2007-03-18 GnuCash IRC logs
00:02:14 <warlord> Probably not a huge deal, since we're expecting to move further and further away from GnomePrint.
00:03:52 <hampton> My thoughts. I didn't put any effort into the GnomePrint C code other than making it mimic the old GnomePrint Scheme code. For example, there's no picture support for the GNomePrint version.
00:04:17 <hampton> Clipping support shouldn't be too hard to add though.
00:04:45 <dbr> It would be nice to have, but I agree that it isn't critical.
00:05:14 <warlord> Would probably be good to add clipping support on the checks, so e.g. payee diesn't overwrite into the amount.
00:05:45 <warlord> At least the printing fonts on 2.0 are much better than in 1.8
00:05:55 <hampton> All text is printed by the same routine, so if I add it for one field its added for all fields.
00:05:57 <dbr> That you can do to a first approximation by moving the stub payee down a bit
00:06:27 <warlord> Well, for me I'm thinking of the Deluxe check format, not the stub format.
00:07:06 <dbr> Wow, you have some mighty long payee names...
00:07:31 <warlord> well, no, just a mighty large font (from 1.8)
00:07:44 <dbr> I guess though, since I use a 10 point font, I might be misjudging for the larger checks.
00:07:45 <warlord> 2.0 prints smaller so wouldn't be as big an issue..
00:08:08 <warlord> But "Kingley Business Escrow Service" is a fairly large payee.
00:09:51 <dbr> true, but even that one barely makes it onto the edge of the check from the stub for me at 10 points. (I get about 29 characters in the 2.5 inches minus the hard printer margin)
00:10:14 <warlord> but 10 points is't the default
00:10:46 <dbr> true. I'm being selfish again...
00:11:14 <warlord> Might be nice to make that font available through a preference, tho.
00:11:27 <dbr> go, go, go...
00:11:56 <hampton> check description files allow a per-file font, and a per-item font
00:12:19 <dbr> but there is an issue with screen rendering vs. print rendering if you change that line in print-session.c
00:12:20 <hampton> the "default" font should be available via a preference, but isn't currently
00:12:44 <warlord> dbr: for reports, but not for check printing, right?
00:13:00 <warlord> hampton: it's that latter..
00:13:04 <dbr> warlord: yes
00:13:30 <hampton> check printing no longer uses the font specified in print-session.c
00:14:12 <dbr> even for gnomeprint? because I'm still seeing 10 point serif on my checks.
00:15:01 <hampton> you're right for GnomePrint
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00:15:34 <hampton> I was procrastinating. I couldn't figure out a good place to put the default check printing font selection without adding a new page to the preferences
00:15:57 <dbr> when I get gtk 2.10.10, where do I look for font specs?
00:16:01 <Wilddev> hi hampton
00:16:06 <warlord> hampton: how about a "printing" page? ;)
00:16:14 <warlord> hiya Wilddev
00:16:18 <Wilddev> hi warlord
00:17:03 <hampton> hi Wilddev
00:17:34 <hampton> dbr: by then there will be a new 'printing' page in the preferences. :-)
00:17:43 <dbr> Wonderful.
00:17:46 <warlord> hahaha
00:18:20 <dbr> warlord: don't laugh, I'd bet on Hampton delivering before fink gnome-core any day.
00:18:40 <warlord> So would I
00:18:43 <hampton> especially since I want to be done with check printing ;-)
00:18:51 <dbr> f-g-c: gnome by committee. eck.
00:19:10 <warlord> dbr: have you ever built a .dmg installer?
00:19:14 <Wilddev> wow who would of thought, real check printing in gnucash
00:19:16 * Wilddev runs
00:19:26 <hampton> define 'real'
00:19:41 <warlord> hampton: what you did
00:19:48 <Wilddev> um, ability to change the check parameters without writing scheme
00:19:53 <dbr> warlord: nope. not even close. but I'll see if I can make sense out of the docs.
00:20:31 <hampton> The thing I think is missing is the ability to say "Start with check 997 and print five checks"
00:20:53 <Wilddev> yeah that would be nice too
00:20:55 <warlord> hampton: but that's not quite YOUR code... I think your code could handle that, right?
