2007-02-10 GnuCash IRC logs
00:03:45 *** dbr has quit IRC
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00:57:09 <bistra__> Fedora Core 4, Running GNUCASH 1.8, program exits every time I try to 'print' and invoice (new or previous). Printer was working and works ok with open office
00:58:46 <bistra__> Tried to upgrade to 2.0.4. Need libofx. Configure cannot find ParseEventGenerator.h and neither can I. Downlowded latest and can see EventGenerator is this the same???
00:59:24 <bistra__> Sorry in front of ParseEventGenerator it should say
01:00:14 <bistra__> I need libofx to configure gnucash2.0.4. Its configure needs ParseEventGenerator.h. It cannot find it
01:00:48 <bistra__> can find EventGenerator is this the same thing???
01:07:17 <jsled> probably not. why are you using FC4?
01:07:59 <bistra__> small old computer used for office work, though fc6 might be too large
01:08:53 <jsled> define "small"
01:09:38 <jsled> I can't really help you, I don't think; at this hour (or any hour, probably) your best bet it to post to gnucash-user.
01:09:47 <bistra__> Dell Dimension433c (I'check the specs now and advise)
01:12:19 <bistra__> ok jsled I will struggle on and advise. Note I had trouble using the /boot record in FC6
01:12:30 <bistra__> ok using Master Record, weird!!!!
01:12:59 <bistra__> jsled, tks.
01:13:01 <jsled> Well, the only advice I can give is that software is a fast-paced thing.
01:13:08 <jsled> So, one must stay current.
01:13:55 <jsled> We targeted the dependency profile of FC3/RHEL4 for 2.0, but ... bitrot, and all.
01:13:59 <bistra__> OK doing my best, trying to load 2.0.4 onto another machine running fc6-64. Let you know how I go.
01:18:35 <bistra__> Installing on FC6-64 ./configure stops on XML::Parser. perl module
01:18:51 <bistra__> Off I go and look for that! :)))
01:20:32 <bistra__> will be in touch again. Goodnight
01:20:36 *** bistra__ has quit IRC
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06:44:00 <rauch> hi all
06:45:06 <rauch> I sent a mail to gnucash-user 40 minutes ago and wonder, why it did not come back yet...
06:45:47 <rauch> Did actually anyone receive it yet?
06:46:12 <andi5> http://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-user/2007-February/thread.html does not list you
06:46:43 <rauch> hm, maybe stuck in a queue somewhere...
06:48:40 <rauch> well, I'll wait and see, how long it takes ;)
06:51:32 <rauch> It's about the one having problem with gnucash-docs (just like me) and I filed a bug against opensuse some time ago with their susehelper script
06:51:48 <rauch> but no answer yet from one of their devs :/
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10:33:03 *** wavydavy has joined #gnucash
10:33:45 <wavydavy> running gnucash (unprivilaged user): ERROR: no code for module (g-wrap gw-glib)
10:34:11 <jsled> wavydavy: what distro?
10:34:11 <wavydavy> g-wrap-1.9.7 installed
10:34:19 <wavydavy> Linux from scratch.
10:34:30 <jsled> Ah. What version of slib and guile?
10:34:55 <jsled> Oh, doesn't matter. g-wrap-1.9.7 doesn't work. Use 1.9.6
10:35:10 <wavydavy> oh. ok will install. Ta
10:35:24 * jsled digs up version-compat note...
10:36:43 <jsled> http://lists.gnucash.org/pipermail/gnucash-devel/2007-January/019660.html
10:37:34 <wavydavy> rebuild gnucash! :( that took ages. Oh well, here goes. Thanks
10:39:09 <jsled> Oh, also...
10:39:15 <jsled> (before you get much further)
10:39:30 <wavydavy> :) yes jsled?
10:39:37 <jsled> That error is probably because g-wrap was built w/o glib (1.0) support. Do you have glib (1.0)?
10:39:46 <wavydavy> nope, 2
10:39:57 <jsled> Right. So you need to patch g-wrap-1.9.6 to look for glib2 instead.
10:40:10 <jsled> Then you'll get the 'gw-glib' library that it can't find.
10:40:20 <wavydavy> I had read that. I couldn't figure out how to point 1.9.7 to look for glib2. Perhaps I can't?
10:40:35 <wavydavy> ok cool. I'll try that.
10:40:41 <jsled> You can, but it doesn't matter, because (indepdently) g-wrap-1.9.7 doesn't work with gnucash.
