again
10:59:37 <hampton> mumble mumble. I forgot to commit a patch (six months ago) to solve a problem with the price dialog caused by all the long german words......
10:59:48 <scy> oh, no, maybe that works
10:59:56 <andi5> hampton: do not blame us again ;-)
11:00:04 <scy> :)
11:00:26 <scy> so i have to use the fance invoice, hm.
11:00:36 <hampton> I'm sure its not just german.... :-)
11:00:54 <warlord> Well, German is probably the worst.
11:01:10 <andi5> hm.... i still have to test that against swedish :)
11:01:24 <warlord> In English we have multi-word phrases that are single long words in German.. So in English the column header can be line-wrapped, but it can't in German.
11:01:34 <scy> yes
11:02:04 *** gnucash-user has left #gnucash
11:02:28 <fell_was_frank> What about "Zwischen- summe"?
11:02:31 <andi5> wow... a mailing list in an irc channel? ... waddit nicht alles gibt
11:03:34 <warlord> fell_was_frank: that would need to get done in the translation. Send email to your translator.
11:04:12 <fell_was_frank> OK
11:04:21 <andi5> indeed... i think the gtk widgets that wrap allow to specify "Zwischen-\n summe"
11:04:34 <andi5> "- "
11:07:59 <andi5> warlord, hampton: have you taken a look at the transfer dialog yet? i want to have that issue fixed mentally
11:08:58 <warlord> mentally?
11:09:05 <warlord> You want to fix it in your head? ;)
11:10:01 <andi5> yep, i think yoga and autogenic training will heal the world
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11:11:09 <fell_was_frank> Wait, I think, it would be better, to have Subtotal/Zwischensumme below Description/Beschreibung instead of below date/Datum
11:11:44 <warlord> Send a patch ;)
11:12:44 <fell_was_frank> Could we also join the table cells?
11:13:36 <warlord> sure
11:14:26 <fell_was_frank> Ok, I will have a look for it
11:16:19 <scy> is there any option to add the senders name and address to an invoice?
11:18:57 *** USER01 has joined #gnucash
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11:20:08 <USER01> hello
11:20:30 <warlord> scy: Did you set your company information in File -> Properties ?
11:20:49 <jsled> hello
11:21:04 <USER01> I need some help with the new windows version
11:21:17 <USER01> The external program "AqBanking Setup Wizard" has not been found.
11:21:44 <scy> warlord: oh, thanks. couldn't find this entry
11:21:53 <andi5> hmm... we should build that....
11:22:21 <warlord> andi5: I thought we DID build that?
11:22:49 <andi5> only if the packager explicitly says so, ... and even then the user has to download a qt-runtime-package
11:22:56 <andi5> i am not sure this is documented very well... yet
11:23:06 <andi5> i am going to reboot soon and look what i can do
11:23:12 <fell_was_frank> scy: did you read "2.1.4. Anpassungen am Rechnungsformular "invoice.scm"" in http://linuxwiki.de/GnuCash?
11:23:20 <andi5> i guess 2.1.0 will not support aqbanking though
11:24:45 <warlord> the default build doesn't build AqBanking support?
11:24:54 <USER01> Ist vielleicht jemand aus Deutschland hier?
11:25:01 <andi5> it does not build the qt3-wizard
11:25:03 <andi5> ja
11:25:05 <fell_was_frank> Nö
11:25:11 <USER01> aha
11:25:11 <scy> fell_was_frank: just scanned it, but thanks. should be everything clear now
11:25:28 <USER01> dann frage ich doch mal lieber auf Deutsch:
11:25:43 <andi5> warlord: sorry, i did not speak true by saying "aqbanking is not supported"...
11:26:04 <USER01> Wie richte ich in der aktuellen Windows Version ein Online Konto ein?
11:26:26 <USER01> Der Einrichtungsassistent bricht immer mit o.g. Fehlermeldung ab
11:26:45 <fell_was_frank> Ich hab kei windows mehr, seit ELSTER mir das zerlegt hat
11:26:48 <andi5> USER01: have you used linux before?
11:27:06 <USER01> no, i am still on windows :-(
11:27:28 <andi5> USER01: ok, ... i just wondered whether you can take your existing configuration and use that
11:28:25 <andi5> USER01: see http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/AqBanking ... there are hints how to use the command line
11:28:53 <andi5> sorry to say that... we need a fix, indeed
11:29:19 <warlord> andi5: okay.
