2007-04-03 GnuCash IRC logs
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03:12:00 <atp> hey folks, quick question. my roommate accidently threw out some of my mail, including my bank statement. now, when i go to reconcile my accounts, there are a bunch of un-reconcilable entries from that month. how can i reconcile this month's bank statement without marking the transactions from that month as reconciled?
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06:07:23 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
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09:38:17 <jsled> warlord: [[[
09:38:21 <jsled> <warlord> I thought this bug has been fixed?
09:38:21 <jsled> <jsled> yeah, on trunk.
09:38:27 <jsled> ]]]; see http://svn.gnucash.org/trac/changeset/15439
09:38:34 <jsled> It should be fixed on branches/2.0/
09:39:24 <warlord> Well, I'm running current 2.0 and it's not fixed.
09:40:05 <jsled> Could be a different bug.
09:45:32 <warlord> could be
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10:40:24 <hampton> Now this is just weird: http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/ap070403.html
10:41:42 <jsled> indeed.
10:45:52 <warlord> Neat.
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11:15:39 <hampton> [ot] warlord: thanks for the link to the ATC file yesterday.
11:19:25 <warlord> you're welcome.
11:19:31 <warlord> i found it quite amusing
11:20:47 <hampton> I did too. The controller was having a bad day.
11:21:18 <hampton> Of course, when you've got an hour's worth of departures backed up, I can see how one might lose track of all the planes.
11:23:34 <warlord> I suppose.
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12:22:30 <zentux> hallo zusammen
12:23:16 <andi5> zentux: hello! (please keep in mind that this is an english channel :-))
12:24:20 <zentux> ok, so i have to change my last halfready to send line :-)
12:25:31 <zentux> where is the best place to drop bugreports? The huge pile of unconfirmed bugzilla reports dont seem to be revisited to me.
12:25:40 <jsled> bugzilla.
12:25:58 <andi5> zentux: any special bug report you worry about?
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12:26:13 <zentux> just a few small things
12:28:03 <zentux> eg. the window where i choose the account where my payment goes to semms now to remeber its last sze and position (horray), so it woulb be nich if it would also remember the checked checkboxes
12:28:33 <zentux> oops its typo day :)
12:28:34 <jsled> well, make sure you search first. A bug (or enhancement) might already exist.
12:28:43 <andi5> i think i have seen some
12:28:54 <jsled> (Of course, that's if it's up; gnome servers are in upgrade transitions)
12:29:15 <andi5> jsled: somehow i have not yet seen bugzilla down... strange
12:29:36 <jsled> andi5: yeah, they've had that notice. I don't think they've gotten to bugzilla, yet.
12:29:36 <zentux> andi, me neither
12:29:56 <jsled> http://live.gnome.org/Infrastructure/RHEL5
12:33:16 <zentux> or if i scroll down the account tree by keyboard "active element bar" scrolls down.. and down... and down, but the treewindow never follows, so ist scrolls down to "beneath" the window
12:33:51 <zentux> i will drop them to bugzilla
12:34:12 <andi5> active element bar is probably the cursor.... what do you press to scroll down?
12:34:23 <zentux> cursor down
12:34:53 <andi5> huh? so you select and account, press "Down" and then?
12:34:58 <andi5> s,and,an,
12:35:23 <zentux> the next account is selected
12:36:52 <hampton> What version? The account tree scrolls correctly for me using both 2.0 and the tip of trunk.
12:36:55 <andi5> hm.... and if you press "down" sufficiently often, your selection will leave the visible area of the scrolled window?
12:37:05 <zentux> when i reach the lower end of the listbox still the next element is selected and the cursor is not visible anymore
12:37:32 <andi5> what the.... and what version of gtk?
12:37:42 <zentux> if i scroll the window it becomes visible again
12:37:56 <zentux> how do i get the exact gtk-version?
12:38:05 <andi5> depends on your distribution
12:38:12 <zentux> ubuntu
12:38:46 <andi5> dpkg -l gnucash libgtk2.0-0
12:38:49 <hampton> if its a bug, its a gtk bug. gnucash just sets up standard widgets and lets gtk run the interaction with the user.