10:41:51 <jsled> For g-wrap-1.9.6 the change is easy.. there's a patch out there, but just edit the "right place" in configure.in
10:42:01 <jsled> Change "glib" to "glib-2.0". That's it.
10:42:23 <wavydavy> There is a configure.ac, but a configure.in?
10:42:34 <jsled> Ah. configure.ac, I meant. :)
10:43:22 <jsled> So, why LFS? Every other distro has already encoded the solutions to all these problems in their package management... :)
10:44:22 <wavydavy> I like pain apparently :) Learning experience.
10:54:29 <andi5> wavydavy: maybe we do not like it...
10:55:42 <wavydavy> andi5: who's we and what's it?
10:56:23 <andi5> we = the class of people you have to ask just because you like pain ; it = pain
10:56:52 <wavydavy> ah, ok. fair doos.
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11:22:06 <prock> http://paste.debian.net/21704
11:22:23 <prock> what do you suppose I'm missing? I haven't built trunk on this system (OSX) yet.
11:23:28 <jsled> Ah. It looks like that 'int' should be a 'gint'. :/
11:23:37 <prock> configure command was : ./configure --enable-compile-warnings --prefix=`pwd`/local
11:24:02 <jsled> Er, a "gsize", even.
11:24:34 <jsled> Sorry about that ... I should run with '--enable-compile-warnings', I guess ... I didn't see that.
11:26:58 <jsled> Hmm, though I didn't get an error with the flag just now. :/
11:27:25 <hampton> 32-bit vs 64-bit?
11:27:56 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
11:27:58 <prock> 10.4 only runs in 32 I think
11:28:09 <jsled> I'm 32, here.
11:28:16 <jsled> prock: checking fix in now.
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11:29:16 <jsled> :( !
11:29:21 <hampton> That's not good.
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12:11:29 <rauch> hm, still no mail after 6 hours, I'll resend...
12:12:50 <jsled> rauch: what address? I can take a look at the server-side logs.
12:12:54 <jsled> Er, from what address?
12:13:09 <rauch> from info@rauch-webdesign.de to gnucash-user
12:15:22 <hampton> jsled: fwiw I was able to compile (i686 system) without any errors at all.
12:15:54 <hampton> No warnings even, except about relinking .la files
12:16:04 <jsled> great.
12:18:57 *** prock has joined #gnucash
12:19:46 <jsled> rauch: that one got through; it looks like there was a greylisting callback at 6am that ended in a "450 4.7.1 [...] denied for 600 seconds". Then the recent attempt re-checked and did a "greylisting update", and is apparently happier.
12:20:05 <jsled> prock: cpu cooler, now?
12:20:20 <prock> jsled: it's off, so yeah.
12:21:59 <rauch> jsled: hm, I know that greylisting, a friend of mine uses that too and there it takes ages to deliver a mail...
12:23:07 <rauch> I think, my providers mailserver is acting a bit weird upon that, maybe I should use another one I have more control over...
12:24:51 <rauch> it seems like he does not resend rejected mail for hours :(
12:33:16 <rauch> anyway, thx jsled for looking, cu all
12:33:28 <jsled> cheers
12:33:31 *** rauch has left #gnucash
12:43:31 <dbr> my trunk version is r15476. Am I remembering correctly that I'll lose backward datafile compatibility if I catch up on trunk?
12:45:16 <jsled> dbr: not yet, and only for SXes.
12:46:45 <dbr> jsled: ? does that mean that extra data field was pulled, or that SX's will be strange?
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12:49:10 <jsled> "extra data field"? I've not verified, but if you try to open the migrated file with 1.8 or 2.0, it should error out.
12:52:13 <jsled> Yeah. It'll say "there was an error parsing the file [...]".
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12:53:58 <dbr> will it still open what's left after the parsing error?
12:54:46 <dbr> I test on live data by saving every couple minutes/entries. going back to 2.0.4 if something fails in trunk
12:55:08 <jsled> Right. Don't test on your real data file.
12:55:57 <dbr> but then testing is more limited and time consuming.
12:56:11 <jsled> No, it will not continue after the parsing error. I guess it could say "hey, I can't parse this SX, I can throw the whole thing away if you like...", but -- again -- more UI.
12:56:41 <jsled> I'm only suggesting using a copy of the datafile. Yes, it's more time consuming, but it's much safer.
12:57:04 <dbr> anybody guessing on a 2.0.5 timeframe yet?
