2007-02-11 GnuCash IRC logs
00:00:44 <andi5> hm... that is weird....
00:01:52 <warlord> andi5: it's probably shared-library vs. module..
00:07:15 <hampton> andi5: it doesn't say
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00:16:44 <andi5> prock: what is your gcc's version?
00:22:18 <warlord> Hmm, I need a better way to pull my 401(k) investments off the web and install them into gnucash...
00:23:06 * warlord wonders if the QIF importer can handle a multi-split investment transaction?
00:24:23 <andi5> prock: or maybe your linker is not the gnu one?
00:25:01 <andi5> well, gotta go
00:25:06 <warlord> good night, andi5
00:25:09 *** andi5 has left #gnucash
01:00:08 <warlord> @tell cstim I've got a strange problem that I just noticed: in 2.0-branch I configure with --enable-hbci --enable-ofx, the HBCI module is built and installed, strace shows it's loaded.. but there's no HBCI links in File -> Import. Any ideas? (I DO see them in my trunk bin/install with the same configure options)
01:00:08 <gncbot> warlord: The operation succeeded.
01:00:53 <warlord> good night, all
01:00:55 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
01:01:47 <hampton> anyone had success compiling in the gobject-engine-dev branch? I get "configure:25758: error: possibly undefined macro: PKG_CONFIG_MIN_VERSION" when running autogen.sh
01:02:06 <warlord-afk> hampton: I've not tried, but I wouldn't expect it to build.
01:02:10 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
01:02:24 <hampton> I would at least expect autogen.sh and configure to work
01:05:13 <warlord> I dont think he changed anything in configure.in..
01:05:18 * hampton shrugs
01:05:28 <hampton> ./autogen.sh worked the second time I ran it
01:05:55 <hampton> understanding is not required
01:06:12 <warlord> Oh, you're hitting THAT bug...
01:06:35 * warlord needs to go do the work to get autoreconf to work in lieu of our existing autogen.sh
01:10:47 <warlord> Anyways, i'm really off to bed now. I'll figure out why hbci isn't loading into 2.0 for me another time... And then maybe I'll try to figure out the hbci CSV importer and why it's failing for me ;)
01:10:49 <warlord> later
01:10:51 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
01:11:07 <hampton> night
01:15:37 *** kiwi has joined #gnucash
02:06:44 <hampton> So how do I get from a #<swig-pointer GList * 87f9dc0> that's being thrown at me, back to the simple scheme list that I used to get in previous release?
02:21:45 <hampton> never mind
02:21:48 <hampton> night all
02:21:53 *** hampton is now known as hampton|away
04:58:29 *** kiwi has left #gnucash
05:56:45 *** |gunni| has joined #gnucash
06:43:13 *** ErKa has joined #gnucash
08:25:41 *** twunder has joined #gnucash
08:54:33 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:55:06 *** cstim has joined #gnucash
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09:55:07 <cstim> .
09:55:07 <gncbot> cstim: Sent 8 hours and 54 minutes ago: <warlord> I've got a strange problem that I just noticed: in 2.0-branch I configure with --enable-hbci --enable-ofx, the HBCI module is built and installed, strace shows it's loaded.. but there's no HBCI links in File -> Import. Any ideas? (I DO see them in my trunk bin/install with the same configure options)
09:55:30 <cstim> @tell warlord The file import features of aqbanking haven't been back-ported to 2.0. They only exist in trunk.
09:55:30 <gncbot> cstim: The operation succeeded.
09:55:35 <warlord> .
09:55:35 <gncbot> warlord: Sent just now: <cstim> The file import features of aqbanking haven't been back-ported to 2.0. They only exist in trunk.
09:55:47 * cstim is away in a minute again
09:55:50 *** cstim is now known as cstim_away
09:56:02 <warlord> OH.. I didn't realize that.
09:56:06 <cstim_away> see ya.
09:56:07 *** cstim_away has quit IRC
10:22:44 *** andi5 has joined #gnucash
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11:31:24 *** ErKa has quit IRC
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13:21:01 *** Wilddev has joined #gnucash
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14:22:36 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
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15:02:51 *** hampton|away is now known as hampton
15:05:29 <prock> warlord: when you are building on ppc which gcc are you using?