12:39:25 <andi5> may also be libglade bug.... but i have never heard about that
12:39:48 <andi5> or, maybe not
12:40:00 <zentux> gtk 2.10.11
12:40:15 <hampton> libglade only puts widgets in a window and connects signal. it has nothing to do with the user navigation within a single widget.
12:40:27 <andi5> ahh... i see it... you did not mention that you mean the transaction dialog
12:40:55 <andi5> zentux: thanks, i will try to take i look at it
12:42:14 <andi5> or is it called "transfer dialog"? ... i am used to the german translation :)
12:42:38 <hampton> now that's weird. The tree is clearly inside a scrolled window because I can see the scrollbars.
12:42:56 <zentux> i just retested it. The main accounts window is ok the two account boxes in the "Buchen Dialog" are buggy
12:43:18 <zentux> gnucash 2.0 stable
12:43:26 <zentux> sory 2.0.5 stable
12:43:32 <andi5> zentux: did you report the "remember checkbox settings" enhancement bug? i cannot find it---was it a dream?
12:44:02 <zentux> no, not yet, will it report right hereafter
12:44:07 <andi5> uhh.. it is a viewpor
12:50:54 <zentux> maybe an gtk error, because exaxtly the same happend just on bugzilla when i tried to select the gnugash product
12:51:15 <andi5> zentux: hm... we will see...
12:52:30 <zentux> sorry, the bugzilla site worked correct
12:53:54 <andi5> zentux: did you compile gnucash from source?
12:54:08 <zentux> yes
12:54:15 <jsled> (what distro?)
12:54:21 <andi5> zentux: so you would know how to handle a patch? ..... ubuntu
12:54:28 <zentux> ubuntu 7.04
12:54:54 <andi5> 'k, it is fixed
12:54:59 <zentux> i am not sure
12:55:10 <zentux> but i can give it a try
12:56:46 <zentux> hey it is fixed while im typin the bugreport :-)
12:57:03 <andi5> zentux: http://pastebin.ca/raw/422683 .... please note that i have not tested and checked it thoroughly
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12:59:28 <zentux> if have to use what programm to apply the patch?
12:59:51 <andi5> go to the source directory and apply with "patch -Np0 < the.patch"
13:00:53 <andi5> then rerun "make install" in src/gnome-utils
13:00:59 <zentux> i will try it this evning when my wife is away, That will need some backup
13:01:21 <andi5> getting your wife away?
13:02:30 <zentux> she is at work in the evening. Daughter will be asleep. Best time for hiding behind the computer
13:05:33 <zentux> and now i will quick finish my bugreport and get on my scooter to get home
13:06:08 <zentux> thanks for your help, are you interestet in some more bugreports of that kind?
13:06:50 <jsled> We love bug reports.
13:07:05 * hampton removes his foot from his mouth
13:07:12 <hampton> andi5: That patch works for me
13:07:12 <warlord> We love bug reports with patches we like even more!
13:07:30 <andi5> hampton: i will apply it then
13:08:05 <zentux> im not able to patch it myself, cause im not god in - what is it - c, scheme?
13:08:22 <zentux> o
13:09:01 <andi5> zentux: the patch touches a c source code file and an interface description for libglade.... but you do not need to know about that to just apply it :)
13:10:52 <zentux> ok, thanks, bye
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13:24:22 <andi5> 2 bugs left until 50 bugs have been filed for a backport :)
13:28:35 <warlord> :)
13:29:11 <andi5> special thanks to mr backport :-D
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13:35:25 * warlord takes a bow
13:36:31 * hampton applauds warlord
13:37:02 <warlord> LOL
13:37:24 <andi5> any idea how i can differ between strftime return an empty string and an error?
13:37:55 <warlord> hampton, chris, jsled: On Saturday cstim, andi5, and I met and talked about 2.1/2.2.. We're thinking that we should start 2.1.x test releases soon (in the next week or so) and try to get 2.2 out.
13:38:34 <warlord> How can it ever return an empty string?
13:38:38 <hampton> strftime returns a character count
13:39:08 <warlord> Are you worried about this:
13:39:09 <andi5> """Note that the return value 0 does not necessarily indicate an error; for example, in many locales %p yields an empty string."""
