2007-03-17 GnuCash IRC logs
00:03:15 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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02:06:42 <hampton> [ot] wow
02:06:47 *** hampton sets mode: +oo conrad pogma
02:06:51 *** hampton is now known as hampton|away
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13:02:12 *** Def has quit IRC
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13:41:20 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
13:41:52 *** Wilddev has joined #gnucash
13:41:59 <warlord> * sigh * Well, I didn't make it out last night. I've been rebooked for tomorrow.
13:42:25 <Wilddev> hi warlord
13:42:33 <Wilddev> where did you get stuck?
13:42:40 <warlord> At home.
13:42:50 <Wilddev> ah that's not too bad then
13:42:58 <Wilddev> going to the west coast?
13:43:02 <warlord> no.. not too bad.
13:43:06 <warlord> nope, going to Prague for the IETF
13:43:16 <Wilddev> ahh
13:43:35 <Wilddev> a colleague got stuck in DC cant get homt to FL and todays his bday
13:43:44 <warlord> :(
13:44:10 <warlord> At least they canceled my flight before I left home
13:44:12 <Wilddev> yup it happens being a consutant
13:44:42 <warlord> yep
14:05:42 <Wilddev> warlord: can u op gncbot pls?
14:12:02 *** warlord sets mode: +o gncbot
14:12:09 <warlord> sure
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14:16:40 <jsled> @op
14:16:41 *** gncbot sets mode: +o jsled
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16:02:23 *** ahmed has joined #gnucash
16:02:37 <ahmed> Hi all
16:02:42 <ahmed> anyone here :)
16:03:34 <ahmed> i am interested in one of your projects in GSOC regarding
16:03:45 <ahmed> Dogtail UI Test Harness
16:04:53 <chris> ahmed: have you submitted an application?
16:05:52 <ahmed> no, i;m about to submit it
16:06:02 <ahmed> but do you have any prefered template
16:06:11 <ahmed> to follow
16:07:58 <chris> I don't beleive so. I expect that we'll eventually ask for more information from some of the applicants. We might have a template at that time. For now, it's just up to you.
16:09:00 <ahmed> thank you chris i'm going to prepare one and submit it.
16:09:12 <chris> good luck.
16:11:20 <warlord> thanks, ahmed.
16:13:02 <ahmed> my congratulation to all of you for beign a Gsoc mentor
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16:19:58 <warlord> So, so far we've got two (soon to be three) applicants.
16:20:09 <warlord> I guess we need to comment and rank them
16:20:10 <warlord> ?
16:23:55 <warlord> I guess we can start commenting and/or ranking the applications.
16:27:18 <jsled> yeah ... we have a couple of weeks.
16:27:54 <jsled> I'm thinking about waiting for a bit to get some more datapoints to understand how to rank.
16:29:55 <chris> I thought the idea that jsled linked to was a good one - requiring some small initial task that demonstrates a minimum compentency.
16:30:22 <chris> like building gnucash with debugging symbols, or maybe a little more.
16:30:43 <jsled> Oh, I think andi5 linked to that.
16:31:22 <chris> oh, whoever, we 5-letter nicks are all the same.
16:31:30 <jsled> word.
16:32:30 <warlord> heh
16:32:39 <warlord> but mine goes to seven!
16:33:02 <chris> warlord qualifies!
16:33:23 <chris> ;-P
16:33:34 <warlord> :-P
16:33:45 <warlord> Hey, how much snow did you get down in RI, chris ?
16:34:18 <chris> haven't actually been outside yet - but looks like maybe 4 inches.
16:35:11 <warlord> I think we got 4-6 here.. Plus drifting
16:35:34 <warlord> So, how does a student prove that they can build gnucash with debugging symbols?
16:35:57 <warlord> Should we ask them to send us some particular output from, say, gdb?
16:36:08 <jsled> We picked up probably 8 inches overnight, and are forecasted for a couple more in the next couple of days.
16:36:36 <warlord> jsled: yeah, I noticed that. Luckily we're not supposed to get that down here, so I should still be able to fly out tomorrow.
16:38:40 <chris> jsled: sounds good. being able to use gdb is good, too.
16:48:47 <jsled> I wonder what the economics of that situation are.
16:49:08 <jsled> I mean, if we request extra work from the applicants, if it will turn them off, and flow them towards other projects.
16:49:26 <jsled> Do students get to apply to ask many projects as they like?
16:50:10 <jsled> And I guess it doesn't really work that way. We can ask them whatever we want, and either they respond or not, adjusting our ranking of them, and then Google does the matching.
16:51:18 <jsled> That being said, yeah, asking them to at least build the thing is good, with symbols, sure.
16:51:47 <jsled> Just getting it built from source is probably good enough.