00:21:05 <dbr> oooh. now he's getting into real code candy
00:21:18 <warlord> the fact that we can't actually select multiple txns is probably also a major factor.
00:21:19 <Wilddev> what about 'print the 2nd and third checks on the page and not the 1st?
00:21:38 <hampton> It would take some tweaking. GtkPrint operates on a page at a time.
00:22:33 <Wilddev> well that's more a nice to have, you can workaround it buy just printing the first two and moving the page up
00:23:43 <hampton> Do we need to select multiple txns if the print dialog has the choice of "start with check ____, print ___ checks"
00:24:50 <dbr> chris: maintainer-clean solved my problem. Do you want both before and after versions of both files?
00:25:38 <Wilddev> hampton: you mean it will just select the txns with check numbers?
00:26:07 <Wilddev> or is the print a number of copies of check ___
00:26:40 <hampton> not today. if you're printing multiple checks I think it should just select transactions with check numbers
00:27:12 <Wilddev> yeah that's a nice feature
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00:27:27 <hampton> number of checks, not copies. e.g. "start with 123; print 3" prints checks 123, 124. and 125
00:28:03 <Wilddev> well u wouldnt need to select txn's that way, but what if the numbering on the checks isnt linear?
00:28:10 <hampton> or the dialog could have star/end numbers
00:28:34 <hampton> you have non-liner numbering on your checking account?
00:28:35 <Wilddev> I think a range might capture it better print from 123 to 126 then 128 to 130
00:28:55 <Wilddev> sometimes you lose checks or the numbering starts differently
00:29:14 <hampton> then you run two print sessions
00:29:57 <hampton> would you rather run through the print dialog 10 times (once for each check) or two (one for each group of sequential check numbers)?
00:30:33 <Wilddev> well of course the latter if there's only 2 choices
00:30:48 <Wilddev> I was just making a suggestion of making the selection a range
00:31:05 <Wilddev> to make it clearer for the user what exactly they are rpinting
00:31:15 <Wilddev> printing
00:32:08 <hampton> I agree that it should probably be start/end check numbers, and not start/count.
00:32:30 <chris> dbr: yes, please.
00:32:31 <Wilddev> ok
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00:49:35 <dbr> chris: probably noonish today
00:49:55 <dbr> goodnight all
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00:52:36 <warlord> good night.
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00:52:49 <Wilddev> nite warlord-afk
00:53:42 <warlord-afk> night
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03:17:35 <lambretta> Hi all. A question on budgets if I may?
03:18:13 <foo> Just ask :)
03:19:23 <lambretta> I have used Quicken in the past and its budgeting tool gave you an indication if your budget balances or doesn't by showoing you are total CR or DR. How does GNU's work?
03:19:33 <lambretta> I mean GNUCash\
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03:28:46 <lambretta> .....
03:38:04 <lambretta> foo, you still there?
03:38:25 <foo> What's CR or DR?
03:38:39 <lambretta> CR = Credit, Dr = Debit!
03:39:24 <foo> Hm, I'm not too sure. I don't track credit/debit stuff.
03:39:34 <foo> Well, I track debit stuff.. but it's just a transaction
03:39:46 <lambretta> ok, ta.
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12:59:12 <warlord> hiya hampton
12:59:20 <hampton> hi warlord
12:59:31 <hampton> aren't you supposed to be on a plane?
12:59:56 <warlord> Not for another 3+ hours.
13:00:14 <hampton> are you in town on the 30th?
13:00:21 <warlord> no. I get back on the 1st
13:00:59 <hampton> thats too bad. I'm coming up on the 30th to hear a friend sing
13:01:05 <warlord> :(
13:01:28 <warlord> No, on the 30th I'll be visiting cstim
13:02:01 <hampton> sounds like fun. I'm sure this won't be my last trip to boston
13:02:07 <andi5> warlord: when will you be in hamburg? i guess i will have to start planning someday, cstim already asked... :)
13:02:36 <warlord> andi5: I'm taking the train up on Friday the 30th
13:02:56 <warlord> (and my flight leaves at 11am on Sunday the 1st)
13:03:13 <warlord> So..... Are you free the 31st? ;)
13:04:13 <warlord> hampton: I'm sure. And I'm also sure I'll make it down to NYC again sometime.