13:39:11 <warlord> Note that the return value 0 does not necessarily indicate an error;
13:39:11 <warlord> for example, in many locales %p yields an empty string.
13:39:31 <andi5> warlord: no ;-)
13:39:40 <hampton> fine with me. I have a fix for the price tree weirdness (on fc6) that I'm trying to test on other versions of gtk.
13:39:51 <andi5> hampton: nice :)
13:40:18 <hampton> the only other thing I'd like to get in to 2.1 is to convert price quote retrieval to C
13:40:19 <andi5> hampton: do you plan to make the rewrite of gnucash's fq support to c before 2.2?
13:40:33 <hampton> ja
13:40:34 <andi5> ...
13:40:41 <hampton> :-)
13:40:45 <andi5> :-D
13:42:21 <andi5> WRT the question about.... i will treat 0 as error (i want to call g_locale_to_utf8 afterwards) and not care about PM/AM
13:44:02 <hampton> Aren't 425915 and 425917 duplicate bugs?
13:45:38 <andi5> i thought he left the channel and will not report .... at least he did not until i searched for him :)
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13:49:25 <andi5> another thank you goes to the omnipresent translation manager :-)
13:49:44 <warlord> Indeed... Too bad he's not here.
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15:27:44 *** Armando has joined #gnucash
15:30:43 <Armando> hello, I have tried to install gnucash 2.05 on ubuntu edgy, but, I have the following problem:
15:31:22 <Armando> configure: error: Cannot find ltdl.h -- libtool-devel (or libtool-ltdl-devel) not installed?
15:32:22 <Armando> where I can find the library necessary?
15:33:55 <warlord> Armando: apt-get build-dep gnucash
15:36:17 <Armando> sudo apt-get build-dep gnucash
15:36:20 <Armando> output
15:36:33 <Armando> E: Impossibile ottenere il lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Risorsa temporaneamente non disponibile)
15:36:33 <Armando> E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?
15:36:56 <jsled> Is synaptic or something open?
15:36:58 <jsled> If so, close it.
15:37:52 <Armando> is it gnucash-2.0.5.tar.gz
15:38:53 <jsled> Is that a question?
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15:39:56 <Armando> gnucash is not installed
15:40:17 <Armando> checking sys/wait.h presence... yes
15:40:17 <Armando> checking for sys/wait.h... yes
15:40:17 <Armando> checking for stpcpy... yes
15:40:17 <Armando> checking for memcpy... yes
15:40:17 <Armando> checking for timegm... yes
15:40:18 <Armando> checking for towupper... yes
15:40:20 <Armando> checking for setenv... yes
15:40:22 <Armando> checking for the tm_gmtoff member of struct tm... yes
15:40:22 <jsled> stop.
15:40:24 <Armando> checking if scanf supports %lld conversions... yes
15:40:26 <Armando> checking ltdl.h usability... no
15:40:28 <Armando> checking ltdl.h presence... no
15:40:28 <jsled> please pastebin more than 3 lines.
15:40:30 <Armando> checking for ltdl.h... no
15:40:32 <Armando> configure: error: Cannot find ltdl.h -- libtool-devel (or libtool-ltdl-devel) not installed?
15:41:05 <jsled> The command warlord gave will install all the dependencies of gnucash, which should allow you to build 2.0.5 from sources.
15:41:10 <warlord> Armando: sudo apt-get build-dep gnucash
15:41:36 <warlord> If it fails, figure out what's got your apt database open and kill that... Don't say another thing here until you SUCCEED with the apt-get command.