17:28:18 <aj> jsled: last year, projects more or less got to accept a number of students in proportion to how many applied
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19:09:52 <dbr> in r15729, I'm getting a repeatable crash when hitting Tab for autocomplete in a tx description http://pastebin.ca/399340
19:11:56 <dbr> biab
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19:33:19 *** ahmed has joined #gnucash
19:34:01 <ahmed> i submitted my application for
19:34:03 <ahmed> Dogtail UI Test Harness
19:34:15 <ahmed> how to confirm it
19:35:09 <ahmed> i only need a feedback to be sure that didn't miss something
19:44:13 <chris> ahmed: It's been received; very nice application.
19:52:43 *** dbr is now known as dbr-afk
19:58:14 <ahmed> chris: thank you
20:00:10 *** andi5 has joined #gnucash
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22:36:00 *** dbr-afk is now known as dbr
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23:08:13 <dbr> chris: I updated swig from 1.3.29 to 1.3.31 at the end of Feb. I thought I had successfully built trunk since then, but maybe not. Is there anything you can think of with a swig install that might be causing http://pastebin.ca/399340 ?
23:19:15 <chris> dbr: yeah, it's very likely picking up old cruft in your install dir.
23:19:29 <chris> just blow away the install dir and `make install`
23:20:15 <dbr> OK. Thanks. I'll try it. I did 'make uninstall' the 1.3.29 first, but I didn't really clean house.
23:20:35 <chris> I'm talking about /opt/gnucash-svn/
23:20:54 <chris> It's not swig per-se.
23:21:25 <dbr> Oh. Well that I always rm -rf /opt/gnucash-svn/* before make install
23:22:49 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
23:22:50 <chris> so, `find /opt/gnucash-svn -name gw*`
23:22:58 <warlord> dbr: did you "make maintainer-clean" after updating swig?
23:23:21 <dbr> warlord: nope. just make distclean
23:24:04 <chris> dbr: don't do that yet
23:24:37 <dbr> chris: ok. the find result was "No match."
23:24:59 <warlord> dbr: distclean isn't enough after a swig update.
23:25:28 <chris> just in case that actually fixes the problem, I'd interested in the contents of src/swig-engine.c
23:25:50 <chris> sorry, src/engine/swig-engine.c
23:26:34 <chris> So, if you can save that off before make maintainer-clean, that'd be nice.
23:27:04 <chris> I'm just curious how it would differ in a way that would cause this error.
23:27:46 *** hampton|away is now known as hampton
23:27:49 <dbr> chris: shall I cp that file somewhere and keep it for sending if maintainer-clean works?
23:28:10 <dbr> I'm slow at reading. I'll save it.
23:31:09 <warlord> chris: do you also want the swig-runtime.h ?
23:31:16 <warlord> I suspect that's also part of it.
23:32:35 <chris> I don't know, I guess it could be that. But I was kind of under the impression that that interface was pretty stable.
23:32:44 <chris> dbr: yes, please.
23:33:03 <dbr> chris: will do
23:49:20 <dbr> hampton: check_number! notes/memo harmonization!! rapture! Thank you very much.
23:49:36 <dbr> are you ready for the whiny/needy part?
23:49:55 <hampton> fire away
23:51:00 <dbr> Using my pet check format (quicken wallet with side stub), if I write a check to "The Antidisestablishmentarianism Committee" with a memo "The Godless heathen are ruining this country" the stub entries run over into the check
23:51:46 <dbr> I can keep the memo short (but sometimes I'm stupid and have to do it twice), but I don't really have control over the length of the payee
23:51:47 <hampton> The check definition needs width/height information added for those fields.
23:52:18 <dbr> Is that just a matter of me entering it in the description?
23:52:37 <hampton> yes. and then sending it to me so I can commit it.
23:53:06 <hampton> The coordinate field is x;y or x;y;w;h.
23:53:47 <dbr> excellent. once I get my swig problem resolved, I'll send the changes. Bugzilla or mail?
23:54:19 <hampton> Once you specify width/height, gnucash (ell, pango actually) will wrap the text to fit as much in the box as possible.
23:54:48 <hampton> either works
23:55:59 <dbr> hmm. I'm stuck at gtk 2.6 until fink gives us gnome 2.18 in about a month. The pango version is probably a couple too old too, but I'll give it a spin.
23:57:42 <hampton> You need gtk 2.10 to get the GtkPrint version of the code. The GnomePrint version doesn't use Pango.
23:58:12 <warlord> With the GnomePrint version do wrapping?
23:58:24 <warlord> Er, WILL the..?
23:58:27 <hampton> No.
23:58:34 <warlord> :(
23:58:37 <warlord> Too bad.
23:58:44 <warlord> Will it at least cut off the text?
23:58:56 <dbr> I'll certainly find that out
23:59:51 <hampton> I could probably add clipping support to the GnomePrint version.