13:06:11 <andi5> yes, i am :) ... but i am still unsure whether i will travel alone or not (the latter will limit my available time slice, of course :)) ... do you have any preferred time for anything?
13:06:38 <andi5> waking up in the morning and stuff like that ;-)
13:08:05 <warlord> andi5: why dont you and cstim work it out?
13:08:34 <andi5> warlord: we will, do not worry =)
13:09:33 <warlord> no worries from me :)
13:55:31 <warlord> okay, off to the airport. TTFN
13:55:54 <jsled> warlord: safe travels.
13:55:57 <warlord> thanks
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14:21:18 <jsled> andi5: you were using git-svn recently, eh?
14:21:29 <andi5> yes
14:21:33 <jsled> still are?
14:21:41 <andi5> indeed
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14:22:09 <jsled> What's the `svn update` equivalent? `git-svn fetch && git-svn rebase [...]`?
14:23:12 <andi5> yes... typically, with clean index and working directory, i do "GIT_SVN_ID=trunk git svn fetch ; git rebase remotes/trunk my-trunk"
14:23:29 <andi5> so not git-svn rebase
14:23:49 <jsled> right, not git-svn rebase.
14:24:28 <jsled> I'm still trying to understand git-speak, by 'clean index' you mean: maybe with local changes, but not yet `git-add`ed.
14:25:47 <andi5> man git has a workflow description and point 5 is particularly nice :)
14:26:41 <andi5> i usually have no changes at all, so everything committed (maybe that is not necessary).... then rebase will merge your committed changes (or fast-forward if you did not change anything)
14:27:11 <andi5> i mean, changes between working directory, index and object store
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14:29:22 <andi5> (i am still puzzled at the --rmdir parameter to git-svn..., also svn-branching and merging with git-svn can be a bit tricky)
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14:32:09 <andi5> also, separating the fetch and rebase step is not a bad idea... it means you update the svn remote branch and merge later (maybe without internet connection)
14:34:06 <jsled> I suppose you could re-fetch repeatedly, as well, and merge when it's more convenient.
14:34:35 <jsled> Like, maybe after a Huge Conflicting Change is both committed and reverted in the svn repo....
14:34:47 <jsled> then, your subsequent merge^Wrebase wouldn't be so bad.
14:36:21 <andi5> yeah, it is just a local branch.... "git branch" is your friend
14:36:57 <jsled> Yeah ... it seems that's true, and for some reason wasn't very clear reading the git man pages (before looking at SVN) for the lsat couple of hours.
14:37:17 * jsled is presenting and overview of git{,-svn} and darcs for LUG meeting on Tuesday...
14:37:22 <jsled> s/and/an/
14:37:37 <andi5> ok :)
14:38:08 <andi5> well, git is nice and all, but what really rocks is its speed....
14:38:21 <andi5> (the main reason i left svk)
14:40:09 * andi5 has to leave... see you later
14:40:17 <jsled> andi5: cheers. thanks.
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14:41:30 <hampton> Documentation is fun. Wheee! (not)
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15:36:48 <warlord> Hmm... I wonder why svk is failing for me from here?
15:37:49 <warlord> Ahh.. I see.. gssapi-with-mic is failing.
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16:16:48 <warlord> okay, time to break down and board...
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17:24:49 <andi5> Q: any objectives to removing all the gnomeprint include/libs stuff if we print checks and reports with gtkprint?
17:25:03 <andi5> objections?
17:34:19 <cortana> what is gtk 2.10's penetration into various distros like
17:35:04 <gorea1> So hello newbie here. May I ask dumb user questions here?
17:36:02 <andi5> just ask :)
17:36:24 <andi5> cortana: is that a question
17:36:35 <rhowe> I think he just used his quota :)
17:36:38 <cortana> well, something to consider
17:37:26 <andi5> i do not understand... we do not depend on gtk >= 2.10 now...
