2007-03-03 GnuCash IRC logs
00:00:03 <red_fox> jan, thanks, I'm running 2.0.5 with fluxbox... which window manager are you using
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00:03:55 <jan> red_fox: gnome. Is it easy to upgrade to 2.0.5?
00:04:11 <red_fox> jan, it was for me on gentoo...
00:04:18 <red_fox> I'm not sure about ubuntu
00:04:23 <red_fox> but thanks for trying it out
00:04:41 <jan> no probs!
00:04:54 <pete_> warlord-afk: In 2.0.5 I set up a new set of accounts. Things worked there. When I tried to modify the existing account I got a crash. No big deal, but I tried it in both 2.0.1 and .5 with the same result. The crash was trying to add a new bank account under the investment asset account.
00:05:37 <pete_> red_fox: I'm running ubunto edgy and just installed 2.0.5. Works, but there are a few dependancies to download
00:11:35 <jan> pete: when i create an invoice via the business menu in my accounts receivable that same invoice has got no money against it even in my invoice it has. Even more weird if I try to process a payment that very invoice is highlighted as been paid already :-[ Any ideas?
00:11:51 <pete_> For Ubunto Edgy users that wish to upgrade to 2.0.5: using synaptic download the following: libltdl3-dev, libtool, gile-gnome0-glib, libglib2-data, libglib2-dev,liggconf2-dev, libxml2-dev, libgtk2.0-dev,libgnomeui-dev, libgnomeui-dev, libgnomeprint-dev, libgnimeprintui-dev, libgtkhtml3.8-dev and of course build-essentials. Then grab the gnucash source and do the compile 3 step.
00:12:34 <pete_> jan: wish I could help you, but haven't jumped into the business side. Mine's all personal at this point.
00:12:54 <jan> thanks :)!
00:26:22 <datakid23> I made a mistake after importing, and tried importing again. When I did, I got a screen that said "select possible duplicates" - which is great
00:26:38 <datakid23> it's fgound my dupes, but then there is no way to say "and exclude them please" or is that automatic?
00:27:20 <datakid23> I should mention, I'm using 2.0.1 on ubuntu
00:33:36 <pete_> datakid23: strictly a guess, but I would hope automatic! If not, setup another one :(
00:33:57 <datakid23> time to back up and check, methinks
00:34:08 <red_fox> is there an easy way to move a set of transactions from one account to a new sub-account?
00:35:03 <pete_> i did it by editing the original account and changing the parent as needed.
00:35:45 <pete_> create the new sub first of course!
00:36:30 <red_fox> pete_, well I already have lots of various transactions in this account, and I just want to move a few of them to a more specific sub-account
00:36:37 <red_fox> it won't take too long to do by hand
00:38:20 <pete_> ahh, sounds like <red_fox> is correct. If you move the entire account like I did it'll work, but not particular transactions within one account. At least I don't know of any quick method.
00:38:55 <red_fox> no problem, just glad I thought to divide the account now instead of in a few years ;-)
00:39:16 <datakid23> um, it recognised the duplicates, asked me if they were, then imported them anyway! ouch
00:53:10 <datakid23> can someone please describe to me the difference between expense and rebate in a transaction listing view?
00:54:44 <datakid23> basically, I want to know which means "money comes from" and which means "money goes to"
01:09:41 <datakid23> SO here'
01:12:53 <datakid23> s the stuation. In our bank account, we had a transaction for a $9000 cheque, that was actually two checque deposited at the same time. I've split the transaction so that it's in it's constituent parts - one 6000, one 3000 (these figures put into Tot Deposit column). But, for some reason, it also has a "bank account line" with the 9000 in the "Tot Withdrawl" column
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01:28:35 <pete_> good nite all!
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03:20:47 <jan> here is a bit of background to my problem: I'm using gnu cash on a i386 and a ppc system. I created a new client on the ppc system and that is where I cant seem to be able to put invoices against. I just created a new client on the i386 system and everything works fine. I can however on the ppc system put invoices against clients which i created on the i386 system. So maybe it is a glitch in the way the ppc system creates a client??=-O
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08:25:34 <MrN> hi
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14:24:18 <emet> Is gnucash able to access online banking information?
14:28:32 <MrN> depends :)
14:29:15 <emet> how would I know if my bank supports banking standards?