12:58:34 <jsled> I'm going to need to do the same thing, too. the trunk version always defaults to opening my 2.0 data file, which -- while great data -- isn't what I want.
12:59:27 <dbr> re safer -- sure, but if I'm going to test more features, then I get to duplicate all the entry work again in the real data. Certainly at some point there will be breaks. I even segregated my 2.0 work from 1.8 when cstim said it was easy to go back and forth. I guess I'm just being snarky and lazy. sorry.
13:01:26 <jsled> Ah, I see your point. If you can't do data entry, then there's a whole set of stuff that can't be tested, or you need to do the entry twice.
13:02:29 <jsled> hmmm... /me tries something else.
13:05:21 <jsled> No, as expected, the XML layer fails to load if there's an unanticipated tag. I guess we could roll a 2.0.x that doesn't, and -- up until some near-end 2.1/2.2 point -- save both the FreqSpec and Recurrence out.
13:10:52 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
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13:11:17 <jsled> Huh. That's broken. If we don't have an command-line option (like, say, for --loglevel), it treats command-line args like filenames?
13:11:38 <jsled> When I run dave's command, it tries to open "--nofile" (or "--loglevel", whichever is first)
13:15:36 <jsled> Ah, in fact, we don't check the return of g_option_context_parse at all.
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13:24:01 <prock> trunk doesn't use g-wrap anymore, correct? why does autogen.sh tell me: /opt/local/share/aclocal/glib.m4:8: warning: underquoted definition of AM_PATH_GLIB?
13:24:42 <jsled> because that's not about g-wrap?
13:24:55 <prock> whoops wrong paste: /opt/local/share/aclocal/g-wrap.m4:23: warning: underquoted definition of AM_PATH_GWRAP
13:25:26 <warlord> prock: because /opt/local/share/aclocal is in your aclocal path
13:25:57 <prock> I more meant the warning about AM_PATH_GWRAP... but ok.
13:26:32 <prock> I guess then aclocal reads in everything in the aclocal path?
13:26:40 <jsled> I think it's just loading everything it... yeah.
13:27:00 <warlord> yes, it loads everyting in the path, regardless of if you're using it
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13:36:18 <jsled> Huh. Now I'm seeing the same thing david herman is.
13:36:26 <jsled> WTF?
13:37:06 <warlord> Interesting.
13:38:12 <jsled> Oh. Shit.
13:39:02 <warlord> :(
13:39:04 <warlord> ???
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13:41:24 <jsled> insufficient testing of my changes. We're opening uninitialized memory as the log-output filename.
13:42:20 <jsled> insufficient testing of my changes. We're opening uninitialized memory as the log-output filename.
13:42:36 <jsled> (er...) We do the same thing with `add_quotes_file`, actually. :/
13:42:59 <hampton> add_quotes_file?
13:43:41 <jsled> yeah. It's not initialized, but it's passed to qof_session_begin(..) with whatever it might be pointing at.
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13:44:09 <warlord> Eww.
13:44:16 <warlord> Valgrind? Or compiler warning?
13:44:37 <jsled> Inspection, tracking down dvherman's issue.
13:45:37 <warlord> Oh.
13:46:46 <jsled> Or, maybe not. WTF?
13:51:34 <jsled> Huh. And now I can't reproduce it. :/
13:54:25 <prock> hmm another problem with my build, am I doing something wrong or is this something with gnucash?: http://paste.debian.net/21710
13:56:30 <MrN> hi
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14:04:16 <warlord> prock: This is on Mac? MacPorts or Fink?
14:05:08 <prock> macports
14:05:28 <warlord> Why don't you "sudo port install gnucash"?
14:05:28 <prock> I had fink installed but I moved /sw out of th eway.
14:05:38 <prock> because I want to build trunk
14:05:50 <prock> I already have gnucash installed but I deactivated it.
14:06:37 <warlord> Just making sure you have all the deps built.
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14:07:22 <warlord> from there, follow the instructions on the wiki.
14:07:34 <warlord> (oh, you'll also need to "sudo port install swig")
14:07:44 <prock> oh sorry I must have missed those. yeah I've already gotten swig
14:09:20 <warlord> Okay.. Then start from a clean checkout, set PATH, CPPFLAGS, LDFLAGS, and DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH as per the wiki, then run autogen, configure, make, and make install.
14:09:40 <prock> ok will do thanks
14:10:02 <prock> I take it I don't actually need g-wrap though...
14:13:10 <hampton> correct
14:13:41 <warlord> prock: not for trunk, no.