17:38:10 <chris> andi5, jsled: fwiw, I'm a big fan of git{-svn}, too. Maybe we should pass around remotes someday.
17:39:46 <cortana> yeah, but i thought the gtk printing stuff is only present in 2.10
17:39:50 <gorea1> Allright then. I have issues like most of the "deposits" I entered have shown up as accounts receiveables and the original deposit shows up as "imbalance-USD". How to move them appropriately
17:39:57 <andi5> well, in the end it is good to have one single central repository .... i do not want to undermine its authority :-)
17:40:51 <andi5> cortana: that is right... if the system is fresh enough, then we print with gtkprint, if not -> gnome-print.... where the requirements for reports are higher than for checks, actually
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17:41:07 <jsled> cortana: Yes; updating README.dependencies with details of what's in the various "big" distros would be welcome.
17:41:33 <cortana> oh, i misinterpreted your question ... i thought you meant to drop gnomeprint and use gtk_print only :)
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17:42:03 <andi5> well, i thought it would be stupid to fail because we cannot find gnomeprint, even if we can print with gtk-print :)
17:44:09 <jsled> gorea1: you need to go through them and fix up the Imbalance-USD transfer account to the appropriate Expense (or whatever) account.
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17:44:47 <jsled> andi5: You mean via #ifdef HAVE_GTK_2_10 #include <gtk.h> #else #include <gnome-print.h> #endif ?
17:45:03 <jsled> andi5|afk: sounds right; if we're not using it, we don't need to spuriously include it.
17:45:45 <azazel> hi all
17:45:50 <jsled> chris: it might be an interesting exercise. I'm just trying it out for purposes of the preso, though ... I'm not sure if I'm going to use it.
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17:47:23 <gorea1> Is there a best procedure for this. I tried cutting the transaction and pasting it into income. This did not seem to gain an appropriate result.
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17:48:48 <jsled> Just click on the transfer cell, then either starting typing the name of the real account, or use the button on the right to get an account list to select from.
17:48:58 <jsled> (typing is going to be more efficient, probably)
17:49:15 <jsled> gorea1: What register are you viewing the transaction from?
17:56:30 <gorea1> Imbalance-USD
17:56:44 <azazel> there's a way to have an invoice with a tax that is added to the items subtotal to be the amount for the claculation of another tax (VAT)
17:56:49 <azazel> ?
17:57:13 <azazel> s/claculation/calculation/
17:58:03 <gorea1> When I did the transfer it shows up in the check account as a withdrawal
18:02:00 <jsled> gorea1: if you're doing the edits from the Imbalance-USD account, then the transactions should disappear from your view as you Enter the transaction.
18:02:07 <andi5|afk> jsled: that, the test for gnomeprint in configure.in and the libs in Makefile.am's.... i.e. it should compile without any gnomeprint
18:02:19 <jsled> gorea1: is it supposed to be a withdrawl against the check[ing] account?
18:03:26 <jsled> azazel: Does <http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_do_I_handle_GST_on_invoices.2C_and_claim_GST_rebates_on_purchases.3F> help?
18:07:06 <azazel> it will help for managing VAT alone, but here in italy on every invoice i have another tax (national insurance) which concur with the invoice items to the calculation of the vat
18:07:12 <azazel> an example:
18:07:14 <gorea1> No it was the original deposit to this account. I have put it back the way it was and maybe I should have mentioned it shows also as a split transaction. I cannot tell split how or where yet.
18:07:40 <azazel> items subtotal 10 Eur
18:08:18 <jsled> gorea1: try the Split button in the toolbar or Actions menu, or use the 'View > Auto-Split Ledger' style.
18:08:32 <azazel> national insurance tax: 4% of the items subtotal => 0,4 Eur
18:09:30 <azazel> VAT: 20 % of the items subtotal + the national insurance tax amount => 20 % of 10,4 Eur
18:10:47 <gorea1> The auto-split view tells me it is in Equity opening balances as a withdrawal.
18:12:54 <jsled> So the Splits are against Equity:Opening Balances and Imbalance-USD, but it's clearly your checking account opening balance?