14:29:35 <MrN> first of all you must know which country you are in :)
14:32:01 <emet> USA
14:32:23 <warlord> emet: most likely your bank uses OFX.
14:32:38 <warlord> I suggest you peruse the GnuCash wiki for info.
14:32:48 <warlord> You need a very modern libofx and AqBanking for OFX Direct Connect.
14:33:23 <emet> ok
14:36:10 <warlord> What OS/Distro?
14:37:20 <emet> ubuntu fiesty herd 5
14:38:26 <warlord> Okay, and what versions of gnucash, libofx, and aqbanking?
14:43:17 <emet> let me check
14:43:45 <emet> Version: 2.0.2-3ubuntu1
14:48:18 <warlord> And what about the others?
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16:28:05 <CSWookie> What si the difference between starting balance in my assets and equity?
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16:52:47 <jsled> CSWookie: nothing, really. Maybe I don't understand what you're asking.
16:53:26 <jsled> CSWookie: If you start the books with $1000 in your checking account, then you'll have a transaction against both Equity and Assets to "source" that opening balance.
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17:11:40 <CSWookie> I'm not sure what the difference between Assets and Equity are, in general. Not just in gnucash.
17:25:40 <warlord> CSWookie: have you read the docs?
17:25:51 <jsled> CSWookie: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-entry_accounting is pretty good, too.
17:26:15 <jsled> In short, A - L = E.
17:26:43 <warlord> I like saying: Eq = A - L + I - Ex
17:27:41 <CSWookie> I have, I've just forgotten them. I'll check the wikipedia entry in a minute.
17:27:44 <jsled> I like {A - L = E} because it spells out ale, which -- even in the face of high liability or small income -- we can all agree is good. :)
17:27:56 <andi5> jsled: impossible, because A - E = -4
17:28:53 <jsled> CSWookie: keep in mind that the Equity account != the instantaneous equity of your books.
17:29:56 <CSWookie> I'm sort of confused as to it's purpose I suppose. Is the idea that after I've done my taxes and closed my books for the year, the balance on those books is that years Equity?
17:30:42 <jsled> ...which is used to source the values for the next years books.
17:31:05 <jsled> I mean, if you start a new set of books with $1000 in your checking account, that has to come from somewhere, right? And Income isn't appropriate.
17:31:16 <jsled> It comes from the carryover Equity.
17:31:25 <CSWookie> jsled: I see.
17:32:05 <CSWookie> jsled: So if I manage to aactually keep good books this year, unlike last year, when I open up new books next year, Equity will source everything.
17:32:30 <jsled> Yup.
17:33:16 <CSWookie> OK. I'll come back in 9 months with more specific questions, then.
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18:01:11 <CSWookie> Where do I send the money I pull out of a student loan?
18:01:27 <CSWookie> Do I call it an Asset:Diploma?
18:01:29 <andi5> to me
18:01:37 <CSWookie> andi5: :-)
18:01:57 <andi5> income:student loan?
18:01:58 <CSWookie> andi5: Purdue's already got it.
18:02:05 <CSWookie> andi5: You can fight them for it if you want.
18:02:28 <CSWookie> andi5: And from there? I mean, I don't have this money anymore.
18:02:41 <CSWookie> andi5: It's just a liability to pay off.
18:03:07 <CSWookie> andi5: And I got this money some time ago, so I don't want to have to keep track of that kind of history.
18:03:40 <CSWookie> andi5: Can I dump it in Equity:opening balances? Is that the universal source/sink?
18:03:52 <CSWookie> Or just a source?
18:04:14 <andi5> why would you want it to be a sink?
18:04:32 <CSWookie> andi5: I don't necesarily.
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18:04:56 <CSWookie> andi5: I'm just trying to determine where to put this money, since it was an Expense like 3 years ago.
18:05:29 <andi5> so it went from assets:wallet to liabilities:somewhat?
18:06:07 * andi5 is not at all an accountant :-) ...i am here to stay the stupid things
18:06:13 <andi5> -t
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18:07:11 <warlord> CSWookie: it's a universal source/sink.
18:07:18 <CSWookie> warlord: Cool.
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18:07:37 <warlord> If you're setting the opening balance, then that's the place.
18:08:17 <andi5> hm... damn, you said "years", not days.... we are you tracking it at all?
