2007-04-14 GnuCash IRC logs
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00:37:38 <henri> how do i debug online OFX transactions?
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01:26:04 <dbr> henri: what is happening with your online ofx transactions?
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01:30:25 <henri> i think i found hte problem. i changed banks and the new one uses the account types in the OFX transaction
01:30:37 <henri> while the old one used to just use "checking" for everything
01:30:49 <henri> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=1166417564.7264.12.camel%40tunnel.physique.usherbrooke.ca&forum_name=libofx-devel
01:30:59 <henri> i'm trying those 2 patches
01:33:46 <dbr> glad to hear it. I haven't had troubles with that yet, so I don't know if those patches work. But I'm pretty sure they were included with libofx 0.8.3 (so someone thinks they work)
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01:34:44 <dbr> at least in some cases, aqbanking keeps a log of the incoming ofx data in /tmp/read.bin
01:34:59 <henri> looks like they are not in 0.8.3, but will be in 0.8.4
01:35:09 <henri> thanks, i didn't know that about /tmp/read.bin
01:35:15 <dbr> I think it resets the file each day, but I'm not certain of that frequency
01:40:47 <henri> hmm, i have a /tmp/gnucash.trace but no read.bin. did i need to compile aqbanking with any special options?
01:41:12 <henri> i'm using gnucash 2.0.5 and aqbanking 2.2.3
01:42:10 <dbr> I don't know, but I suspect there is some switch.
01:43:17 <dbr> maybe that gets left out of the tarball version. I compile aqbanking from svn
01:44:45 <dbr> nothing in my config switches looks even remotely like a log level setting
01:46:33 <henri> do you know where the OFX info is stored? is it in the main gnucash data file?
01:47:04 <dbr> once it is imported, I don't think it is stored as anything but gnucash transaction data
01:47:35 <dbr> if you mean the connection setup data, that's in ~/.banking
01:48:42 <dbr> there is some additional setup data, like the link between aqbanking 'users' and gnucash accounts that must be stored in the gconf files or gnucash data file somewhere
01:50:06 <henri> ~/.banking looks promising
01:51:43 <dbr> all of that data, except for certificates, is changeable through the online banking setup wizard in gnucash -- launches the aqbanking setup wizard from there
01:53:30 <henri> well, the wizard doesn't seem to let me delete anything. i backed up the settings.conf and nuked a bunch of my accounts
01:55:21 <dbr> yeah, delete wasn't activated until aqbanking 2.2.9
01:55:56 <dbr> maybe 2.2.8
01:56:27 <dbr> I used to get frustrated by the presence of the delete button when it didn't do anything
01:57:03 <henri> which svn branch are you using?
01:57:14 <henri> 2.2.x or 2.9.x?
01:57:57 <dbr> 2.2.x -- the 2.9.x isn't yet advertised as even compiling yet
01:58:20 <dbr> I think I may have found a way to turn on logs. gotta check my environment variables.
02:00:30 <dbr> I have GWEN_SSL_DEBUG=1 in my environment. That might be setting the read.bin and write.bin file creation
02:01:18 <dbr> the aqbanking readme talks about setting AQOFX_LOG_COMM, which will then log all ofx comms to /tmp/ofx.log
02:01:47 <dbr> it does warn that your security is reduced by these actions (passwords are not concealed)
02:02:46 <henri> thanks for your help, i gotta call it a night. rebuilding with aqbanking 2.2.9 and then i'll try the envvars
02:03:33 <dbr> good luck. past my bedtime too.
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13:38:23 <cstim> @seen wilddev
13:38:23 <gncbot> cstim: wilddev was last seen in #gnucash 6 days, 22 hours, 5 minutes, and 25 seconds ago: <Wilddev> hampton2: guess I'm not part of the 'in' crowd anymore
13:40:26 <cstim> @tell wilddev Are you going to make a release tonight? http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Release_Schedule says so and I'd appreciate it. I've added a draft announcement at http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Announcement_2.1.0 ; feel free to use it or something similar.
