2007-01-18 GnuCash IRC logs

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12:03:06 <warlord> hi!
12:03:15 <jsled> morning
12:15:16 <warlord> how goes it?
12:18:43 <jsled> oh, pretty good. been trying to get the gentoo g-wrap-1.9.7 ebuild working with glib-2.0; the patch I sent didn't actually work.
12:18:50 <jsled> :(
12:19:11 <warlord> Oh. :(
12:19:18 <jsled> But it looks like someone else just got it working, so it should be sorted out.
12:21:42 <jsled> how're you?
12:33:38 <warlord> I'm okay.. Tired.
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12:46:29 <warlord> I (finally) started using gnucash for my pesonal finances ;)
12:46:51 <jsled> Oh? Heh! :)
12:47:00 <warlord> Yeah. Started 1/1
12:47:08 <andi5> you own peso?
12:47:28 <warlord> I decided I wanted to keep better track of what I was spending money on, now that I'm a one-income household again.
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13:43:37 <prock_> could someone please explain this to me: "Josh kept the discussion on-track by explaining that budgets cannot actually constrain real-world income and expenses.
13:43:43 <prock_> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Budgets
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13:44:11 <jsled> oh. just the idea that gnucash can't actually prevent the user from spending outside the budget.
13:44:18 <andi5> no?
13:44:22 <andi5> we need to enforce that
13:44:23 <jsled> :)
13:44:45 <jsled> "The GnuCash credit/debit card, with built-in Spending Limits!"
13:44:51 <andi5> yeah!
13:44:53 <prock> heh, ok.
13:45:05 <andi5> lets buy 5000 of them
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13:46:31 <prock> Is it possible to 'roll-back' changes? Could I roll my gnucash file backwards to what it looked like a month ago?
13:46:43 <jsled> prock: no.
13:47:04 <jsled> (obviously, if you have a 2 month old backup ... just open that, but that's not what you're asking)
13:47:17 <prock> right
13:47:49 <prock> I've got ideas rolling around in my head...
13:48:28 <prock> Is it possible to enter SX's but leave them 'inactive'?
13:48:47 <warlord> prock: you could just use a backup file.
13:48:52 <warlord> but other than that, no.
13:49:00 <jsled> prock: not as such, but you could set the start date far in the future.
13:49:17 <jsled> or just plumb an 'inactive' flag through the code
13:49:29 <jsled> After the SX cleanup branch lands, that'll be trivial.
13:50:35 <jsled> (though I think at this point it's not going to merge in until I get back from CA, unless I do it tonight.)
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13:50:59 <jsled> But I should be able to do it tonight. I just need to find a replacement for g_object_ref_sink, or whatever.
13:51:16 <prock> It'd be nice to be able to to make a 'projection' by 1) taking a snapshot of my accounts on some arbitrary date, 2) selecting some SX's to apply to that snapshot.
13:51:48 <warlord> prock: writing a "projection report" that hooked into the SXes would be "really cool".
13:51:49 <prock> then provide some reporting mechanism so that two months down the road I can compare the projection with what actually happened
13:52:04 <prock> warlord: "really cool" ...?
13:53:05 <warlord> prock: it was a hint that if you did it we'd think you were really cool :)
13:53:50 * prock is already really cool, warlord just doesn't know it yet.
13:54:09 <warlord> well you could be ever cooler
13:54:10 <jsled> prock: if you do start looking at the code, make sure you're looking at branches/sx-cleanup/. Not only is the code much different from current/trunk, but also much simpler for stuff like this.
13:54:41 <prock> mind you I know nothing about budgeting or accounting and such... what would be the proper term for what I've suggested?
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14:17:28 <prock> jsled: have you been merging changes on trunk into sx-cleanup since you branched in July?
14:18:24 <jsled> prock: no. I have a recent copy of trunk/ with sx-cleanup merged back in sitting on my drive ,but I've not committed it.