15:05:46 <warlord> um, whatever xcode gave me
15:05:53 <prock> ah, interestding.
15:05:59 <prock> um interesting too
15:07:03 <warlord> it reports itself as 4.0.1
15:20:46 <prock> which libtool? /usr/bin/libtool or do you have glibtool installed as well?
15:20:59 <warlord> both.
15:21:12 <warlord> autogen pulls in glibtoolize
15:21:35 <warlord> which uses glibtool to build $(top_builddir)/libtool from ltmain.sh
15:22:21 <warlord> libtool is in /usr/bin glibtool is in /opt/local/bin (from MacPorts)
15:23:20 <prock> do you have fink too?
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15:23:57 <warlord> no
15:25:46 <donfede> hello. if I receive one payment for 2 invoices ... how can I mark them both payed (it seems that only one invoice can be selected under process payment) . using gnucash 2.0.2 on debian unstable
15:26:27 <warlord> donfede: GnuCash will automatically apply the payment to multiple invoices in FIFO order.
15:27:14 <warlord> The invoice you choose in the dialog just gets put to the front of the FIFO
15:28:57 *** MrN has joined #gnucash
15:30:37 <MrN> hi
15:31:46 <donfede> warlord: coma, space, or other seperated? (multi select via control did not appear to work in the list box)
15:32:02 <warlord> HUH? I dont understand the question.
15:33:05 <donfede> warlord: you said it will automatically apply payments to invoices ... do I need to enter all the invoices (comma or space separated) ?
15:33:39 <warlord> I said it will automatically apply payments to invoices in FIFO order, and you can select ONE invoice to be at the front.
15:33:53 <donfede> warlord: ok, thanks :)
15:34:03 <warlord> NP
15:36:39 <donfede> warlord: excellent, it worked very well. thanks again
15:37:04 <warlord> NP
15:37:07 <warlord> you're welcome
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16:33:14 *** cstim has joined #gnucash
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16:33:44 <cstim> Hm... can I add yet another online-banking related package to win32-gnucash :-) ?
16:34:06 <cstim> currently we don't have the account number checking of "ktoblzcheck" available.
16:34:41 <warlord> hehehe
16:38:13 <jsled> I've always found that package name to be one of the "craziest" I've seen; does it mean something, or expand to something?
16:39:07 <cstim> jsled: it is a perfectly readable abbreviation *in German* :-)
16:40:11 <cstim> it's a check for a "kto" (=account number) and "blz" (=A.B.A. number)
16:40:25 <jsled> Ah, I though it might be.
16:40:35 <cstim> maybe I should add that explanation somewhere.
16:40:42 <jsled> Oh! Awesome. I was breaking it as 'k-toblz-check'
16:40:44 * cstim is the maintainer of ktoblzcheck as well.
16:45:32 <warlord> silly german shorthand.. ;)
16:46:20 <cstim> come on. :-) Usually we have sooo many looong words. You should be able to live with this single occasion of Germans using abbreviations...
16:46:42 <warlord> LOL.
16:46:52 <warlord> At least the long words are pronouncible!
16:47:44 <MrN> are they?
16:48:02 <cstim> hmmm... with the current xchat font, the ell in blz looks almost like an i. This would be k-toBiz-check. Our name 2.0 ?
16:48:58 * cstim is off to bed.
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17:00:44 *** nomeata has joined #gnucash
17:06:41 *** andi5 has joined #gnucash
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17:28:22 <prock> warlord: are you able to paste your dynamiclib link line for gncmod-register-gnome? I'd like to compare to my own.
17:28:29 <chris> fwiw, I think hampton's idea of new windows getting the existing window's size is the most reasonable behavior.
17:29:08 <andi5> chris: i am looking at that issue right now...
17:30:02 <chris> andi5: coincidentally, it's probably the easiest to implement, too.
17:35:55 <jsled> Hmm. I wonder when emacs started inserting 5 spaces for indents, even though my tab-width is 4...
17:36:38 <andi5> hm... what is your c-basic-offset?