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11:30:11 <USER01> mist, nun ist er schon weg
11:30:43 <fell_was_frank> Ich glaub, der bastelt was für Dich ;)
11:30:45 <USER01> noch jemand der mit helfen kann, oder ist das ein generelles Problem mit der Windows Version
11:30:58 <USER01> das wäre gut
11:31:52 <fell_was_frank> Ja nun gib dem Andi doch mal ne Viertelstunde Zeit, um einen Patch zu bauen
11:32:16 <USER01> ok
11:32:21 <USER01> wollte nicht drängeln
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11:33:37 <andi5> let me first download 2.0.1 :)
11:33:40 <andi5> 2.1.0, i mean
11:34:40 <andi5> USER01: have you checked the wiki page i mentioned above already?
11:35:08 <USER01> ich arbeite dran
11:37:13 <USER01> die Anleitung scheint nur für das PIN/TAN Verfahren zu funktionieren, ich nutze HBCI mit Chipkarte
11:42:50 <andi5> hm... ich bin leider nicht der aqbanking-profi, ... ich würde dir für solche fragen empfehlen, dich unter https://lists.gnucash.org/mailman/listinfo/gnucash-de anzumelden und die frage zu posten .... da gibt es deutlich mehr leute, die sich mit aqbanking, hbci & chipkarten auskennen
11:44:47 <andi5> der fehler "AqBanking Setup Wizard" has not been found" ist hierbei nur insofern von bedeutung, als dass dafür erst dessen bau standardmäßig aktiviert werden muss und der benutzer die qt-runtime herunterlädt und installiert (zu groß, um sie dazuzupacken) .... d.h. du brauchst erstmal eine lösung über kommandozeile (wenn es eine gibt)
11:45:18 *** minDscrm has joined #gnucash
11:45:21 <USER01> ok
11:45:43 <andi5> USER01: ich gehe mal davon aus, du kennst den unterschied zwischen 2.1.0 und 2.2.0 ;-)
11:45:56 <andi5> (leider hier etwas krass zu beobachten)
11:45:57 <USER01> ja, habe ich gelesen :-)
11:46:10 <USER01> dachte ich könnte mal ein wenig testen
11:46:27 <andi5> USER01: gnucash ist mehr als nur aqbanking...
11:46:48 <andi5> (oder homebanking)
11:47:25 <USER01> hoffentlich, warte so lange mein WISO Banking endlich loszuwerden
11:48:39 <USER01> ich melde mich dann mal bei der Liste an und freue mich auf 2.2.0. Danke für die Hilfe!
11:49:21 <andi5> USER01: natürlich noch ein kommentar: this is open source and everybody is invited to contribute :)
11:51:17 <USER01> wird kommen, ich betreibe selber ein Open Source Project (www.joomleague.de) da werde ich natürlich auch GnuCash etwas spenden
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11:52:43 <USER01> aber erstmal muss ich es ans laufen bekommen
11:54:23 <andi5> USER01: wenn dir etwas auffällt was wie ein programmfehler aussieht, dann mach mal einen bug report auf bugzilla.gnome.org (auf englisch natürlich)... das würde schon helfen :)
12:01:26 <dbr> The tail end of the failed macintel build log is at http://www.pastebin.ca/444901
12:02:12 <dbr> If you want the whole ~1MB log pasted, let me know, or let me know where to send/post a compressed version (40KB)
12:02:21 <warlord> No, that should be good enough.
12:04:54 <USER01> O.K. bis dann!
12:05:07 <andi5> USER01: bye
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12:07:25 *** dbr is now known as dbr-afk
12:07:39 <andi5> dbr-afk: do you use xcode?
12:09:11 <andi5> http://lists.ximian.com/pipermail/mono-osx/2007-March/000847.html says """I upgraded to XCode 2.4.1 and it all builds fine now.""" ... sounds like that would be a wonderful solution for us too ;-)
12:10:43 <warlord> Hmm, I've got 2.4.1 on my MacPPC..
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12:10:59 <warlord> But I dont have a MacIntel handy.
12:11:10 <andi5> warlord: you know what handy means in german ;-)
12:11:23 <warlord> no?
12:11:29 <warlord> Oh, yes.
12:11:31 <warlord> cell phone.
12:11:35 <andi5> exactly ;-)
12:12:44 <hampton> isn't that too short a word to be german? ;-)
12:13:22 <jsled> heh.