14:18:40 <jsled> As I said, I will either later or in ~2 weeks.
14:18:51 <prock> yup ok tnx
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14:19:05 <jsled> hey hampton2
14:19:24 <hampton2> gncbot: op
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14:19:32 <hampton2> hi jsled
14:20:27 <warlord> hiya hampton2
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15:10:48 <prock> how many books are contain within my gnucash data file?
15:11:45 <jsled> 1.
15:11:59 <jsled> Like GncBook? Or generically?
15:11:59 <prock> what does QOF stand for?
15:12:05 <jsled> Query Object Framework.
15:12:12 <jsled> see lib/libqof/
15:12:37 <jsled> It's a sorta hybrid between glib and a datastore-independent storage/query framewokr.
15:13:04 <jsled> With a lot of utility functions thrown in for good measure
15:13:08 <prock> is it possible yet to close a book?
15:13:10 <jsled> Ah, better to say "gobject" than "glib".
15:13:34 <jsled> prock: IIRC it's mostly implemented. It's definitely buggy.
15:13:41 <prock> src/doc/books.txt suggested it's not done yet
15:13:42 <prock> oh ok
15:14:53 <prock> my data file is binary xml?
15:15:14 <jsled> no. It's likely gzipped xml.
15:15:38 <jsled> binary xml is a kinda contradiction in terms, no matter how much the binary xml people want it. :)
15:16:31 <prock> how safe is it to open my datafile with trunk/branch/release versions?
15:17:54 <jsled> to just open it? not a problem.
15:17:59 <jsled> Saving is a different matter.
15:18:08 <andi5> jsled: still looking for a replacement of g_object_ref_sink?
15:18:12 <prock> yes that was really my question thanks
15:18:17 <jsled> andi5: not actively, but yes. :)
15:18:27 <andi5> jsled: what is the type of the object?
15:18:29 <jsled> andi5: I was going to pull up the sources later and see how it's implemented.
15:18:46 <jsled> andi5: uh ... GncDenseCal (GtkWidget), IIRC.
15:19:32 <andi5> hm... what about g_object_ref ; gtk_object_sink? ... is that right?
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15:20:58 <jsled> andi5: could be ... I suppose if I could answer that, I wouldn't not know. :)
15:21:41 <andi5> well, somehow i think g_object_ref_sink is basically that sequence, but you will need to double-check that ;-)
15:21:58 <jsled> cool. thanks.
15:22:20 <andi5> this will not work for GObjects for obvious reasons ;-)
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15:26:36 <andi5> oh.... maybe g_object_ref will make the ref-count even "2"... so it could be a candidate for commenting out :-)
15:32:44 <warlord> Hmmm.. A complaint about gnucash's "insecure usage of /tmp" (via private email).
15:32:53 <warlord> ... complaining about /tmp/gnucash.trace and /tmp/qof.trace
15:33:23 <jsled> I never understood why we suddenly started writing to /tmp/gnucash.trace, rather than stderr.
15:33:43 <andi5> yeah ... /me definitely votes for trashing these files ;-)
15:33:47 <jsled> I guess it can get voluminous.
15:34:20 * jsled votes for log4j-style logging. I think there's a log4c, out there.
15:34:22 <andi5> jsled: run gnucash with GDK_DEBUG_FLAGS=all or so ...
15:35:13 <jsled> but that's just another todo item for me, and neither here nor there...
15:35:57 <warlord> There's log4cpp.. But the problem is that g_* logging needs some output.
15:35:57 <jsled> warlord: no real reason to not put it in bugzilla, though, right? I mean, I don't think we need to treat it as a super-secret issue.
15:37:15 <jsled> well, if someone's not written a g_log_[set_]handler -> log4c adapter ...
15:37:30 <andi5> Q: whenever you do not start gnucash with --debug --loglevel=$high, we never write sensitive data (like account names), right?
15:38:01 <warlord> Account names are sensitive?