13:40:26 <gncbot> cstim: The operation succeeded.
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13:41:53 <cstim> hi andi5
13:41:59 <andi5> hi cstim
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13:42:42 <andi5> marvellous weather today... i have a few question nonetheless :)
13:43:22 <andi5> i wonder how windows should be made,... from tarball, a fixed trunk revision checkout or from tags/?
13:43:27 <cstim> yes, great weather
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13:43:36 <andi5> windows builds, i mean
13:44:01 <cstim> fixed trunk revision, I'd say.
13:44:03 <andi5> i also think that packaging/ svn rev should match the actual source checkout somehow
13:44:46 * cstim has to feed Maia
13:45:03 <andi5> ok, ... if you have any idea and some time, just tell me :)
13:45:22 <cstim> @tell hampton In Account.c, the string "Root Account", is this ever user-visible? If yes, where? If not, it shouldn't be marked as translatable.
13:45:22 <gncbot> cstim: The operation succeeded.
13:45:29 <cstim> idea?
13:46:02 <cstim> I think the simplest implementation would be a fixed trunk revision, which can be adapted to whatever the packager likes.
13:46:16 <cstim> but the most "fool-proof" solution would clearly be tags.
13:46:44 <cstim> Apart from this, it only depends on the amount of work you want to put into this.
13:46:48 <andi5> my main question is whether i should add some magic to the scripts to ease the job
13:46:58 <andi5> of the distributor
13:47:07 <cstim> yes
13:47:46 <cstim> I wouldn't check the svn rev of packaging/ vs. the one of src, because the packaging/ is probably always modified due to local paths.
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13:49:23 <andi5> hm.... maybe it is easier to write a few lines how to switch packaging/ and respos/ to a different svn line (tag xyz), maybe even a script can do that
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14:14:43 <dwilson805> hello! When closing gnucash 2.0.5, is there any way to set an option to "autosave" my changes?
14:16:26 <andi5> i do not think so... but there is a save button and Ctrl-S :-)
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14:19:56 <dwilson805> Yes, I know. I am just scared I'll mess up and click the wrong button by mistake one day
14:20:15 <dwilson805> I hate giving Murphy yet another whack at me :)
14:20:17 <cstim> andi5: I think I'm off for tonight.
14:20:44 <andi5> cstim: see you... i am going to ask nathan whether he has special wishes
14:20:51 <hampton> .
14:20:51 <gncbot> hampton: Sent 35 minutes ago: <cstim> In Account.c, the string Root Account , is this ever user-visible? If yes, where? If not, it shouldn't be marked as translatable.
14:20:52 <andi5> have a nice evening
14:20:59 <hampton> cstim: I don't think its visible
14:23:55 <cstim> hampton: do you recall why you've marked it as translatable? :-)
14:24:05 <hampton> no.
14:24:23 <hampton> I just now marked it not translatable though.
14:24:28 <cstim> thanks.
14:24:37 <andi5> cstim: i think there is some _ mnemonic in the new account dialog... de translation :)
14:24:44 <andi5> in the title bar
14:24:58 <cstim> I was asking because iff it should be translated, finding a good translation for this key word is a non-trivial task.
14:25:06 <andi5> in case you intend to look at it soon
14:25:08 <cstim> andi5: title bar?
14:26:11 <andi5> yep, the dialog is showed as "_Neues Konto - [...]" in the window list
14:26:46 <cstim> oh, ok.
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14:31:58 <cstim> hampton: I hope you don't mind my lengthy i18n gobbledigoob in r15882 :-)
14:32:44 <hampton> not at all. Just found it interesting that you added the comments. That code was a straight port from Scheme to C so those strings were already present.
14:33:04 <cstim> The "number-to-word" mapping is surely a serious issue in i18n. Basically, every language would have to provide its very own function to do it, because the rules are *so much* different.
14:33:26 <cstim> The strings were already there? They haven't been marked for translation before - none of them occured in de.po before.