15:43:20 <Armando> yes
15:43:53 <Armando> you attend a moment
15:43:56 <Armando> please
15:45:22 <Armando> I seguenti pacchetti NUOVI (NEW) saranno installati:
15:45:22 <Armando> g-wrap guile-1.6 guile-1.6-dev guile-1.6-slib guile-library indent
15:45:23 <Armando> libart-2.0-dev libatk1.0-dev libaudiofile-dev libavahi-client-dev
15:45:23 <Armando> libavahi-common-dev libavahi-glib-dev libbonobo2-dev libbonoboui2-dev
15:45:23 <Armando> libbz2-dev libcairo2-dev libcurl3-gnutls libdb3 libdb3-dev libdbus-1-dev
15:45:23 <Armando> libdbus-glib-1-dev libesd0-dev libexpat1-dev libffi4 libffi4-dev
15:45:25 <Armando> libfinance-quote-perl libfontconfig1-dev libfreetype6-dev libgconf2-dev
15:45:27 <Armando> libgcrypt11-dev libglade2-dev libglib1.2-dev libgnome-keyring-dev
15:45:29 <Armando> libgnome2-dev libgnomecanvas2-dev libgnomeprint2.2-dev
15:45:31 <Armando> libgnomeprintui2.2-dev libgnomeui-dev libgnomevfs2-dev libgnutls-dev
15:45:33 <Armando> libgoffice-0-3 libgoffice-0-common libgoffice-0-dev libgpg-error-dev
15:45:35 <Armando> libgsf-1-dev libgsf-gnome-1-114 libgsf-gnome-1-dev libgtk2.0-dev
15:45:37 <Armando> libgtkhtml3.8-dev libgwrap-runtime0 libgwrap-runtime0-dev
15:45:39 <Armando> libhtml-tableextract-perl libice-dev libidl-dev libjpeg62-dev libltdl3
15:45:41 <Armando> libltdl3-dev liblzo-dev libncurses5-dev libofx-dev libofx2c2a
15:45:45 <Armando> libopencdk8-dev liborbit-dev liborbit0 liborbit2-dev libosp-dev libosp5
15:45:47 <Armando> libpango1.0-dev libpng12-dev libpopt-dev libreadline5-dev libselinux1-dev
15:45:49 <Armando> libsepol1-dev libsm-dev libtasn1-3-dev libungif4-dev libungif4g libwrap0-dev
15:45:51 <Armando> libx11-dev libxau-dev libxcursor-dev libxdmcp-dev libxext-dev libxfixes-dev
15:45:53 <Armando> libxft-dev libxi-dev libxinerama-dev libxml2-dev libxrandr-dev
15:45:55 <Armando> libxrender-dev m4 ofx opensp slib x11proto-core-dev x11proto-fixes-dev
15:45:57 <Armando> x11proto-input-dev x11proto-kb-dev x11proto-randr-dev x11proto-render-dev
15:45:59 <Armando> x11proto-xext-dev x11proto-xinerama-dev xtrans-dev zlib1g-dev
15:46:01 <Armando> 0 aggiornati, 104 installati, 0 da rimuovere e 0 non aggiornati.
15:46:03 <Armando> È necessario prendere 24,9MB di archivi.
15:46:05 <Armando> Dopo l'estrazione, verranno occupati 96,0MB di spazio su disco.
15:46:07 <Armando> Continuare [S/n]?
15:46:08 <jsled> Armando: PLEASE use a service such as http://pastebin.ca/ or http://pastebin.com/ for more than 3 lines.
15:46:09 <Armando> 24 MB??
15:46:11 <Armando> 25
15:46:15 <Armando> with isdn
15:46:17 <Armando> wuf
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15:47:17 <jsled> That doesn't seem unreasonable.
15:47:33 <jsled> It looks like you've never really built anything from sources, so it has to install a lot of dev packages.
15:47:49 <jsled> Do you really want 2.0.5? There should be a 2.0.1 package available.
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15:55:26 <Armando> thank's
15:56:57 <Armando> when I have download to try again
16:12:51 <warlord> ok
16:59:18 <Armando> Configuro libbonoboui2-dev (2.16.0-0ubuntu1) ...
16:59:18 <Armando> Configuro libgnomeprint2.2-dev (2.12.1-5ubuntu1) ...
16:59:18 <Armando> Configuro libgnomeprintui2.2-dev (2.12.1-4ubuntu2) ...
16:59:18 <Armando> Configuro libgnomeui-dev (2.16.1-0ubuntu2) ...
16:59:18 <Armando> Configuro libgoffice-0-dev (0.3.0-1ubuntu1) ...
16:59:19 <Armando> Configuro libgtkhtml3.8-dev (3.12.1-0ubuntu1) ...
16:59:21 <Armando> pippo@PCpippo:~$ comandi
16:59:24 <Armando> comandi??
16:59:35 <warlord> Armando: Please Use pastebin.ca!