14:24:17 <hampton> HBCI adds 6 items to the import menu. :-( There's got to be a better approach than an ever increasing menu list.
14:24:41 <warlord> Such as?
14:25:39 <hampton> I don't know. A single "Import..." entry that pops up a dialog. The dialog has a pop-up list of all possible import mechanisms, and defaults to whatever you used last time?
14:26:54 <warlord> Why is that any better than multiple menu items?
14:27:09 <hampton> all the existing import commands take you to a dialog anyway to input the file name
14:27:13 <hampton> less cluttered
14:30:03 <warlord> wow... make check is VERBOSE now!
14:30:15 <jsled> for those backend tests.
14:30:55 <warlord> oooh, test-sx failed.
14:31:09 <warlord> PASS: test-print-parse-amount
14:31:09 <warlord> /bin/sh: line 1: 22684 Segmentation fault GNC_MODULE_PATH="../../../src/engine/.libs:../../../src/calculation/.libs:../../../src/app-utils/.libs:${GNC_MODULE_PATH}" GUILE_LOAD_PATH="../../../src/core-utils:../../../src/gnc-module:../../../src/engine:../../../src/scm:../../../src/app-utils:${GUILE_LOAD_PATH}" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="../../../src/app-utils/.libs:../../../src/calculation/.libs:../../../src/engine/.libs:../../../src/gnc-module/.libs:../../../src
14:31:09 <warlord> /core-utils/.libs:../../../lib/libqof/qof/.libs:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}" DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="../../../src/app-utils/.libs:../../../src/calculation/.libs:../../../src/engine/.libs:../../../src/gnc-module/.libs:../../../src/core-utils/.libs:../../../lib/libqof/qof/.libs:${DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH}" ${dir}$tst
14:31:11 <warlord> FAIL: test-sx
14:31:15 <warlord> ==========================================
14:31:17 <warlord> 1 of 6 tests failed
14:31:19 <warlord> Please report to gnucash-devel@gnucash.org
14:31:20 <jsled> awesome.
14:31:21 <warlord> ==========================================
14:31:23 <warlord> make[5]: *** [check-TESTS] Error 1
14:31:25 <warlord> make[5]: Leaving directory `/home/warlord/src/gnucash/gnucash-svk/build/src/app-utils/test'
14:31:39 <jsled> Yeah, something's broken right now.
14:32:52 <warlord> ok
14:38:17 <jsled> hmm. passes for me, but I think the problem's memory-corruption related. warlord, that was with 15555?
14:39:26 <warlord> Yeah
14:47:39 <jsled> warlord: hmm. Any chance you have time to try and get a backtrace on that?
14:47:47 <prock> ok, same error.
14:49:52 <warlord> Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
14:49:52 <warlord> [Switching to Thread -1208994112 (LWP 22856)]
14:49:52 <warlord> 0x00fd54b1 in __gen_tempname () from /lib/libc.so.6
14:49:52 <warlord> (gdb) bt
14:49:52 <warlord> #0 0x00fd54b1 in __gen_tempname () from /lib/libc.so.6
14:49:53 <warlord> #1 0x01045475 in mkstemp64 () from /lib/libc.so.6
14:49:55 <warlord> #2 0x0061595d in g_mkstemp () from /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0
14:49:57 <warlord> #3 0x0048dc70 in qof_log_init_filename (log_filename=0x0) at qoflog.c:149
14:49:59 <warlord> #4 0x0048da6c in qof_log_init () at qoflog.c:87
14:50:01 <warlord> #5 0x00496332 in qof_init () at qofutil.c:548
14:50:03 <warlord> #6 0x00f2cb60 in gnc_engine_init (argc=0, argv=0x0) at gnc-engine.c:93
14:50:05 <warlord> #7 0x0804c87c in main () at test-sx.c:184
14:50:13 <warlord> prock: ppc or intel?
14:50:16 <prock> intel
14:50:21 <warlord> Oh. Hmm...
14:50:38 <warlord> I'm afraid I can't help you there.. I've only got a MacPPC.
14:50:47 <warlord> and it works just fine for me...
14:51:31 * hampton has a macintel...
14:51:39 <hampton> but I've never tried to compile gnucash on it
14:52:23 <warlord> jsled: It's calling qof_log_init_filename() with a NULL log_filename/fname
14:52:31 <jsled> yeah. I screwed the test up.
14:52:41 <jsled> testing a fix now...
14:53:58 <prock> ah looks like this is a bug with the dependencies.