18:14:21 <gorea1> Yes. I guess I don't understand how it got to be an imbalance in the first place. Maybe instead of a deposit I had to start with Income.
18:14:46 <dbr> azazel: if you don't have to itemize the taxes separately, then you could just record the tax as 24.8%
18:15:53 <azazel> dbr: thanks, but unfortunately i have to show the separately
18:16:01 <jsled> azazel: I don't think that's immediately possible with the Invoice report, though I was going to suggest the tax tables as well.
18:16:33 <jsled> gorea1: well, opening balances for account are supposed to be against Equity, not Income.
18:17:13 <jsled> gorea1: When did this start? I mean ... did you just open your datafile and suddenly there were a bunch of txns in Imbalance-USD?
18:17:20 <azazel> jsled: mmm-... so you say that there's no problem if i customize just the invoice report
18:18:13 <jsled> azazel: you can customize it if you like, yes. I'd suggest working on a copy.
18:20:03 <gorea1> I entered all this stuff and then did the upgrade. It wasn't right to begin with. The imbalance was always there I am just to get it straight.
18:20:29 <gorea1> I am fair sure this is user error.
18:20:58 <jsled> Ah. Did you post to -user, as well?
18:21:20 <gorea1> Am I in the wrong group?
18:21:37 <jsled> no. this just sounds like the email sent to -user...
18:21:54 <jsled> As you're obviously aware, Imbalance-USD shouldn't have any transactions. But it sounds like there might be another issue about the credits/debits of your entries being backwards.
18:22:07 <gorea1> Ah yes I think it is still waiting moderator approval.
18:22:21 <jsled> No, I pushed it through a few minutes ago. :)
18:23:26 <jsled> When you change the transaction from Imbalance-USD to Assets:Checking (or whatever), is it not then correct?
18:23:35 <gorea1> I think you are correct. Some of them are backwards and I don't get how I could have done that.
18:23:51 <gorea1> no
18:24:42 <jsled> Hmm. I'm not sure either. In any case, you'll probably need to step through the transactions and reverse the values manually.
18:25:23 <jsled> There's no real good way to automate the process; as per your query on the list, no, there's no good way to export/edit/import the data.
18:25:34 <jsled> If there was, we'd probably use that rather than the app itself! :)
18:25:48 <gorea1> If I could find a like general ledger view
18:26:26 <jsled> You can change the view of Imbalance-USD to "Transaction Journal"
18:27:00 <jsled> Also, you could search for all the transactions against Imbalance-USD.
18:27:35 <jsled> But that's basically the same as changing to Transaction Journal view in the Imbalance-USD register.
18:28:55 <gorea1> I'll work on it for a while and get back to you. Once I digest this thing it will work out. Thanks this did get me some other ways to look at it.
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18:47:41 <andi5> [ot] ...uuuh, http://www.gnome.org/~gman/img/march/rememberthekittens.jpg
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18:56:21 <jsled> [ot] hee. I like the original, but the meme/template is good. :)
18:57:47 <andi5> jsled: i slightly remember having seen the original somewhere... do you have a link / hint? ... it could become handy someday ;-)
19:00:18 <andi5> [ot] i just hope it was not http://pah2.golding.id.au/images/KittenandGod.jpg
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19:14:10 <warlord> hi and bye...
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19:21:23 <andi5> Q: What tm should gnc_date_edit_get_date_internal return if the date_entry string cannot be parsed? gnc_tm_get_today_start?
19:22:11 <jsled> [ot] yes, that's the one!
19:40:18 <andi5> hm... do not mind my Q above...
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22:10:14 <jsled> hmm...
22:10:15 <benoitg> sef45321
22:10:18 <benoitg> 244qw
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22:57:31 <gorean> jsled: I resolved most of the issues by transfering all of the transactions to one account. Once done I deleted the opening balance and re-entered it and then transfer the resulting "imbalance" to opening balances and it stuck. The only thing I have left that bugs me in some expense account that show a negative balance.
22:58:31 <jsled> Expense accounts should generally be positive
22:58:53 <jsled> Unless you have a rebate for the account.