14:34:24 <cstim> src/scm/printing/number-to-words.scm didn't have any string marked as (_ ...) or (N_ ...)
14:34:36 <cstim> so for the translations, they are indeed new.
14:36:04 <cstim> Actually, this might be worth considering for the C version as well.
14:40:47 <hampton> you mean not marking the strings for translation?
14:41:06 <cstim> yes
14:43:47 <hampton> doesn't matter to me. I thought I was doing the right thing by marking the words for translation, but you're right that its more complex than just translating the individual words
14:44:49 <cstim> I think I'd actually propose to not mark the strings for translation. I'll try to find out whether there are separate libraries available that handle this kind of problem in a real i18n way. It's an interesting question :-)
14:49:39 <cstim> see ya
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15:11:57 *** dale has joined #gnucash
15:15:30 <dale> The Transaction Reminders doesn't include some scheduled transactions from earlier this month. How do I get them re-evaluated/entered?
15:19:40 <jsled> dale: when are they scheduled to occur "next"?
15:21:10 <dale> 4/1/2007, 4/5/2007, 4/13/2007
15:21:32 <jsled> In the SX Editor list, what is the "next" date?
15:22:28 <dale> 4/1/2007, 4/5/2007, 4/13/2007 is what the SX Editor shows.
15:22:36 <jsled> Oh, for 3 seperate SXes?
15:23:06 <dale> Yes. I've been out-of-town for a couple of weeks.
15:23:08 <jsled> So, when you do Since Last Run ... , they don't show up?
15:23:17 <dale> Correct.
15:23:30 <jsled> What version?
15:24:12 <dale> 2.0.1 on Ubuntu 6.10
15:24:48 <jsled> Is there anything printed to the console (or maybe in /tmp/gnucash.trace) when you invoice Since Last Run?
15:24:55 <jsled> What appears when you invoke SLR?
15:27:00 <dale> When I invoke SLR, I get one new line: qof_query_run: assertion `q->books' failed
15:27:34 <dale> I also see several lines like this: Invalid timestamp in data file. Look for a 'trn:date-posted' entry with a date of 1969-12-31 or 1970-01-01.
15:29:20 <jsled> Does any dialog appear at all when you invoke SLR?
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15:29:59 <dale> Yes, for a transaction due in ~8 days.
15:30:18 <jsled> Ah. And after you click "Forward"?
15:30:52 <dale> I've just clicked Cancel since I didn't see the "missing" ones.
15:32:30 <jsled> The druid puts Reminders on a separate page before the (Ready-)To-Create txn.
15:32:35 <jsled> s,txn,txns,
15:33:46 <dale> Thanks. That was it.
15:34:22 <dale> This system has had some time-based problems and I didn't want to make things worse when I realized I was missing some scheduled transactions.
15:34:27 * jsled nods
15:34:41 <jsled> FWIW, 2.2 just has a simple, single dialog, not a druid.
15:36:41 <dale> I converted to GnuCash in January. I had been using Quicken on Windows since ~1994; it was the last item keeping me from making my home a Microsoft-free zone.
15:37:18 <jsled> Is it working out as a replacement?
15:38:45 <dale> Yes. I still have some trouble remembering exactly how to enter some transactions. My wife is having more problems but she hasn't used it as much as I have.
15:40:07 <dale> Thinking like an accountant is hard for us non-accountants!
15:40:24 <jsled> indeed. It can be a bit tricky.
15:41:02 <jsled> I hope we can get to a point where gnucash has more conveniences for accounting for complex situations.
15:42:01 <jsled> More documentation would help, too, but ideally the app would afford the action, not need the docs to describe it.
15:44:30 <dale> While going through the SLR druid, can you choose which transactions to apply?
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15:45:01 <dale> For example, I don't have my wife's payroll stub and would like to delay entering it.
15:46:30 <dale> Nevermind, I just found "Postpone".