14:55:12 <warlord> jsled: why doesn't qof_log_init_filename() deal with a NULL filename?
14:55:36 <jsled> warlord: well, because it's buggy. :)
14:56:40 <jsled> This is part of what I meant by "I'm not thrilled with [initilization], but [...]" from the email.
14:57:01 <warlord> OH.. I see..
14:57:41 <warlord> biab
14:57:43 *** warlord is now known as warlord-afk
14:57:49 <jsled> re-initing the log destination wasn't really supported before, and it's still a bit too convoluted right now.
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18:36:57 <bab> has anyone here had any luck getting gnucash to run on FreeBSD (6.2)?
18:37:39 <bab> i was running on gentoo, and it got terribly broken. for several reasons I reinstalled with freebsd and now it tries to start up for about 5-10 while guile eats the cpu, then dies
18:37:50 <bab> *5-10min
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18:39:29 <bab> (error is at http://bab.pastebin.co.uk/10250)
18:46:42 <warlord> jsled: you here?
18:47:03 <warlord> bab: Did you read the FAQ?
18:47:53 <jsled> warlord: for a bit.
18:47:55 <warlord> bab: what version of slib? Looks like you have a bad slib.
18:48:16 <warlord> jsled: I'm actually using the Mortgage Druid and can't figure out how to tell it my monthly escrow.
18:48:50 <warlord> I can tell it what my quarterly taxes and yearly insurance payments, but I can't figure out how to tell it the escrow amount the bank is pulling..
18:53:10 <jsled> warlord: yeah, there's no place to do it in the druid. The escrow is exactly as much as the payments made through the escrow account.
18:53:19 <jsled> I didn't really understand how it worked when I wrote it.
18:53:26 <jsled> Now, I have a mortgage, and I do. :)
18:53:53 <jsled> In any case, once the SXes are created, you can probably manipulate the formulæ created to accomodate.
18:54:20 <warlord> Okay.. the P/I and Payment amounts are correct.
18:54:31 <warlord> I'll adjust the others as necessary.
18:57:17 * jsled goes afk again.
19:17:37 <warlord> jsled: Hmm... Got this from 2.0.x:
19:17:38 <warlord> (gnucash:16964): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_date_update_dmy: assertion `g_date_valid_julian (d->julian_days)' failed
19:17:46 * rhowe just had a weird idea
19:17:58 <rhowe> I was wondering how to model credit lines
19:20:52 <rhowe> Could Equity accounts be used?
19:21:44 <rhowe> If not, I was thinking of a special type of account, which when set as a child of a "Bank" account or a credit card account would keep track of your credit line.. then you could run reports on available funds taking into account available credit
19:21:57 <rhowe> I would love a report which told me how much I could spend before hitting all my limits :)
19:26:52 <bab> warlord: sorry, i was afk
19:26:58 <bab> just a sec i'll figure out the slib version
19:27:24 <bab> warlord: 3a4_1
19:28:26 <warlord> bab: yeah, 3a4 doesn't work with gnucash prior to (the unreleased) 2.0.5
19:28:30 <warlord> Downgrade slib to 3a3
19:28:42 <bab> warlord: okay. any idea on a 2.0.5 timeline?
19:28:54 <warlord> rhowe: I dont think you'd need a new account type; probably just an extension to the exiting Credit Card account.
19:28:59 <warlord> bab: Nope.
19:29:02 <bab> ok
19:29:09 <warlord> Just downgrade to slib 3a3
19:29:18 <warlord> or 3a1
19:29:46 <rhowe> warlord: Well, I'm thinking bank accounts with overdraft limits too
19:30:40 <warlord> rhowe: so?
19:31:11 <rhowe> warlord: So I guess they'd need extending in a similar way?
19:33:32 <warlord> No..
19:34:04 <warlord> You just need to extend a single type (e.g. CC) to understand "credit limits". An overdraft account would then be a CC under your bank account with the specified limit.
19:34:14 <rhowe> Ah right
19:37:02 <rhowe> Hmm
19:38:07 <rhowe> Would using an Equity account work? Have a "Credit Limit" account as a subaccount, make it an Equity account and transfer from a "Credit" equity account?
19:40:51 <warlord> No, you dont want to us Equity...
19:40:57 <warlord> At least I dont think you would..
19:41:53 * rhowe gets confused whenever he thinks about Equity account
19:41:53 <rhowe> +s
19:42:11 <warlord> No doubt
19:42:43 <rhowe> And I know that whenever you think about using Equity accounts to solve something, it probably means you shouldn't :)
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19:43:31 <warlord> *nods*
19:43:43 <todd> has anyone noticed that when moving from gnucash 1.x -> 2.x things slow down considerably when scrolling etc?
