2007-03-14 GnuCash IRC logs
00:01:08 <amicrawler> ok
00:01:38 <amicrawler> there not a way of doing what i'm trying to do with out a script
00:06:38 <jsled> huh? a script? I don't think you need a script, but it might be helpful to break the QIF up into multiple files.
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00:40:15 <amicrawler> ok i got it
00:40:23 <amicrawler> it's done
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00:55:20 <hampton|away> [ot] what's the z?
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00:56:18 <jsled> an expression of frustration.
00:58:49 <hampton> @op
00:58:49 *** gncbot sets mode: +o hampton
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01:22:22 <warlord> wow, jsled.. that was like... amazing.
01:22:33 <warlord> Do you need to borrow my brick?
01:23:09 <warlord> heh.
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01:26:07 <hampton> lol
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03:21:13 <ghetek> hey guys, im looking at an invoice now, how do i pring this thing?
03:21:19 <ghetek> *print
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03:29:46 <ghetek> i click on printable invoice and it just says "No Valis Invoice Selected"
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06:04:50 <TheNut> Is there any way to get GnuCash to take invoices from an external database?
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09:48:52 <hampton> @op
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09:51:33 <warlord> TheNut: no.
10:12:53 <warlord> Happy Pi Day, everyone!
10:15:40 <hampton> Happy Pi Day!
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14:36:15 <Def> Er det noen fra Robo-kollektivet her? :)
14:38:46 <warlord> Def: huh?
14:38:52 <Def> Robo*
14:38:58 <Def> M� ha no passord-greier
14:40:54 <Def> Dang!
14:41:26 <Def> I just now realized I am in the wrong channel
14:41:36 <andi5> Def: congratulations :)
14:41:36 <warlord> Def: was wondering what you were doing..
14:41:49 <Def> Yet another reason to learn proper touch-typing...
14:42:00 <Def> X-chat must've switched tabs on me :=
14:42:03 <Def> :)
14:42:15 <Def> It's been a long day... ;)
14:43:41 <Def> Ah, well... Since I'm already here; Is there a problem with 2.0.5? The currency report is acting weird... The x-axis going to 500 000 or somesuch
14:49:24 <rhowe> Anyone want a parrot?
14:50:02 <andi5> anyone want a parrot?
14:50:15 <rhowe> Well?
14:50:17 <jsled> *rimshot*
14:51:03 <warlord> Def: The 'currency report'? I honestly dont even know what that is!
14:51:17 <Def> Price report :)
14:51:37 * rhowe suddenly realises that window 19 isn't the IRC channel he thought it was
14:51:47 <jsled> Heh.
14:51:48 <andi5> o man....
14:51:59 <jsled> It's internet freakout day.
14:52:22 <Def> Indeed it is!
14:52:24 <andi5> watch out, this stuff is being logged....
14:52:24 <Def> :)
14:53:46 <andi5> hm... i just noticed CRIT <gnc.gui> [gnc_configure_reverse_balance()] bad value '(null)' ... has one seen that?
14:54:17 <jsled> --logto stderr is your friend...
14:54:25 <jsled> I've not seen that one, I don't think.
14:54:53 <jsled> I started to look at the `make check` output last weekend, but got distracted.
14:55:39 <andi5> jsled: are all messages formatted now? ..i got hit by a NULL %s-print in a DEBUG without changing any log level...
14:55:40 <Def> My price scatterplot goes from 0 to 40 000 000 months... Methinks something is wrong with my price database
14:56:23 <jsled> andi5: what do you mean by "formatted now", exactly?
14:56:54 <jsled> All the PINFO, DEBUG, &c. macros go through g_log(...).
14:57:07 <andi5> i mean that iirc i could use DEBUG("%s", NULL) before without a problem, but now it seems to crash
14:57:41 <warlord> huh.. I have three invalid timestamps in my data file (from trn:date-posted). How.. interesting.
14:58:11 <warlord> but andi5 I dont see that.
14:58:28 <jsled> andi5: it should only do the formatted fprintf if the statement is allowed to be logged.
14:58:58 <warlord> andi5: but no, you cannot use DEBUG("%s", NULL)
14:59:27 <andi5> warlord: i know, i know :-) ... i have fixed some of them already ;)
15:00:19 <warlord> andi5: we'll need to fix all of them (eventually)
15:02:33 <warlord> Oooh, Opening Balance..
15:02:52 <warlord> WEIRD.
15:02:52 <jsled> Those are the invalid timestamp txns?
15:02:57 <warlord> yea!
15:03:13 <warlord> It has a valid Date-Entered but not a valid Date-Posted.
15:03:18 <warlord> I haveno idea why.
15:03:25 <andi5> warlord: i do not think i want to go through all g_* and check them :) .... but i guess i can start auditing new commits for win32-compatibility
15:03:35 <warlord> Oh, Also an SX-generated txn ...
15:03:51 <warlord> (or could be the SX itself)
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15:05:32 <warlord> Actually, yes, the SX template txns have invalid post dates.
15:09:08 <warlord> Okay, i've fixed that one opening balance transaction, but the SXes all have invalid "post" dates, too. I dont know why (or if I care)
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16:03:20 <andi5> @tell hampton do you still need the `format' parameter to format_read_item_placement? ... i have tried to search for NULL-%s-printfs in r15709; it prints `file' quite often but never checks it, i hope this will not bite us :-)
16:03:20 <gncbot> andi5: The operation succeeded.
16:03:20 <andi5> @tell hampton oh, thanks for your work on check printing :) ... do you intend to gtkprintify the reports, too? otherwise i could try to do that; it would help to avoid gnome-print printing letters "up-side-down" on windows sometimes
16:03:21 <gncbot> andi5: The operation succeeded.