15:38:03 <warlord> I dont know.
15:38:05 <andi5> why not
15:40:07 <warlord> Why don't I know if we output account names? Because I haven't recently audited the code.
15:51:44 <hampton2> What about a /tmp/gnucash.$USER.trace set mode 644? :-)
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15:51:54 <hampton2> sorry, set 600
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15:52:22 <andi5> hampton2: this sorting bug is confusing to me :)
15:52:33 <warlord> hampton2: the problem is that the code just does an fopen(). What if I symlink /tmp/gnucash.<whatever> -> /home/hampton/.procmailrc ?
15:52:35 <hampton2> what sorting bug?
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15:52:44 <andi5> #366361
15:53:05 <hampton2> I responded to that. What's the bug?
15:53:58 <andi5> Q1: if sort_column is "none", do we sort by "name" automatically or not? (if i open a file, the gtk tree is sorted by name for me; the reporter sounded differently)
15:54:35 <andi5> Q2: we do not track the gconf change to "none", right? i.e. if i unsort in one account tree tab, it will still be sorted in another?
15:54:58 <drucci> I'm paying a liability for someone totalling 500 over 5 months. Each time I pay I want the liability to go down 100 & my asset:money owed to me:friend to go up 100. I can't seem to make this happen. Whats the best way to represent this?
15:54:59 <hampton2> A1. By code, then by type, then by name.
15:55:27 <hampton2> A2: I don't know if we track the change to none and put that into gconf.
15:55:52 <andi5> we put it into gconf, but do not update other trees
15:56:31 <andi5> to A1: the first column (name) is highlighted in grey, so i cannot see why it should sort by type or code ...
15:56:38 <warlord> drucci: so you want to track the liability (which isn't YOUR liability), the amount your friend owes you, and also the money leaving your checking account?!?
15:56:54 <drucci> warlord: biting off too much?
15:57:04 <warlord> Well, it's not really GAAP.
15:57:22 <drucci> well since i've agreed to pay it, it is my liability
15:57:30 <drucci> so I want to retain that relation
15:57:54 <drucci> i suppose I could just seperately, using Opening balances throw 500 into the money they owe me account
15:58:11 <warlord> Well, what I would do is: create the liability and initialize it by transfering from Liability -> Asset:Owed by Friend. Then just pay the liability.
15:58:55 <warlord> If you put both this Liability and your "Owed by Friend" account until the same parent then you could see how much your friend owes you.
15:59:46 <hampton2> A highlighted column implies that you have a sort on that column. Is there a sort order direction at the right end of the column header?
15:59:47 <andi5> Q3: if i unsort (by clicking a header until there is no arrow), the list does not seem to be sorted at all... code is 20, 10, 15; types are Erträge,Passiva,..,Erträge ; names are not sorted too... strange
16:00:27 <andi5> Yes, it comes up if i load a file for column "name", even if sort_column is "none"
16:02:20 <hampton2> Hmm, maybe you are getting a truly unsorted view of the accounts tree. I'd need to go look at the code to see what its actually doing. I thought that an "unsorted" tree gave you the default sort order from xaccAccountOrder().
16:03:01 <andi5> well, actually that is what _i_ expected... something unsorted ;-)
16:03:14 <drucci> warlord: hmm ok ill give that a try
16:03:17 <drucci> tx
16:03:18 <drucci> thx*
16:03:20 <warlord> np
16:05:16 <andi5> hampton2: /* Default the sorting to account name */ gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id(GTK_TREE_SORTABLE(s_model), GNC_TREE_MODEL_ACCOUNT_COL_NAME, GTK_SORT_ASCENDING);
16:05:16 <andi5> so that is predictable now :)
16:05:31 <hampton2> afaict, my unsorted accounts tree is showing the default sort order
16:12:49 <drucci> warlord: If i were to charge interest. When I add monthly interest to the asset:money owed to me: Does that transfer from some Income:Interest account?