12:13:30 <andi5> it is imported
12:14:05 <jsled> BTW, as you're all basically around: I unilaterally changed the app icon, though I felt justified by it's clear awesomeness. If it's a problem, please speak up.
12:14:51 <andi5> jsled: i like it nonetheless :)
12:15:00 <jsled> (s/it's/its/. Grr.)
12:15:19 <hampton> Handy was the code name for the Atari Lynx handheld game console that came out ~12 years ago.
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12:30:09 <fell_was_frank> andi5: What did you mean with "wow... a mailing list in an irc channel"?
12:30:43 <andi5> fell_was_frank: http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/2007-04-17.html#T11:02:04
12:31:04 <warlord> I dont get it.
12:31:16 <andi5> do not mind, simply ignore me
12:31:17 <jsled> 'gnucash-user' as a nick.
12:31:23 <warlord> Oh.
12:32:49 <fell_was_frank> Nice.
12:34:18 <warlord> Amusing
12:35:21 *** steve-e has joined #gnucash
12:35:52 <andi5> damnit, kevin made very good point about default/custom... i hate good points ;-) .... let us fix it again ....
12:36:21 <jsled> heh
12:36:26 <warlord> "default/custom"?
12:37:03 <andi5> oh, 15912.... it is about the windows configuration file which does not allow to easily set a different GLOBAL_DIR (c:\soft) now
12:37:32 <chris> andi5: [belated] Fanstastic job on bug #364946.
12:37:46 <andi5> chris: so does it work for you? :)
12:37:58 <andi5> oh, wrong bug id? .... one moment
12:38:19 <andi5> :-)
12:38:54 <andi5> chris: cstim knew the number by heart ;-)
12:39:39 <chris> I'm pretty sure I spent many long hours being bitten by that one, and I could never figure out why.
12:40:45 <andi5> thank god it is fixed now :)
12:46:02 <warlord> Well, it's only fixed in current versions of GTK. I doubt Fedora or Debian or Gentoo are going to apply that patch to older versions.
12:46:43 <andi5> warlord: to be honest.... that is not my problem / job
12:46:58 <andi5> these bugs are easily identified and closed
12:48:27 <andi5> i may feel different if there was a trivial workaround
12:48:43 <warlord> Heh.
12:48:57 <warlord> Yeah, I wish there were an easy workaround we could do, but alas..
12:49:08 <warlord> At least we know that 6+ months from now people will have it fixed ;)
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13:16:39 <chris> Is there no interest in fixing the 2.1.0 tag?
13:17:15 <andi5> chris: please just do it
13:17:26 <chris> Or do we just not know which revision to tag?
13:17:59 <jsled> shouldn't the 2.1.0 tarball have the revision number in it?
13:19:26 <chris> It should have _a_ revision number in it. Can we say that it's correct?
13:20:14 <jsled> why wouldn't it be?
13:23:05 <chris> well, maybe if 15896 was snuck into the tarball?
13:24:10 <chris> but, maybe it doesn't matter so much if the win32 build isn't what's tagged.
13:25:49 <chris> but that's pretty strange when they're all called "2.1.0" on sf.net.
13:26:53 <andi5> the only difference is a missing doc/README.dependencies file... tell me one windows user that cares ;-)
13:27:50 <chris> andi5: are you sure?
13:28:27 <andi5> maybe i missed something, but the tarball is 15892 and win32 binary is r15896, right?
13:29:46 <warlord> I think the win32 binary is 15892 + 15896 (but not 15893-15895)
13:31:02 <chris> It looks like the tarball is 15892
13:33:21 <chris> I'll move the tag to 15892
13:35:06 <warlord> ok
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13:43:24 <warlord> thanks, chris
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14:04:29 <chris> np. I'm cursed with caring.
14:04:45 <warlord> LOL.
14:04:55 <warlord> Thank you, Adrian.
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14:38:46 <dbr> andi5: yes I have xcode (it's how the mac folk get gcc installed), but I don't use the IDE that Apple is talking about when they say xCode
14:39:12 <dbr> I'm using 2.4.1 - I'll pass the suggestion back to the macintel user to see what he is using
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14:39:40 <andi5> dbr: do you have an intel machine or not? :)
14:39:54 <dbr> no intel machine for me yet.
14:40:10 <andi5> i see.... would be very interesting to know :)
14:40:23 <dbr> I purposely bought a ppc at the end of life so I could avoid the startup hassles
14:40:31 <warlord> heh
14:40:47 <warlord> Maybe I can borrow my housemate's MacIntel to do some dev work..