18:08:29 <andi5> why.... sorry, my keyboard is broken
18:09:26 <arne> hi everybody, i have two questions regarding printing: 1st - how can i set the font used to _print_? the defualt-fiont is rather big. 2nd - if i create a custom invoice-template, how do i get gnucash to actually use that template for printing my invoices rather than the default incoice.scm?
18:09:45 <arne> system is debian/unstable w/ kde
18:11:37 <CSWookie> andi5: You don't keep rack of how much you owe for your college loan?
18:11:42 <warlord> arne: unfortunately there's not a good way..
18:11:59 <arne> ok, what's the bad way, then?
18:12:25 <warlord> Export the report as HTML, load it into FireFox, and print from there?
18:12:35 <CSWookie> andi5: It's a substantial amount of money, after all.
18:13:24 <arne> warlord: well, that's rather a no way in respect to my intended audience
18:14:08 <andi5> CSWookie: i do... maybe i misinterpreted what you mean "source/sink" ... i though sink == credit with amount > 0 (or debit with amount < 0 ;-))
18:14:54 <andi5> or maybe i still get it the wrong way around.... well, use opening balances :)
18:15:00 <warlord> arne: sorry. It's unclear what the real fix is.. It's unclear if the bug is in GnuCash, GtkHTML, or GnomePrint
18:15:08 <arne> warlord: my main problem is the font-size and the layout of the page. i think according to the wiki i can "overwrite" the default invoice.scm?
18:15:45 <arne> warlord: ie copying to ~/.gnucash/, add a line to config.user and patch the file?
18:16:09 <warlord> arne: well, you'll have to rename the report.
18:16:21 <warlord> ... for the layout.
18:16:38 <warlord> It's unclear if you can set the fontsize.. There's a theory that using the <font> tag MIGHT help.
18:16:46 <arne> warlord: but renaming would mean it's not recognized as the default
18:17:21 <warlord> Correct.. But there's no way around that. You can't have two reports of the same name.
18:17:55 <andi5> CSWookie: i am sorry for the confusion
18:17:56 <arne> warlord: so i would have to remove the invoice.scm that comes with gnucash? well, what does that ~/.gnucash/stylesheets-2.0 for?
18:18:22 <arne> warlord: according to the name it might be usable for my needs?
18:18:30 <warlord> yes, you'd have to remove the default invoice.scm
18:18:36 <CSWookie> andi5: No problem.
18:18:44 <warlord> the stylesheers-2.0 is for saving your Edit -> Stylesheets information
18:19:39 <arne> warlord: ah. but thzen there seems to be a bug -- setting the tables bordres to 0 is not reflected- they are still drawn -- but that's another topic
18:20:11 <CSWookie> Bah. The web side for the student loan people blows chunks.
18:20:45 <arne> warlord: got an idea -- is there a scheme tag or command available to include a css-file? or does the rendering engine used by gnucash not understand css?
18:20:46 <warlord> arne: wouldn't surprise me. The whole report system really needs to be redone, and invoices (in particular) really should be HTML templates instead of html-generating scheme programs.
18:21:10 <warlord> GtkHTML doesn't understand CSS
18:21:29 <arne> warlord: bad little thing.
18:22:08 <warlord> Sorry.
18:22:11 <arne> warlord: seems it comes down to removing the default invoice.scm, write my own and remember that after every update of gnucash
18:22:20 <arne> warlord: no, i mean gtkhtml
18:22:24 <jsled> call it invoice2.scm.
18:22:45 <arne> jsled: call what?
18:23:28 <jsled> arne: nevermind. I see what you're saying, now.
18:24:07 <arne> jsled: for a moment i was hoping you had an idea ;-)
18:24:09 <warlord> Perhaps we need a preference for the name of the default invoice report?
18:24:28 <arne> warlord: would be a good thing
18:24:40 <arne> together w/ html-templates
18:24:48 <jsled> in lieu of ~/.gnucash/reports.d/ or something...
18:25:04 <jsled> the "html-templates" are going to be an overhaul and a half.
18:25:41 <arne> probably -- but on the other hand: they are easier to create and to maintain than those scheme thingies.
18:25:45 <jsled> Well, an overhaul, anyways. Teh extra half is more focused about de-coupling the reports from scheme.