22:59:33 <gorean> There is rebates but I don't know where they came from.
23:01:42 <jsled> Well, you can open the register and see... :) Unless you mean "how they were entered as rebates".
23:03:27 <gorean> I can see that there are rebates and I guess I do mean how did I make them rebates?
23:03:47 <jsled> How do you usually enter transactions?
23:06:13 <gorean> As far as I know all I did was enter them then assign them to an expense (Auto). I did all of them manually if that is what you mean.
23:06:26 <jsled> From which register?
23:09:11 <gorean> I am not sure. It has been awhile since I did it. Would It make a difference? I believe it was Assets:current assets:checking.
23:10:05 <jsled> It shouldn't make a difference, no. Assets:[...]Checking is the usual place to enter.
23:10:32 <jsled> The credit/debit columns/relations/labels can be a bit confusing, especially from the register of some accounts.
23:11:06 <jsled> Or you could always have entered from an importer or something.
23:11:32 <Wilddev> hey jsled
23:11:39 <jsled> hey Wilddev
23:11:47 <Wilddev> hows it going?
23:12:28 <jsled> pretty good. preparing some presentations for LUG meeting on tuesday... I'm covering git(-svn) and darcs, so I'm looking into both.
23:12:52 <Wilddev> ah cool
23:13:08 <gorean> You know, after I entered it all from the git I did an export then upgraded everything so I could have the latest version then imported it all.
23:13:22 <jsled> Oh, hey, another SoC application. Nifty.
23:13:32 <jsled> Wilddev: how're you doing? Are you still in Colorado?
23:13:48 <jsled> gorean: export? import? how so?
23:14:34 <Wilddev> jsled: yeah, been movin about the country a bit consulting but I still live here, moving to a new place a bit cheaper in a couple of weeks tho
23:16:03 <gorean> actually I believe I just looked at the docs and emailed myself the files from the gnucash directory then after installing (the whole system) and the newer gnucash brought the files back and opened them up. I guess export and import are the wrong terms, sorry.
23:17:29 <jsled> gorean: okay, just making sure. People have a notion that the gnucash file is somehow different than, say, a Abiword document or Gnumeric spreadsheet.
23:18:14 <gorean> nope tarred up the directory as a backup. Should have been specific
23:19:39 <gorean> Off topic is mishehu from New Orleans?
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23:26:20 <hampton> Funny: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-KWYYIY4jQ
23:29:04 <Wilddev> hampton: yeah its pretty funny and also the iRan
23:30:25 <hampton> jsled: This is the first incarnation of that picture I saw. http://www.love2code.net/why_you_should_file_bugs.jpg
23:30:50 <hampton> night all
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23:30:56 <Wilddev> nite
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23:42:39 <gorean> One more quick question then I'll quit buggin's you. Any ideas how to get rid of the rebate. I have tried a couple of things including deleting the transaction and re-doing it. If I don't assign it to an expense account it goes to imbalance and if I assign it to the auto expense it comes up with the rebate again.
23:43:13 <jsled> "the auto expense"?
23:43:44 <jsled> Whether it's an expense or a rebate is a function of which column (credit or debit) the value is in.
23:43:56 <jsled> So, if it's a rebate, move it to the other column.
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23:53:20 <gorean> Sorry expense: auto. As I look at my expense accounts all of them are showing rebates for every transaction. When I move the rebate to the other column it adds the 2 together and gives me an imbalance of twice the amount of the transaction.
23:55:02 <gorean> I'll have to go back thru and redo all of these transactions and remove the expense entries (splits?)
23:55:18 <jsled> gorean: Have you read the Concepts Guide?
23:56:29 <gorean> Oh yeah, am no stranger to accounting either.
23:57:20 <jsled> Perhaps a screenshot of what you're seeing before you move the rebate over would help.
23:58:41 <jsled> But, uh, maybe not me at the moment, as I've been summoned to bed. :) G'night.
23:58:45 <gorean> If I cannot solve it tomorrow I'll do that and post it to the newsgroup. Thanks for your patience.
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