14:41:22 <dbr> My daughter may end up with the first macintel in the family, but she's away at school
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14:48:19 <hampton> jsled: Did you see this about a Gentoo tattoo? http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-549630.html
14:48:30 <jsled> I did ... crazy.
14:48:43 <jsled> Mostly because it's so large, though.
14:49:05 <jsled> If you're going to devote that much space to a tat, there's way better things to put on it.
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14:50:04 <hampton> true
14:51:57 <andi5> do you think he got stinged(?) 1310720 times?
14:55:21 <hampton> Saw this on the net and had to grab it.... http://www.love2code.net/spock.gif
14:59:20 <warlord> cute
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15:31:56 <andi5> warlord: what do you think about http://pastebin.ca/raw/445224 ? (it actually seems to work)
15:33:20 <warlord> andi5: what's the first line mean?
15:34:20 <andi5> the very first? oh... that one is not new, it just lets emacs choose shell-script-mode... i guess i forgot about file variables when i wrote the script (or just wanted it to be done)
15:34:50 <warlord> No, the first non-comment
15:35:00 <warlord> [ "$__SOURCED_DEFAULTS" ] && return
15:35:00 <warlord> __SOURCED_DEFAULTS=1
15:35:02 <warlord> What's this?
15:35:39 <andi5> that way you cannot (accendentically?) include defaults (and custom) twice
15:35:58 <warlord> ah
15:36:17 <andi5> e.g. add_step has not been safe before (it will be now, because adding a step will mean that it cannot be added again)
15:36:40 <warlord> ok
15:37:35 <andi5> http://pastebin.ca/raw/445234 is the head of functions
15:44:24 <warlord> ah.ok
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16:59:10 <tedcx> Is it possible to create a general ledger using only .qif imports?
16:59:44 <jsled> What do you mean "create a general ledger"?
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17:03:33 <warlord> You cannot create empty accounts via the QIF import (except "placeholder" style accounts)
17:18:22 <tedcx> If I use qif category:subcategory that winds up as "LAssets:Current Assets:Checking Account:wellsfargo" in the .qif file, I get an Assets2 Account Name\
17:19:17 <warlord> tedcx: different currency?
17:20:07 <tedcx> better yet is there an qif category/subcategory to Account Name mapping?
17:20:09 <tedcx> USD
17:21:52 <warlord> tedcx: yes, one of the druid pages.
17:23:20 <warlord> Huh.. Everything is USD?
17:23:30 <warlord> I dont recall why it would create a secondary account then.
17:28:04 <tedcx> no, I mean one that I can use to set up the qif files to begin with I.e. if I want an entry into Assets->Current Assets->Checking Account->wellsfargo, the "L" line in the qif file should read Assets:Current Assets:Checking Account:wellsfargo
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17:31:49 <warlord> Um, that would do it.
17:35:25 <tedcx> If the wellsfargo account already exists the qif lines D08/31/2006 \nU1.52\n T1.52\n PInterest Payment\n LAssets:Current Assets:Checking Account:wf8351246 creates a second Assets2 Account with the "2" added to all the accounts in the new subtree
17:42:14 <warlord> tedcx: what are the account types of each of the Assets:Current Assets:Checking Account:wf8351246 accounts?
17:42:20 <warlord> (and what are the currencies)
17:42:40 <warlord> The QIF importer should only create the secondary sets of accounts if it doesn't think that the account types match..
17:43:04 <tedcx> If the wellsfargo account doesn't exist, the druid claims to map to "new account" wellsfargo but in reality the account is set up under the Assets2 tree with a QIF import: name conflict with another account Descriptin
17:43:22 <tedcx> the currencies are all USD
17:46:01 <warlord> What version of gnucash?
17:46:29 <warlord> Like I said, it /should/ only create the new set of accounts of the account tree doesn't match.
17:51:41 <tedcx> I agree, but it doesn't appear to. gnucash 2.0.5
17:52:17 <tedcx> I can sanitize the file and send..
17:53:00 <warlord> Can you sanitize and attach to a bug report?
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18:32:03 <fell_was_frank> webmaster: http://svn.gnucash.org/docs/HEAD/index.html#manualguide: <a href="http://www.gnucash.org/en/docs.phtml">documentation page</a> should be w/o /en/
18:32:52 <jsled> Huh. Or /en/ should work...
18:33:21 <fell_was_frank> The requested URL /en/docs.phtml was not found on this server.