16:08:03 <andi5> warlord: may you remove my svk:merge urls from your properties? ... i cannot do that from here, you know :)
16:12:35 <warlord> andi5: why can't you?
16:12:47 <warlord> svn propedit
16:12:56 <andi5> yes, but you readded them someday
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16:13:19 <warlord> Oh... Hmm.. I have no idea how to remove them.
16:13:27 <andi5> well, do the same i did :)
16:13:58 <warlord> Does it really matter?
16:14:33 <andi5> no, not really... it is just two lines in each of your commits
16:15:02 <andi5> four, actually
16:15:05 <warlord> *shrugs* so? disk is cheap. We've got like 40GB free.
16:15:10 <warlord> (or more)
16:15:52 <andi5> yes, but do not forget the modem users following gnucash-changes :)
16:16:38 <warlord> Eh, they're already in trouble everytime cstim updates a po file
16:17:03 <andi5> yes, i should have told him that he better stopped it
16:17:46 <warlord> :-D
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17:58:45 <|gunni|> Did someone get gnucash to work on ubuntu feisty?
18:00:34 <jsled> |gunni|: I don't recall hearing for certain; with andi5's commit of the patch suggested by "Chris" on -devel, I'd guess it should work.
18:02:04 <|gunni|> So i am just able to do a usual "configure make && make install" ... how can i apply the patch? Do i have to compile from cvs?
18:03:55 <jsled> If you want to build svn (we haven't used cvs in a while, now), the patch is committed.
18:04:14 <jsled> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Building has details
18:04:17 <jsled> If you want to build 2.0.5 ...
18:04:28 <jsled> I'd guess it will fail in the way svn used to fail.
18:05:00 <jsled> But, quite frankly, the problem is with gtkhtml (or maybe with Feisty, for not having both the "working" and "broken" versions of gtkhtml)
18:06:44 <|gunni|> Yes i should rethink on using feisty, because gnucash is one of my most used softwares
18:06:49 <warlord> I think the problem is Fiesty for including a development release of gtkhtml
18:07:18 <jsled> Well, Fiesty is itself still a pre-release, right?
18:07:24 <jsled> "herd" 4 or whatever?
18:07:33 <|gunni|> Yes its herd5 so still alpha
18:08:16 <|gunni|> Which is the latest version of gtkhtml that should work for gnucash?
18:08:43 <jsled> 3.12 is good.
18:09:35 <|gunni|> Hmm, thats odd, in feisty the paket is called 3.8 ...
18:09:55 <|gunni|> i will have a look if i can install an other version per hand
18:09:56 <warlord> yes, 3.8-3.13.9x, IIRC
18:10:20 <jsled> The "3.8" is referring to the api version; and that's part of the problem is that 3.13 doens't support the 3.8 api.
18:10:32 <|gunni|> o sorry did see the wrong numbering
18:10:43 <|gunni|> its 3.13.92
18:11:07 <warlord> Yeah, that's a (broken) development release of gtkhtml
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18:38:13 <hampton> @op
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19:16:01 <|gunni|> warlord jsled: Thanks for the tip, with the old version from ubuntu edgy i got gnucash 2.0.5 to compile and seems to work.
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23:01:05 <hampton> Lovely. Rain, freezing rain, and snow in NY on Friday, and me in an airplane trying to get home. :-(
23:01:51 <jsled> :(
23:01:57 <jsled> Pack extra patience.
23:02:13 <jsled> And advil.
23:02:25 <hampton> and scotch?
23:02:33 <jsled> Yup! :)
23:03:04 <jsled> C'mon google, update <http://code.google.com/soc/> already.
23:03:29 <jsled> I wonder what our odds of getting selected are. I'd guess relatively low.
23:03:43 <hampton> I think I'll go to the airport really early and try to go standby on a flight that lands before sundown.
23:09:11 <aj> jsled: really?
23:10:11 <jsled> aj: Maybe ... maybe not.
23:10:22 <jsled> Looking over last years mentoring orgs, we slot right in.
23:10:44 <aj> yeah, i would've thought it would be pretty easy for gnucash
23:10:49 <jsled> Thinking abstractly about what Google would want to direct energy towards, project wise, I don't think GnuCash fits.
23:11:22 <jsled> But <http://code.google.com/soc/2006/> probably a much better predictor than my abstract thought about what GOOG wants to do. :)
23:11:58 <warlord> Hmm... And I'm trying to get out of BOS on Friday night...
23:19:53 <warlord> Update, dammit, update!
23:20:17 <jsled> heh
23:20:47 <warlord> Well, I guess it's still the 14th in Mountain View
23:43:25 <aj> jsled: yeah, the SoC stuff is a general community participation thing, not a "get cool stuff google needs" thing
23:45:05 <jsled> aj: right, except google compensates the students, and selects the mentoring organizations.
23:47:38 <warlord> well, we'll see if we get accepted.
23:47:43 <warlord> I've not heard anything from them, yet.
23:48:36 <jsled> I love how philanthropic and refreshingly straightforward google seems to be...
23:49:08 <jsled> and I think 'FOSS-using company sponsoring FOSS development' is a good paradigm.
23:49:59 <jsled> But it seems that there's a straightforward link, there. If $company uses $project or $toolchain[], they sponsor development on same.
23:50:49 <jsled> I think GOOG is both in a position of largess, and We're all at an interesting point in a novel economic shift.
23:55:49 <warlord> I think GOOG is so big they sometimes don't even realize what they're doing