16:13:04 <warlord> drucci: yeah
16:13:14 <drucci> K
16:13:24 <drucci> teaching my sister a nice lesson in DONT SHOPLIFT :)
16:13:30 <warlord> OH?
16:13:37 <jsled> heh heh
16:14:31 <warlord> How old is this sister that needs this lesson?!?
16:14:32 <jsled> drucci: what happened, if you don't mind saying? And mind the public logging.
16:16:21 <drucci> well lets just say she got caught and they elluded to cops getting involved if she didnt sign a document stating she had to pay an amount based on how much she was caught with
16:16:37 <drucci> Of course they wouldnt let her call anyone for legal advice
16:16:46 <drucci> and refuse to give her a copy of what shes signed
16:16:56 <drucci> so slightly illegal imho on their side
16:17:14 <drucci> but its not that much money and shes horribly freaked out now so I hope shes learned a thing or 2
16:17:51 <warlord> hopefully!
16:21:08 <drucci> So hows gnucash-current looking
16:21:26 <warlord> in terms of..??
16:21:55 <drucci> Should i hack my ports make file so that it can build from svn?
16:22:11 <jsled> naw.
16:22:15 <jsled> 2.0 was the big upgrade.
16:22:31 <jsled> Otherwise, wait for the releases.
16:22:39 <jsled> (unless you're not on 2.0, yet)
16:23:04 <drucci> I'm on the latest ive seen for freebsd (2.0.2)
16:23:36 <jsled> @tell jpeach (re: private message) Yes, I do! And yes, it is!
16:23:36 <gncbot> jsled: The operation succeeded.
16:23:50 <andi5> hampton2: you must rename yourself, your color is silly.... ;-)
16:24:05 <warlord> drucci: I'd at least upgrade to 2.0.4
16:35:04 <drucci> alright, i'll see if i can build it
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16:36:16 <silly_colored_name> andi5: Any better?
16:36:30 <jsled> :)
16:36:31 <andi5> i do not know, you mentioned my name
16:36:44 <silly_colored_name> lol
16:36:50 <andi5> hm... it is ok
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16:37:00 <andi5> perfect :)
16:37:09 <jsled> I've always wondered how xchat decides on the color... especially when it does the wrong thing.
16:37:15 <andi5> -> gaim
16:37:32 <jsled> (like assigning the same color to two people with nicks of the same length, making it easy to confuse who says what)
16:38:19 <drucci> warlord: can you patch lib/srfi/srfi-8.scm
16:40:07 <warlord> drucci: patch how? and why?
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16:42:51 <drucci> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Talk:FreeBSD
16:42:58 <drucci> ok it looks horrible in non edit mode
16:43:12 <drucci> click edit to see what im referring to
16:43:25 <jsled> Ah. Add some <pre>s around it?
16:43:35 <drucci> oh true, i tried no wiki formating
16:43:40 <drucci> didnt realize i could put html in there
16:43:45 <jsled> there
16:45:08 <drucci> those are supposedly patches needed to make gnucash2 work on freebsd
16:45:24 <warlord> drucci: you really should update to guile 1.6
16:46:13 <drucci> I have 1.6.8
16:47:18 <warlord> Well, the first patch isn't necessary
16:47:23 <drucci> I didn't write those patches, I dont even know if they are needed.
16:47:38 <drucci> Someone on the freebsd mailing list is working on the port so those are there patches
16:48:20 <warlord> The first one is clearly someone who doesn't understand guile/scheme. (substring "1.4.1" 0 3) results in "1.4" so it would match the already-existing line.
16:48:33 <warlord> The second one might be necessary.
16:48:39 <drucci> it looks like the first one was just dragged over the patch from gnucash1.8's port
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16:49:24 <warlord> Well, it was wrong there, too ;)
16:49:37 <warlord> It's just not needed.
16:51:00 <drucci> ah scheme
16:51:03 <drucci> reminds me of college
16:51:43 <warlord> I've just commented on that page.