17:36:54 <jsled> 5. the hell...
17:37:29 <jsled> grr.
17:37:46 <jsled> k&r is 5; I thought it was 4.
17:38:08 <jsled> I, in fact, don't want k&r. I want 'stroustrup'.
17:38:52 <jsled> (which is basically k&r with a basic-offset of 4.)
17:38:59 <jsled> andi5: thanks!
17:39:22 <andi5> jsled: FWIW, i really enjoy (my ;-)) el-foo http://pastebin.ca/raw/351052 ... it will give you commands like "tab-x-y-z", where x,z in {2,4,8} and y in {tab,space} :)
17:42:02 <jsled> andi5: I don't get it...?
17:42:48 <andi5> say you use tab-8-space-2.... that means tab-width is 8, use spaces for indentations and set c-basic-offset 2
17:43:24 <jsled> Ah ... to quickly get into the style of a random source-file...
17:43:58 <andi5> yep
17:45:32 <jsled> See, I just prefer to reformat them as I go along... ;)
17:45:43 <andi5> hehe
17:48:27 <warlord> prock: um.. not easily. it's hard to cut-and-paste across vnc.
17:59:38 <warlord> prock: http://pastebin.ca/351079
18:03:01 <jsled> wow. I've never seen emacs complain about opening a file before: "maximum buffer size exceeded". But, sure enough, /tmp/gnucash.trace with --debug is 599M after just opening and closing my datafile. :/
18:03:03 <warlord> Yeah, I get a bunch of symbol errors but it works nonetheless.
18:03:13 <warlord> WOW!
18:03:26 <warlord> (I've seen emacs complain about 'buffer size exceeded' before)
18:04:43 *** ceplma has joined #gnucash
18:09:24 <andi5> Q: should the "set new size to that of the currently active window" be backported to 2.0?
18:10:43 <warlord> Well, *I* would like to see it in 2.0, but I think it depends on the patch.. IMHO it IS a bug..
18:11:47 <andi5> http://pastebin.ca/raw/351086
18:13:45 <andi5> oh...i might also check for maximized state...
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18:14:35 <warlord> Yeah, might want to do that.
18:18:19 <andi5> warlord: i see #341968 ... are there others?
18:19:58 <warlord> I dont know.
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19:25:34 <twunder> woohoo! looks like gnucash is compiling for me (first time on FC6)
19:25:59 <warlord> twunder: 2.0 or trunk ?
19:26:01 <andi5> twunder: yeah... let it crash ;-)
19:26:13 <twunder> 2.9
19:26:18 <twunder> er ,2.0
19:26:19 <andi5> woooow
19:27:04 <warlord> Huh? I've never had trouble building 2.0 on FC6
19:27:08 * twunder is afraid of trunk ;)
19:27:46 <twunder> warlord: had some "issues" earlier in the week... they seemed to go away... not sure why
19:27:53 <twunder> had to run autogen twice, though
19:28:24 <twunder> was missing some -devel packages, but they were easy ennough to install
19:28:33 <andi5> i guess that is autoconf getting overly clever (let us see whether autoreconf will be able to handle that)
19:28:51 <andi5> oh... ok
19:29:42 <warlord> I need to play around to get autoreconf to work. I might re-write autogen in terms of autoreconf, so I can set GETTEXTIZE=glib-gettextize ;)
19:32:18 <warlord> i wish I knew why so many people were having autogen.sh issues where running it a second time would help. OTOH I have no idea if autoreconf will help or not.
19:34:49 <andi5> i guess that is similar to running latex several times.. autom4te or whatever generates trace files or so and further runs will be able take into account information that is contained in text following the current line.... well, i do not know ;-)
19:35:21 <warlord> I think so, yeah
19:37:45 <andi5> warlord: did wilddev say anything related to 2.0.5? (the logs were empty :( )
19:37:55 <warlord> No, he said nothing about anything.
19:38:36 <andi5> ok
19:39:28 <andi5> on a related issue, debian and ubuntu still use 2.0.2 :(
19:39:42 <warlord> not my problem. ;)
19:40:31 <andi5> but mine... i only use what my ubuntu cd gives me....