18:25:50 <warlord> well.. we could just integrate eguile for html-templates
18:26:00 <arne> it took me a few minutes to undertsnand what is happening in there
18:27:25 <arne> well, it's after midnight here -- after having sorted out that i think i go to sleep
18:27:41 <arne> thank you for answering
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18:54:46 <andi5> hm... supporting G_FILENAME_ENCODING in gnucash sucks royally.... i have spend some time working on it and want to propose to actively discourage its use :)
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19:34:12 <CSWookie> When I'm importing a QFX file, and I want to import a transaction split, How do I do that?
19:36:12 <warlord> I dont think OFX supports splits
19:41:58 <CSWookie> warlord: So I need to import it, then split stuff?
19:42:38 <warlord> I think so, yes.
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20:09:40 <datakid23> I have a cheque in my hand. I will bank it on tuesday
20:10:00 <datakid23> How do I enter it so that my bank account is correct (ie, the balance doesn't go up until tuesday?)
20:13:00 <datakid23> I tried accounts receivable, but it doesn't let me fill in the due date field...
20:21:52 <datakid23> is there somewhere I can record the cheque numbers of deposited cheques?
20:27:21 <CSWookie> datakid23: The NUM column?
20:27:58 <datakid23> CSWookie: ok, cheers - I thought that was more for internal numbering, but was going to end up using that anyway, thanks
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21:02:16 <warlord> datakid23: date the transaction on Tuesday
21:02:16 <datakid23> is there any undo function at all?
21:02:29 <datakid23> yep, did that, cheers
21:02:41 <datakid23> I can't find any kind of undo functionality at all?
21:02:41 <warlord> datakid23: the only undo is to not save the file.
21:03:05 <warlord> correct.
21:03:10 <datakid23> right - is that functionality that people are looking to implement?
21:03:21 <warlord> yes. see the -devel archives
21:05:24 <datakid23> ok, cheers
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21:11:30 <todd> just noticed another difference between gnucash 1.x and 2.x
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21:11:55 <todd> when doing reconcile double-left-click no longer takes you to the transaction in question in a register window, is there any other way to do this ?
21:11:59 <todd> in 2.x ?
21:13:24 <warlord> I didn't even know you could do that in 1.x
21:19:09 <datakid23> :) hey, on my savings account screen, there is a column between "transfer" and "Deposit" called "R" what is this representing - from what I can tell, it can only have the values n and c
21:22:52 <warlord> "R" == Reconciled Status
21:23:08 <warlord> It can also have the values 'y', after you reconcile..
21:23:15 <warlord> (and other values, too.. Like Voided Transactions )
21:23:39 <todd> warlord: heh, we've used it quite often (er my wife did)
21:24:32 <warlord> oh. like I said, I didn't even know you could do that.
21:24:34 <datakid23> cheers
21:24:52 <todd> it was slightly tricky, because double-clicking would toggle the checkbox on the item, but still, it would take you to the transaction register where it was
21:25:58 <warlord> Huh.
21:26:12 <todd> warlord: in the reconcile dialog
21:26:17 <todd> you can check the items..
21:26:32 <datakid23> I seem to either misunderstand how the scheduled transactions work, or I've (re)found a bug
21:26:41 <todd> if you doubl-click it would both check the item and jump to the transaction (or uncheck the item if it was already checked)
21:27:06 <datakid23> at the bottom, where the "templates" are, I want to enter a very basic "move rent from this account to expenses:Rent
21:28:06 <datakid23> but as soon as I enter a description, it moves to the next line and changes tot funds in and tot funds out to debit formula and credit formula?
21:28:15 <warlord> todd: Oh, I believe you. I just didn't know it did that.
21:28:55 <todd> ;-)
21:29:26 <todd> the right-click option might be a better place to put that feature back if it is possible to do, the double-click check-toggle side-effect was slightly annoying
21:30:13 <todd> (and yes, someday, I need to see if I can put some code into gnucash instead of just chatting about it/using it *grin*)
21:31:02 <warlord> Isn't there a right-click menu now?
21:31:51 <todd> it is there, but it doesn't have `jump to this transaction in a register' as an option
21:32:48 <warlord> file an RFE
21:33:19 <todd> 'k
21:52:08 <warlord> gotta run to dinner. Later
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22:20:13 <hampton> huh? I could swear that double-clicking on an item in the reconcile window still takes you to the transaction.
22:22:47 <hampton> I just tested 2.0 and trunk. Both work correctly. i.e double clicking does take you to that transaction in the register window.
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