17:05:49 <drucci> compiling 2.0.4 on freebsd
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17:24:12 <jsled> huh. gnucash-2.0.4 doesn't work for me. :/
17:25:18 <warlord> jsled: oh?
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17:31:23 <warlord> jsled: how doesn't it work for you?
17:31:59 <jsled> http://pastebin.ca/320920
17:37:42 <drucci> (gnucash:79457): GLib-CRITICAL **: Invalid key name: Account Name
17:37:45 <drucci> is that normal?
17:37:51 <jsled> This seems familiar too, but I can't seem to find it via google searches.
17:38:00 <drucci> btw im running 2.0.4 now
17:38:44 <jsled> drucci: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=158646 has a good summary.
17:38:59 <jsled> Sorry. http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=158673
17:40:32 <drucci> k
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17:41:52 <warlord> drucci: it's a glib "bug"
17:42:15 <warlord> You can't use 2.12.6 (IIRC)
17:43:15 <warlord> jsled: I saw a report of that on the list. IIRC it's a g-wrap bug.
17:43:24 <jsled> Oh? Heh heh.
17:43:46 <warlord> Yeah, it's trying to convert '#f' to a QofSession* and failing.
17:44:00 <warlord> Are you using g-wrap 1.9.6 or 1.9.7?
17:44:02 <jsled> date? list?
17:44:06 <jsled> 1.9.7
17:44:20 <warlord> That seems to be the common thread, 1.9.7...
17:44:25 <jsled> *sigh*
17:44:47 <warlord> Um... It was either -devel, -user, or -bugzilla. I dont recall which offhand.
17:45:12 <jsled> Ah, I thought you might be looking at the message...
17:45:22 <warlord> Nope. I'm looking for it ..
17:46:19 <warlord> try gnucash-user .. subject "2.0.4 Backtrace on Start-up" around Jan 4th or 5th
17:46:38 <jsled> ah. thanks.
17:56:34 <warlord> NP
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18:21:27 <warlord> jsled: or even check the most recent message on -user
18:21:38 <warlord> (from Grant Sturgis)
18:23:04 <jsled> warlord: aye.
18:25:54 <warlord> okay, i'm out.
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18:26:00 <jsled> warlord: and that's what I'm basically doing; I just removed g-wrap-1.9.7, and am rebuilding. :(
18:26:03 <jsled> (gnucash)
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18:26:12 <jsled> Then I'll try it with slib-3.1.1
18:26:25 * jsled headshakes. What a fucking mess.
18:26:59 <jsled> And we haven't even broached the guile-1.8 subject, with all sorts of loveliness, if <http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=125468> is to be believed.
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19:20:40 <chris> jsled: Are the gcrap 1.9.7 generated files the same as 1.9.6?
19:21:08 <jsled> chris: That's a good question; I've not looked, but can in a while.
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21:02:49 <jsled> gncbot: tell andi5 It seems you speak the truth: <http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=336677#c4>
21:02:49 <gncbot> jsled: The operation succeeded.
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23:39:16 <hampton2> Yahoo is acting weird tonight. Attempts to pull quotes fail randomly with a 404 error
23:41:31 <warlord> fun!
23:43:04 <hampton2> makes it hard to debug bugs related to stock quotes. :-(
23:43:28 <warlord> Yeah
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23:50:00 <pestilence> i set up gnucash to get transactions from discover card, but it doesn't return any transactions :-(
23:50:34 <pestilence> "The HBCI import returned no transactions for the selected time period."
23:51:16 <warlord> OFX-DC says "HBCI"?
23:51:38 <warlord> Are you sure you have transactions for the selected time period?
23:51:40 <pestilence> i'm using the version of gnucash and aqbanking that is in ubuntu edgy
23:51:47 <pestilence> warlord: positive :)
23:51:57 <pestilence> although, i had to rebuild it to enable all this stuff.
