2007-03-31 GnuCash IRC logs
00:10:35 *** dbr has joined #gnucash
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00:34:31 *** Ard0nik has joined #gnucash
00:37:09 *** motin_ has quit IRC
00:42:09 *** Ardonik has quit IRC
01:39:35 *** benoitg has left #gnucash
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01:40:34 *** gncbot sets mode: +o benoitg
02:37:30 *** cortana has quit IRC
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03:35:39 *** rhowe has quit IRC
03:35:42 *** rhowe has joined #gnucash
03:42:42 *** Ard0nik has quit IRC
04:53:23 *** morphir has quit IRC
05:25:12 *** lasindi_ is now known as lasindi
06:17:39 *** cortana has joined #gnucash
06:58:25 *** _gunni_ has joined #gnucash
07:19:53 *** warlord-afk has quit IRC
07:38:35 *** _gunni_ has quit IRC
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07:52:08 *** warlord-afk has joined #gnucash
08:26:21 *** motin_ has joined #gnucash
08:58:04 *** remiss_ is now known as remiss
08:58:19 <remiss> any ETA on xpath in konqueror?
08:59:04 *** twunder has joined #gnucash
09:08:37 *** twunder has quit IRC
10:05:08 *** BlackBsd has joined #GnuCash
10:10:19 *** conrad has quit IRC
10:17:22 *** |gunni| has joined #gnucash
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10:30:18 *** motin_ has quit IRC
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10:57:28 *** warlord-afk has quit IRC
11:56:53 *** pepe__ is now known as pepe
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12:18:49 *** pepe has joined #gnucash
13:12:45 *** warlord-afk has joined #gnucash
13:13:19 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
13:13:34 <warlord> remiss: Um, why are you asking about konqueror here? This is a GnuCash channel.
13:14:06 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
13:14:48 <remiss> wops.. wrong channel, sorry
13:15:48 <remiss> could have sworn it said #khtml at the bottom.. this is even the wrong server :p
13:55:25 *** kielein has joined #gnucash
14:13:40 *** mnoir has quit IRC
14:51:05 *** kielein has quit IRC
15:20:13 *** sjc has joined #gnucash
15:55:48 *** wizkid238 has joined #gnucash
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16:12:49 *** BlackFrog has joined #gnucash
17:28:48 *** warlord2 has joined #gnucash
17:28:52 *** cstim has joined #gnucash
17:28:53 *** gncbot sets mode: +o cstim
17:29:04 *** warlord2 is now known as warlord
17:29:08 <warlord> @op
17:29:08 <gncbot> warlord: Error: You don't have the #gnucash,op capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
17:29:52 <warlord> @op
17:29:52 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
17:30:08 <cstim> warlord: obviously you are now known again
17:30:15 <warlord> Indeed.
17:30:21 * warlord waves as cstim
17:30:33 * cstim hands warlord a beer
17:30:42 <warlord> Noch Ein Bier?
17:31:37 <cstim> prost
17:31:50 <warlord> prost!
17:32:15 * cstim waves at hampton
17:32:49 *** warlord-afk has quit IRC
17:34:49 * warlord waves at hampton too
17:35:15 *** Ardonik has joined #gnucash
17:39:19 *** cstim has quit IRC
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17:39:21 *** gncbot sets mode: +o cstim
17:49:27 * hampton waves at everyone
17:50:59 <cstim> warlord and cstim are having a beer in Hamburg
17:51:05 <warlord> hiya hampton
17:51:11 <warlord> how's life in the big apple?
17:51:18 *** Ardonik has quit IRC
17:51:27 * warlord is enjoying a beer on cstim's sofa.
17:54:11 <hampton> not so bad. I just got back from Bean Town a couple hours ago.
17:54:24 <warlord> Oh, right! How was the singing?
17:55:07 <cstim> hampton: what is Bean Town
17:55:08 <hampton> Good. Also nice to see old friends that I haven't seen in 5 years (7 in one case) and make some new ones.
17:55:13 <hampton> Boston
17:55:23 <cstim> interesting
17:55:33 <hampton> I have no idea where the name came from.
17:55:46 <warlord> Honestly, neither do I. But I should.
17:56:57 <hampton> City on the Hill, Beantown, Athens of America, The Hub (of the Universe)
17:57:04 <hampton> Interesting claim, that last one.
17:57:07 <warlord> I knew "The Hub"
17:57:18 <cstim> on the Hill? do they have hills there?
17:57:20 <warlord> (and Beantown)
17:57:28 <warlord> Hadn't heard the other two before
17:57:31 <warlord> and yes, there are hills.
17:57:40 <warlord> and the state capitol is on Beacon Hill.
17:58:06 <warlord> Across the river is "Bunker Hill" (a famous location in the American Revolution, "The Battle of Bunker Hill")
17:58:15 <hampton> http://www.boston-online.com/faq.html#beantown
17:58:48 *** Ardonik has joined #gnucash
18:03:58 *** cstim_ has joined #gnucash
18:04:38 *** warlord2 has joined #gnucash
18:04:39 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord2
18:10:59 *** mnoir has joined #gnucash
18:13:00 *** cstim has quit IRC
18:13:08 * cstim_ has not quit
18:13:25 *** warlord has quit IRC
18:14:08 *** rhowe has quit IRC
18:14:55 *** warlord2 is now known as warlord
18:14:57 <warlord> * sighs *
18:15:33 *** rhowe has joined #gnucash
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19:05:36 *** BlackBsd has quit IRC
19:10:13 *** BlackFrog has quit IRC
19:13:30 *** twunder has joined #gnucash
19:19:44 *** cstim_ has quit IRC
19:25:18 *** twunder has quit IRC
19:27:44 *** pepe__ has joined #gnucash
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19:36:00 *** pepe has quit IRC
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19:49:42 <warlord> good night
19:49:43 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
20:01:18 *** |gunni| has quit IRC
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20:24:47 *** rhowe has joined #gnucash
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20:45:55 *** mnoir has quit IRC
20:46:59 *** Demitar has joined #gnucash
20:51:05 *** cortana has quit IRC
21:15:50 *** davr has left #gnucash
21:25:48 *** pstuteville has joined #gnucash
21:41:39 *** sjc has quit IRC
21:43:29 *** Demitar has quit IRC
21:52:06 *** seriouslycgi has joined #gnucash
21:53:38 <seriouslycgi> hi im a student studying small business management i just wanted an opinion on gnucash by anyone running it for a soho, would you use it to compliment other software or soley as the primary accounting package?
23:08:52 *** rlaager has joined #gnucash
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23:22:48 *** remiss has quit IRC