19:44:42 <todd> hey warlord, 'tis been a while ;-)
19:44:48 <warlord> todd: I've not noticed that. (Hi!)
19:46:00 <todd> so its good to know its not just my wife complaining or her computer .. though I suspect a trident cyberblade at 1280x1024@24bpp on a 732Mhz system probably doesn't exactly help the situation either
19:46:19 <todd> warlord: is it a generic gnome 1.x vs 2.x thing or ??
19:46:59 <warlord> Yeah, I bet it's the the system.
19:48:15 <todd> http://developer.gnome.org/projects/gap/tech-docs/access-bugs.html trying the acessability key whatever that is
19:49:58 <warlord> Oh, accessability can be broken!
19:50:16 <todd> well someone claims it slows things down when its enabled
19:50:19 <todd> so I'm trying disbaling
19:50:20 <todd> it
19:50:42 <warlord> It probably does
19:51:01 <todd> ~/.gconf/desktop/gnome/interface/%gconf.xml
19:51:15 <todd> supposedly the line in there is <entry name="accessibility" that effects things
19:51:27 <warlord> could be.
19:51:30 <todd> but you can read ehre more details: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=118657
19:51:39 <todd> will report if this fixes or not, should know soon
19:53:22 <todd> bleh, can't find that setting anywhere in here xml files, wonder if its in the global ones
19:54:15 <warlord> Hmm...
19:55:41 <todd> ok I'm convinced this is a dead end
19:56:42 <warlord> Are you running on a local machine or across remote-X
19:57:31 <todd> local system
19:57:52 <todd> its a dramatic change, from gnucash 1.x scrolling rapidly to gnucash 2.x doing one line every other second or so
19:58:03 <warlord> What OS?
19:58:17 <todd> OpenBSD
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19:58:22 <warlord> (I've not noticed this at all.. But I'm not running a 700MHz system)
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20:00:22 <MrN> n8
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20:01:08 <todd> well if I track it down to anything in particular I'll report back, over and out ;-)
20:01:17 <warlord> Later.
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21:53:18 <todd> so, um, is there any way to get the 'find' button back on the toolbar for gnucash 2.x ?
21:53:50 <warlord> umm...
21:55:27 <todd> sorry to be asking, my crazy wife just realized its not there, it was for 1.x
21:55:49 <todd> I've told her about the control-f feature, she'll get used to it I'm sure, but lets just say I have much incentive to ask ;-)
21:57:02 <warlord> maybe hampton can help.
22:12:10 <hampton> I suppose it could be put back. I probably pulled it during the 2.0 redesign after reading the HIG line that ways "Place only the most commonly-used application functions on your toolbars. Don't just add buttons for every menu item."
22:12:17 <hampton> s/ways/says/
22:13:20 <andi5> hampton: we could remove "Refresh" from nearly everything except reports... guess what we do not necessarily need there ;-) (do we?)
22:13:49 <warlord> No, we dont
22:14:06 <warlord> And we don't need 'close' if we have the little [x] on the tabs.
22:15:31 <andi5> warlord: seconded
22:15:31 <hampton> The little [x] on the tabs is a user preference.
22:15:37 <todd> some apps permit customization of toolbars, not sure my wife should change the app, but she was not pleased to realize it had changed *grin* .. change is always hard no matter what you do ;-)
22:15:55 <andi5> yes... if disabled -> put back into toolbar
22:15:55 <warlord> true
22:16:08 <hampton> I wouldn't mind a customizable toolbar
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22:16:36 <todd> hampton: I'm to relay the pleasure of my wife in hearing that you like the idea of a customizable toolbar *grin*
22:17:23 <hampton> I didn't say I was going to write one, but I would help someone else do it. Hint. Hint. :-)
22:17:36 <andi5> todd: tell your wife to press Ctrl-F... i guess that will not change too soon :-)
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22:22:48 <todd> oh heh, understood ..
22:25:53 <andi5> oh... i am sorry, the toolbar does not show refresh everywhere, (it is only the menus), except for the reports, say norminal condition
22:47:17 <warlord> hampton: do you have gnucash configured to open a register in a new window or in a new tab?
22:48:45 <hampton> tab. why?
22:49:16 <warlord> Can you do me a favor?