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17:06:14 <andi5> hampton: ping
17:06:35 <hampton> pong
17:06:50 <andi5> nice :)
17:07:17 <hampton> nice?
17:07:24 <hampton> naughty?
17:07:28 <andi5> exactly
17:07:42 <andi5> i have got http://pastebin.ca/raw/440194 for you... and a few questions :)
17:08:58 <andi5> i guess the change is similar in spirit to what you changed in the register, but i defaced the code a bit more :) ....
17:09:40 <andi5> 3 questions: (1) may you take a look at it / test it / complain?
17:09:57 <hampton> sur
17:09:59 <hampton> sure
17:10:03 <andi5> (2) what should happen if one presses <return> in the description entry? ... i am a bit confused :)
17:10:41 <andi5> (3) should this be backported? .... it is late, but i think it cannot really _break_ 2.0.x, because it has been broken already :)
17:10:49 <hampton> I believe the completion should be accepted and the default button clicked.
17:11:35 <andi5> wrt (2): sounds reasonable.... is that the behavior people are used from 1.8.x?
17:11:48 <hampton> this is just the transfer dialog completion, not the register completion. correct?
17:11:56 <andi5> correct
17:13:29 <hampton> For years I've been trying to ensure the gtk/gnome behavior where a <return> in any dialog text widget selects the default button. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone at this point.
17:13:57 <andi5> yep
17:14:34 <andi5> this has only been compiled against r15880, but i suppose it should work with HEAD
17:14:35 <hampton> If this fixes the problem I think it does, it should be backported.
17:15:02 <hampton> Let me commit my next batch of Account changes and I'll try out your patch.
17:15:37 <andi5> great :) ... i will see whether i can improve it meanwhile, especially the behavior on return
17:17:42 *** Wilddev has joined #gnucash
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17:20:58 <Wilddev> anyone about?
17:21:53 <andi5> hiho Wilddev
17:22:51 <Wilddev> hmm suppose I could just read the logs lol
17:22:58 <andi5> Wilddev: http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/2007-04-14.html#T13:40:26 (Wilddev != wilddev)
17:23:29 <Wilddev> andi5: hmm what's that?
17:23:38 <andi5> a link
17:23:45 <jsled> scroll up
17:23:53 <jsled> just a couple of lines/timestamps
17:23:53 <Wilddev> ok
17:24:09 * Wilddev reads
17:26:03 <Wilddev> @tell cstim Testing it and getting it ready this weekend, thanks for reminding me
17:26:03 <gncbot> Wilddev: The operation succeeded.
17:26:50 <Wilddev> so its definite no g-wrap anymore needed?
17:26:58 <andi5> righto
17:27:14 <andi5> but you need goffice and libgsf now
17:28:13 <Wilddev> aha cool
17:28:38 * Wilddev tests building
17:29:57 <andi5> hampton: update: http://pastebin.ca/raw/440223
17:35:58 <Wilddev> hmm, what pacakge does gtkprint come with?
17:36:09 <andi5> gtk+ 2.10 onwards
17:36:15 <Wilddev> ok
17:37:33 <Wilddev> and I notice we aren't listing goffice and libgsf ain the deps file, is that cause we are assuming they come with a gnome installation?
17:37:50 <Wilddev> oh sorry libgsf is there
17:38:17 <andi5> in what deps files? README.dependencies lists [lib]goffice
17:39:14 <Wilddev> I'm looking at doc/README.dependencies and dont see it...