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18:21:53 <jsled> Widows? http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Widows
18:22:07 <jsled> Ah, Widows!
18:22:10 <jsled> hee hhe
18:22:29 <andi5> i think this page will be of use :)
18:24:03 <andi5> Q: do you think http://pastebin.ca/raw/423113 will work? .... i desperately need some solution for this GUID typedef clash between libqof/qof/guid.h and windows.h
18:26:58 <jsled> I couldn't say.
18:28:05 <andi5> do you have any objections to this type of change?
18:28:38 <andi5> (it is much less invasive than renaming all GUID's)
18:28:39 <warlord> Hahah
18:28:57 <warlord> andi5: who's calling windows.h?
18:29:06 <andi5> i, several times
18:29:07 <warlord> what "clash" is there? and there?
18:29:53 <andi5> there are two typedef declarations, one is in guid.h, one in winnt.h (it is another struct)
18:31:31 <warlord> and where do we #include winnt.h?
18:31:36 <andi5> and i need windows.h in gnc-date.c ... either for mbstowc (convert result of strftime to utf16) or for GetTimeFormatW
18:31:39 <warlord> And why have I never noticed this problem?
18:31:52 <andi5> because i used it in places where we did not include qof
18:32:05 <andi5> but i cannot avoid including guid.h in qof itself :)
18:32:08 <warlord> Why do you need it in gnc-date.c?
18:32:24 <warlord> why not put the win32-specific code into another source file?
18:32:30 <warlord> (that doesn't include qof)
18:32:33 <andi5> i need to convert the result of strftime from locale encoding to UTF-8 (this is buggy on linux too)
18:32:52 <warlord> and you can't use g_locale_to_utf8()?
18:33:46 <andi5> i can, on linux... but on windows the result is actually not in the locale encoding, but the one used for times, dates and currencies
18:34:01 <andi5> it is quite confusing :)
18:34:05 <warlord> It is..
18:34:36 <andi5> the proposed change would make including windows.h a lot easier (if everything still builds)
18:34:51 <warlord> Again, could you put the conversion routines into a new file? maybe.. qof-win32.c. qof_convert_date_string()
18:35:31 <andi5> yes, i could
18:36:33 <warlord> it might be easier..
18:36:42 <warlord> Maybe, eventually, we can convert GUID to QofGuid
18:36:54 <warlord> (perhaps as part of the GObjectification process)
18:37:01 <andi5> that would rock
18:37:22 <warlord> Indeed, i just got libqof to build using gobjects.
18:37:32 <andi5> congrats :)
18:37:47 <warlord> well, only QofInstance and QofBook are gobjects.
18:38:10 <andi5> so will you merge that back or what are your plans?
18:38:36 <warlord> Um, if I merge it back it will break the build. libqof builds, but the engine doesn't. I still need to convert all the other objects.
18:40:28 <andi5> warlord: given that there will be loads of changes anyway, do not you think i could just make that one proposed change? :-)
18:40:44 <warlord> I think it's ugly.
18:40:45 <warlord> ;)
18:40:51 <andi5> damn ;)
18:41:30 <warlord> :-D
18:41:36 <andi5> btw, that is the only reason i added app-utils/gnc-help-utils.c .... to have a clean space to include windows.h
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18:42:43 <warlord> Sure..
18:42:50 <warlord> And I think an equivalent in qof would be fine.
18:43:52 <andi5> ok
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19:05:27 <warlord> Account converted. :)
19:05:33 <warlord> gotta go.
19:05:35 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
19:07:52 <imperito> This might be kind of dumb, but is there any way to make a transaction count for reporting purposes at a different time than it occurs, other than just fudging the date?
19:09:45 <imperito> like, if a payment made at the very end of a period really should count toward the next period's expenses
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20:24:05 <jsled> imperito: no.
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23:59:04 <nbinon1> Hi! I've built r15785 on windows it builds fine and seems to run ok. After creating the package (this succeeded) and installing the package (this also succeeded), I get an error about a missing libgtkhtml-3.14-19.dll when trying to run gnucash. It appears to be a problem with the package creation remembering libgtkhtml. Does anyone know off the top of thir head how to make it forget about libgtkhtml?