22:49:24 <hampton> sure
22:49:29 <warlord> Can you change it to a 'new window' and then open a register window..
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22:50:11 <hampton> what version of code? 2.0, trunk?
22:50:33 <warlord> Either. I'm using 2.0-branch at the moment but I'm fairly sure trunk has the same behavior that I'm trying to show you.
22:51:50 <hampton> ok. what am I looking for?
22:51:57 <warlord> Notice the size of the window..
22:52:22 <warlord> resize, make the register actually fully visible..
22:52:30 <warlord> then close the window and re-open the register again.
22:52:38 <warlord> notice the size..
22:53:21 <todd> warlord: heh, yeah, my wife just noticed that also .. that it always opens as small as possible
22:53:45 <hampton> yes, same here.
22:53:51 <warlord> Yep.
22:53:54 <andi5> i think we have some similar bug report about that.... asking for "remembering sizes"
22:54:21 <hampton> I never implemented code to remember "window" sizes unless they were open when the application closes. "Dialog" sizes are remembered.
22:54:44 <warlord> How hard would it be to remember register sizes?
22:54:50 <hampton> probably because I always use register-in-a-tab mode myself.
22:55:08 <warlord> probably, which is why I asked you to change for a moment ;)
22:56:11 <hampton> well, what do you want to remember and where? The default size of any register page? The default size of the 2nd register window, 3rd register window, etc.? A size for each individual register?
22:56:42 <andi5> what if there is a window with pages of mixed types? ... is that a "register window"?...
22:56:47 <hampton> I think the first would be the simplest and easiest for users to remember.
22:57:27 <hampton> andi5: can't be. The question is what happens when you open a new register in a new window.
22:57:28 <warlord> I'd be happy to remember the "most recent register-window" size
22:58:32 <hampton> "most recent register-window" size or "most recent window" size? Your question probably applies to reports-in-a-new-window as well.
22:59:15 <andi5> hampton: yes... my question is just about what _is_ the most recent register-window... do registers count that belong to the window "the" account tree view is in?
22:59:23 <hampton> We could probably hook something into the window resize code to remember the last setting.
22:59:26 <warlord> I think register-in-a-window and report-in-a-window should each have different sizes.
23:00:02 <warlord> e.g., whatever is the "first" tab in the window should control how the size is remembered..
23:00:18 <warlord> (e.g. Accounts, Register, Report, Invoice, ...)
23:01:41 <hampton> I think that's going to confuse people. It would make more sense if any new window opened at the size of the (last resized) existing windows.
23:02:10 <hampton> Or at the size of the window where you performed the operation that opened the new window.
23:02:41 <warlord> Really? I dont think it would confuse people..
23:02:57 <warlord> If you open a register, it opens to the "register" size. If you open a report, it opens to the "report" size..
23:03:15 <warlord> That seems pretty straightforward to me.
23:04:18 <hampton> And if you open a register in a new window, then open a report in that same window, and then resized the window, what would you expect the resize to apply to? You were looking at a report when you performed the resize.
23:04:37 <hampton> Why would you expect it to then apply to new register windows?
23:04:43 <warlord> That's a good question.
23:04:59 <andi5> changing the window size when switching tabs would be even worse, btw :)
23:05:15 <warlord> Maybe base it on the current tab when you do the resize?
23:05:16 <hampton> That's why I think that "open to the size of the current window" is a good solution.
23:05:37 <warlord> is that what you mean by "open to the size of the current window"?
23:08:12 <hampton> I mean that if you double click on a register in a 800x600 window, you get a new 800x600 window.
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23:09:25 <andi5> hm.... i guess hamptons idea is easy to implement, while warlords could probably do more what the user might like to have :)
23:09:46 <warlord> Yeah, I'm describing how I'd like it to behave.. ;)
23:10:12 <andi5> WHATTHE.... opensp and libofx cannot be built without optimizations... askdjf
23:10:26 <todd> on a positive note I'm told to pass on that you're to be commended that the titles are more user friendly and there is a '*' in the first char of the title when unsaved data exists ..
23:11:08 <andi5> todd: hampton is responsible for the asterisk, i think
23:11:13 <warlord> todd: hampton did that
23:14:55 <andi5> hampton: do you think that it will suffice to connect to configure_event, check for changes in width or height and save according to the type of the currenctly active page? ... oh, and set the size on new windows too, of cousre
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23:24:01 <hampton> Configure_event looks like the way to go.