17:39:55 <andi5> eek... i have not looked at that file yet... see the top-level one
17:40:00 <Wilddev> aha, there's 2 of them
17:40:07 <Wilddev> a little confusing
17:40:16 <andi5> indeed
17:40:27 <Wilddev> prehaps we should settle on one place :)
17:41:06 <andi5> please note that these files have not changed a lot between 2.0.x and trunk :)
17:41:11 <andi5> both
17:41:23 <Wilddev> yeah, I just didnt look closely at it b4
17:41:26 <Wilddev> lol
17:45:16 * andi5 runs make distcheck.... it is a long while ago since the last time :)
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18:50:35 <Wilddev> andi5: did it work
18:51:20 <andi5> i think so... automake 1.9 is buggy, it does not remove config.status.lineno.... i am doing a second test right now.... i have no clue about r15891 though
18:51:25 <Wilddev> gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../.. -I../../../../lib/libqof/qof -DG_LOG_DOMAIN=\"qof\" -pthread -I/usr/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/lib64/glib-2.0/include -I../../../../lib/libc -Wdeclaration-after-statement -g -O2 -Wall -Wunused -Wmissing-prototypes -Wmissing-declarations -Wno-unused -MT gnc-date.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/gnc-date.Tpo -c ../../../../lib/libqof/qof/gnc-date.c -fPIC -DPIC -o .libs/gnc-date.o
18:51:25 <Wilddev> In file included from ../../../../lib/libqof/qof/qofid.h:88,
18:51:25 <Wilddev> from ../../../../lib/libqof/qof/qof.h:76,
18:51:25 <Wilddev> from ../../../../lib/libqof/qof/gnc-date.c:50:
18:51:27 <Wilddev> ../../../../lib/libqof/qof/qofinstance.h:49:25: qof-gobject.h: No such file or directory
18:51:29 <Wilddev> make[6]: *** [gnc-date.lo] Error 1
18:51:31 <Wilddev> I got this
18:51:37 <andi5> yep, please update :)
18:51:43 <Wilddev> ok
18:53:18 <andi5> hampton: does make check work for you?
18:53:26 <hampton> yes
18:53:31 <andi5> cool
18:54:38 <hampton> I've been pulling my changes apart into sets that pass 'make check'. The remaining batch (changing balances and commodity) has a problem in 'make check' that I haven't tracked down yet.
18:54:53 <hampton> I'll probably split it into two to see where the problem lies.
18:55:22 <Wilddev> hmm is there any point to me running distcheck atm then?
18:55:34 <hampton> my changes are trunk only.
18:56:00 <Wilddev> yes I'm testing trunk for the 2.1 release
18:56:04 <hampton> oh, wait. andi5... were you asking if your changes passed make check for me?
18:56:35 <andi5> no, whether trunk will pass make check.... i suppose my changes will not break it more than yours :)
18:56:45 <hampton> trunk passes make check
18:56:57 <andi5> then it should pass make distcheck as well
18:57:16 <andi5> but i started my test on r15890 one minute before the commit email landed in my mail box :)
18:57:18 <Wilddev> hampton: do you want me to just test 2.1 on trunk or make a branch?
18:57:26 <hampton> sorry, thought you were looking at 2.0.x and not trunk.
18:57:36 <hampton> whatever is easier for you.
18:58:24 <Wilddev> its easier for me to just keep testing then split off a branch once we release 2.2, at least that's how we did it b4
18:58:55 <Wilddev> that' would require making a time for freezing new features tho
18:59:10 <hampton> right, just thinking that
18:59:29 <Wilddev> cstim put 21st as string freeze
19:01:16 <andi5> hampton: what do you think about fq on windows? should i try to hack _some_ solution for 2.2, or is there a chance for the c-rewrite?
19:01:30 <hampton> I think we should do a major push at reducing the number of bugzilla entries before we do a string freeze.
19:01:38 <andi5> (you reshuffled your priority queue....)
19:01:42 <jsled> that's a good idea.
19:01:45 <Wilddev> yeah that would be a great idea
19:01:51 <jsled> That always bites us.
19:02:02 <hampton> yes, i reshuffled my priority queue....
19:02:41 <Wilddev> we have 303 post 1.8 open bugs
19:02:44 <hampton> How hard would it be fore you to hack a solution?