18:33:26 * jsled nods
18:33:50 <jsled> We do have an en/ dir ... it's just not setup appropriately in the "new" web server config.
18:35:13 <fell_was_frank> Never touch a running system ;)
18:35:19 <jsled> fell_was_frank: updated; will be regenerated tonight.
18:35:21 <jsled> thanks!
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18:42:47 <fell_was_frank> Where can I find a step by step instruction, to set up an test environment for the svn version?
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18:43:26 <fell_was_frank> I don't want to kill my production version
18:43:44 <tedcx> is there a way to include files for bug reports?
18:47:37 <tedcx> sent a bug report for duplicate Asset accounts in with the qif file included.
18:49:42 <fell_was_frank> tedcx: you can login at bugzilla, select the bug and create an attachment. or mail to gnucash-devel or use pastebin - afaik
18:53:39 <tedcx> I sure don't see an attachment? The qif file is in the report. Good thing I filed an extension...
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19:15:27 <andi5> tedcx: do you see the "additional comments" text area? the next is the first "save changes" button, followed by an attachment box... currently there is none, so the only possible action is to "create a new attachment"
19:16:58 <andi5> tedcx: note that you can only add attachments to existing bugs... you cannot feed them in while _creating_ the bug
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20:12:06 <warlord> tedcx: After you create the bug you can click the "Attach file to report" link to attach the file. Please please PLEASE do not INLINE the QIF
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20:39:10 <dbr> @tell andi5 upgrading to xcode 2.4.1 doesn't solve the multiple definitions linking problem on intel macs. :(
20:39:10 <gncbot`> dbr: The operation succeeded.
20:44:14 <warlord> dbr: I think we just need to change the APIs back to <libfoo_name>_<symbol>.. (actually, it used to be <libfoo_name>_LTX_<symbol> but I dont think we need the LTX)
20:44:56 <warlord> @tell andi5 <warlord> dbr: I think we just need to change the APIs back to <libfoo_name>_<symbol>.. (actually, it used to be <libfoo_name>_LTX_<symbol> but I dont think we need the LTX)
20:44:56 <gncbot`> warlord: The operation succeeded.
20:45:03 <warlord> @nick gncbot
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20:45:20 <dbr> That would be nice -- how much work is that?
20:46:11 <warlord> Probably an hour or two. It would require a change to gnc_module.c and then a change to every gncmod_*.c in the tree.
20:47:28 <dbr> sounds easy, but irritating
20:47:42 <warlord> Yep.
20:48:46 <warlord> It's mostly code-monkey work. The hardest part would be gnc-module.c, changing the code to make the symbol names dynamic strings instead of hard-coded strings (so you'd need to use g_strdup_printf() for each of the names and then free the strings after you use them).
20:49:07 <warlord> I can work on that part if you want to work on the code-monkey part and send me the patch ;)
20:50:10 <dbr> hmm. you seem to be suggesting that my efforts wouldn't make it worse...
20:50:30 <dbr> or take longer to audit than to write
20:50:35 <warlord> LOL
20:51:50 <warlord> It's not that hard to, say, edit src/engine/gncmod-engine.c and change gnc_module_ to libgncmod_engine_gnc_module_ -- And yes, auditing that would be MUCH faster than doing it for me.
20:52:13 <dbr> ok. I'll take a stab at it
20:52:27 <dbr> where's my sledge keyboard???
20:52:40 <warlord> hahahah
21:14:50 <dbr> So, the code-monkey needs some training http://www.pastebin.ca/445696
21:15:11 <dbr> a very literal interpretation of your comment -- is it that simple?
21:15:56 <warlord> Yep.
21:16:00 <warlord> That's it.
21:16:20 <dbr> hiho, hiho, it's off to the mines for me...
21:17:09 <warlord> (but the hardest part, of course, is making sure you have the right libgncmod_* for each one
21:17:38 <dbr> yeah, but that seems to require only a bit of thought...
21:17:53 <warlord> or looking in Makefile.am
21:18:37 <dbr> ah. imagine that, a map (as it were). Is this one Makefile.am, or one in each directory?
21:19:23 <warlord> in each directory.
21:19:46 <dbr> thanks. I'll start in.
21:20:01 <warlord> great
21:44:22 <warlord> back in a while..
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22:12:40 <dbr> warlord-afk: onomatopoeia fails me, but http://www.pastebin.ca/445743
22:46:55 <tedcx> Well the qif file has been attached to Bug #430834
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