19:40:50 <warlord> Well, complain to them.
19:41:06 <andi5> will do, will do ;-)
19:46:34 <MrN> n8
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19:47:22 *** Wilddev has joined #gnucash
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19:47:39 <andi5> hi Wilddev :)
19:48:01 <Wilddev> hi andi
19:48:52 <andi5> i was just wondering that you were so quiet today
19:49:22 <Wilddev> just been really busy with work lately
19:49:36 <warlord> hiya Wilddev
19:50:31 <Wilddev> hi warlord
19:51:16 <warlord> hiya
20:09:08 * andi5 totally forgot the "bug day" proposal.... maybe i should start to ask for specific saturday datetimes :)
20:11:25 <andi5> Wilddev: do you think you will have enough spare time to release 2.0.5, say the following weekend(s)?
20:13:36 <Wilddev> hmm possibly next weekend
20:13:39 <Wilddev> why?
20:15:52 <andi5> hehe... not particular reason/crasher... but imho there are a few things in 2.0.4+ that would be nice to have released ... well, my opinion :)
20:16:02 <Wilddev> ah ok
20:17:05 <andi5> that would be cool :) ...... good night, channel
20:17:25 <Wilddev> nite
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20:49:45 <Wilddev> the temp file issue?
20:50:09 <warlord> yeah.
20:50:24 <Wilddev> um, whayt co-ordination is there?
20:51:10 <Wilddev> what's [off]?
20:51:34 <jsled> It disables public logging of the statements.
20:51:42 <Wilddev> aha
20:51:42 <warlord> Wilddev: [off] at the beginning of a line means "don't publically log this line"
20:51:43 <jsled> To http://lists.gnucash.org/logs/
20:51:50 <Wilddev> I see
20:52:41 <warlord> you've been away a while ...
20:52:56 <Wilddev> heh, yep
20:56:03 <warlord> so if you think 2.0.5 next weekend then I'll be sure to backport all the outstanding changes.
20:56:47 <Wilddev> yeah I think that will be fine, I'll be home all week so I wont be running around all weekend trying to catch up with shit
20:57:23 <warlord> Okay!
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21:02:31 <prock> warlord: thanks for the paste! it's strange that you aren't getting the duplicate symbol errors with gncmod-register-core and gncmod-register-gnome.
21:03:03 <warlord> sorry...
21:11:33 *** Wilddev has quit IRC
21:25:07 <warlord> no idea why it works for me and not you..
21:25:12 <warlord> could be ppc v. x86
21:43:46 <jsled> Does evolution build via fink or macports?
21:44:09 <jsled> It's the only other package I know of that exhibits the same crazy libtool "relinking" warnings as gnucash.
21:44:19 <jsled> (And I don't even know if that's the issue, here)
21:46:56 <warlord> I dont think that's the issue here.
21:47:10 <warlord> If I had a MacIntel I'd try for myself.
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21:55:02 <chris> [ot] I found two cool tools this weekend that I wish I'd known about a long time ago: socat and pabbrev.
21:56:40 <chris> socat seems pretty general-purpose, but it was love at first sight when I realized it can add readline support to a telnet connection.
21:57:27 <jsled> socat =? netcat
21:58:00 <chris> and pabbrev is like M-/ on steroids, and over many files.
22:00:23 <chris> socat has some relationship to netcat but I'm not sure what.
22:00:45 <chris> wikipedia says [sic] "socat is a netcat-new generation, it is a much more advanced, flexible and feature full utility"
22:02:07 <chris> http://sectools.org/netcats.html
22:03:20 <jsled> huh! That looks like a list worth reading.
22:04:40 <prock> grr, the exact same command (paths changed of course) causes the errors.
22:06:41 <warlord> socat == SOcket CAT
22:28:48 <jsled> Hmm. That's new. http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=406917
22:32:24 <warlord> hmm
22:35:48 <jsled> Anyways, to bed for me. G'night.
22:36:04 <warlord> see ya jsled
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22:59:44 <prock> everything I can find points to an intel bug
23:01:58 <warlord> could be
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