19:03:42 <andi5> i think the only part i still had to solve was about parsing dates, but we envisioned some solution, so i assume not too hard
19:04:35 <andi5> ================================================
19:04:36 <andi5> gnucash-2.0.99 archives ready for distribution:
19:04:36 <andi5> gnucash-2.0.99.tar.gz
19:04:36 <andi5> ================================================
19:05:21 <Wilddev> cool
19:05:42 <Wilddev> I think I might make the actual release tomorrow
19:05:51 <Wilddev> give u guys time for any last minute additions
19:07:21 <andi5> Wilddev: i think that is fine :) for the other releases, there seems to be some consensus that saturdays would be even cooler :-D
19:08:03 <Wilddev> hmm, why sat in particular? (as I have always done them sunday b4)
19:08:13 <jsled> Indeed. It seemed like there were a couple of cases in the 2.0 cycle where everyone was going to bed sunday evening, then you joined, then there was maybe a problem.
19:08:42 <jsled> In a couple of cases, there was no -devel mail or IRC traffic about why there was no release.
19:08:50 <Wilddev> aha
19:09:34 <Wilddev> yes I had a problem with a failed disk on my email server one time too when I was making a release so couldnt email it out
19:09:46 <jsled> Plus, maybe, we'll get some Sunday installations of the freshness, accelerating the testing cycle. But that's a guess.
19:10:01 <jsled> s,the freshness,The Freshness, ;)
19:10:05 <andi5> i think it is a good guess...
19:10:17 <Wilddev> not reallya big deal for me in any case, was just curious
19:10:56 <Wilddev> I can release it tonite, if that is the case
19:11:02 <andi5> it is also a change for nathan (not the one here, but our win32 build master) to produce the binary setup
19:11:44 <andi5> s,change,chance,
19:12:37 <Wilddev> hmm I've been away a lot, another person I dont know
19:12:40 <Wilddev> lol
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19:15:35 <andi5> [ot] man, i can only recommend urxvt... it is so damn fast (did i really use gnome-terminal before?)
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19:27:10 <Wilddev> andi5: ok it passed distcheck for me now too, I'll make the release
19:28:21 <andi5> nice =)
19:31:43 <Wilddev> is everyone done with commits for tonight whie I do this?
19:33:58 <andi5> i suppose all suspects are on IRC or follow it nowadays...
19:34:06 <hampto1> sure
19:36:36 <Wilddev> ok
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20:32:55 <Wilddev> hmm
20:33:00 <Wilddev> jsled: still here?
20:34:25 *** rlaager has joined #gnucash
20:41:41 <Wilddev> hampto1: u here?
20:44:08 <hampto1> still here
20:44:49 <Wilddev> hampto1: the changelog seems to be last updated in 200 on trunk, is that right?
20:44:52 <Wilddev> 2006
20:45:27 <hampto1> we stopped doing changelog entries in favor of pulling the same information from subversion.
20:45:52 <hampto1> I'm not sure which svn command was intended do be used to retrieve the information.
20:45:57 <hampto1> chris: You around?
20:46:01 <Wilddev> ok, so do I need to worry about adding the files I'm changing for the release?
20:46:21 <hampto1> ??
20:46:31 <hampto1> Adding changelog info for them?
20:46:43 <Wilddev> usually I add that I've changed a couple of files
20:46:46 <Wilddev> yeah
20:47:05 <hampto1> no need to add that. it can be pulled out of the subversion log
20:47:27 <Wilddev> aha ok
20:48:06 <Wilddev> just no idea what to do for the release for this
20:48:15 <Wilddev> it was there in the 2.0 branch already
20:49:00 <hampto1> I don't know what command to tell you to to pull the information that used to be in the ChangeLog
20:49:16 <Wilddev> ok
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22:07:07 <Wilddev> ================================================
22:07:07 <Wilddev> gnucash-2.1.0. archives ready for distribution:
22:07:07 <Wilddev> gnucash-2.1.0..tar.gz
22:07:07 <Wilddev> ================================================
22:49:29 <Wilddev> btw, whatever script that was supposed to pull in the svn logs on make didnt work
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