23:26:04 <hampton> I *don't* like the idea of a per-page window size. What happens if you 1) open a register in a new window, 2) resize to 800x600, 3) open a report in that same window, 4) resize to 500x500, 5) switch back to the register page, 6) do something that opens a new window. What size should that new window be?
23:26:53 <warlord> What kind of new window do you open?
23:27:01 <hampton> 6) do something that opens a new register.
23:27:11 <andi5> 800x600
23:27:18 <warlord> 800x700
23:27:23 <warlord> er 800x600
23:27:23 <jsled> :)
23:27:27 <andi5> *g*
23:27:38 <jsled> Oh. I was going to say 854x233
23:27:38 <hampton> Why? You were looking at a 500x500 window, and the register page in that window is 500x500!
23:28:06 <warlord> because the last time you resized a register you resized it to 800x600.
23:28:31 <andi5> exactly... let us call us a "good size for a register"
23:29:07 <andi5> the second "us" is a "that", actually
23:29:24 <hampton> So. You're looking at a 500x500 window and suddenly an 800x600 window pops up? That's not intuitive, at least not to me.
23:29:52 <andi5> well, if you work with several windows, why would you want to open reports in tabs, btw?
23:29:54 <hampton> I understand what you, warlord want. I'm saying I think it will confuse most people.
23:30:06 <warlord> get todd to ask his wife.
23:30:11 <hampton> andi5: why would you ever want more than one window?
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23:30:18 <andi5> hampton: i do not know ;-)
23:30:27 * andi5 works maximized all time
23:30:30 <hampton> lol
23:30:33 <jsled> Yeah, I think we should get around all this issue by not supporting more than one window. :)
23:30:33 <warlord> Hehehe...
23:30:42 * hampton uses a single tabbed window
23:30:49 <warlord> Hey, I LIKE my registers in separate windows!
23:31:08 <andi5> warlord: have you thought about switching to ... say kmymoney? ;-)
23:31:18 <warlord> :-P
23:31:23 <warlord> That would require KDE.. EEEWwww
23:32:13 <andi5> i think messing tabs with windows is.... like messing
23:32:45 <jsled> I don't know. It does work for firefox ...
23:33:11 <jsled> But that's much less sensitive to tab-type specific sizing.
23:33:15 <warlord> firefox can open windows of different sizes.
23:33:42 <jsled> At the same time, when I do New Window, I would be surprised if it came up with a window of a different size.
23:33:55 <jsled> But, again, the tabs are generic, not typed.
23:34:05 <warlord> right.. gnucash windows are typed.
23:34:14 <warlord> If they weren't typed then I'd agree with you 100%
23:34:17 <andi5> jsled: firefox does just what hampton suggested.... but well, you know the difference (^^)
23:34:59 <hampton> gnucash windows aren't typed. You can have any tab in any window.
23:35:10 <jsled> I've got it! The six window interface. One each for Accounts, Registers, Reports, Budgets, SxList and Business. :)
23:35:23 <warlord> Hehehe
23:35:29 <hampton> They used to be typed in 1.8, but that's not true in 2.0.
23:36:07 <jsled> Well, they're typed in the sense that a register report has different size requirements than the SxList, or a report.
23:36:50 <jsled> (Or, can, anyways. A single large window does the trick for me as well.)
23:37:39 <jsled> But I side with hampton; new windows should inherit the size of the window they're opened from. It's stateless and simple, and we have better ways to spend time.
23:39:18 <warlord> Hmm... I suppose.. But I find it odd when I resize a window, close it, reopen it, and it's not the size I sete.
23:44:58 <hampton> maybe, but it would be obvious what gnucash was doing
23:45:51 <jsled> g'night all.
23:45:57 <andi5> hampton: does the HIG say anything about that?
23:50:30 <warlord> see ya jsled
23:52:56 <warlord> Honestly, anything would be better than the minimum size we've got now.. ;)
23:58:14 <prock> 2.0 build builds on on my macintel, but trunk does not. "ld: multiple definitions of symbol _gnc_module_current". register/register-core/gncmod-register-core.c and register/register-gnome/gncmod-register-gnome.c (on trunk) both define gnc_module_current (and others) outside of any block whereas 2.0 branch defines then with unique names (eg - "libgncmod_register_core_LTX_gnc_module_current")
23:59:26 <prock> I have similar errors for _gnc_module_init, _gnc_module_path, _gnc_module_revision, _gnc_module_system_interface, _gnc_module_age, and _gnc_module_description
23:59:43 <warlord> prock: send mail to -devel
23:59:56 <prock> okies