23:52:22 <pestilence> should i bother trying newer versions of everything? think it's a bug that's been fixed?
23:52:48 <warlord> What version of gnucash?
23:53:02 <pestilence> 2.0.1
23:53:14 <pestilence> aqbanking 2.0.0
23:53:34 <warlord> Well, 2.0.4 is current gnucash, so I'd encourage you upgrading. But I dont know if there are any HBCI/AQB bugs there.
23:53:57 <pestilence> i had the impression that the code talking to discover was in aqbanking, but what do i know.
23:54:07 <warlord> it is.
23:54:34 <pestilence> whoa...latest version of it is 2.2.4
23:54:51 <warlord> And what version of libofx?
23:55:19 <pestilence> libofx2c2a 0.8.0-12
23:55:22 <pestilence> is that what you mean?
23:55:32 <warlord> OH! You need 0.8.2 for Direct Connect!
23:55:37 <pestilence> doh!
23:55:48 <pestilence> that really should be mentioned in the http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Debian
23:56:19 <pestilence> i'll try it if you think that'll fix it
23:57:31 <pestilence> i guess i'll have to rebuild gnucash too?
23:57:55 <warlord> you'll need to rebuild AQB and gnucash
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23:58:25 <pestilence> :-/
23:58:27 <pestilence> ok
23:59:48 <pestilence> so if i use ABQ 2.2.5 and gnucash 2.0.4 with libofx 0.8.3, will that work?
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12:03:06 <warlord> hi!
12:03:15 <jsled> morning
12:15:16 <warlord> how goes it?
12:18:43 <jsled> oh, pretty good. been trying to get the gentoo g-wrap-1.9.7 ebuild working with glib-2.0; the patch I sent didn't actually work.
12:18:50 <jsled> :(
12:19:11 <warlord> Oh. :(
12:19:18 <jsled> But it looks like someone else just got it working, so it should be sorted out.
12:21:42 <jsled> how're you?
12:33:38 <warlord> I'm okay.. Tired.
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12:46:29 <warlord> I (finally) started using gnucash for my pesonal finances ;)
12:46:51 <jsled> Oh? Heh! :)
12:47:00 <warlord> Yeah. Started 1/1
12:47:08 <andi5> you own peso?
12:47:28 <warlord> I decided I wanted to keep better track of what I was spending money on, now that I'm a one-income household again.
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13:43:37 <prock_> could someone please explain this to me: "Josh kept the discussion on-track by explaining that budgets cannot actually constrain real-world income and expenses.
13:43:43 <prock_> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Budgets
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13:44:11 <jsled> oh. just the idea that gnucash can't actually prevent the user from spending outside the budget.
13:44:18 <andi5> no?
13:44:22 <andi5> we need to enforce that
13:44:23 <jsled> :)
13:44:45 <jsled> "The GnuCash credit/debit card, with built-in Spending Limits!"
13:44:51 <andi5> yeah!
13:44:53 <prock> heh, ok.
13:45:05 <andi5> lets buy 5000 of them
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13:46:31 <prock> Is it possible to 'roll-back' changes? Could I roll my gnucash file backwards to what it looked like a month ago?
13:46:43 <jsled> prock: no.
13:47:04 <jsled> (obviously, if you have a 2 month old backup ... just open that, but that's not what you're asking)
13:47:17 <prock> right
13:47:49 <prock> I've got ideas rolling around in my head...
13:48:28 <prock> Is it possible to enter SX's but leave them 'inactive'?
13:48:47 <warlord> prock: you could just use a backup file.
13:48:52 <warlord> but other than that, no.
13:49:00 <jsled> prock: not as such, but you could set the start date far in the future.
13:49:17 <jsled> or just plumb an 'inactive' flag through the code
13:49:29 <jsled> After the SX cleanup branch lands, that'll be trivial.
13:50:35 <jsled> (though I think at this point it's not going to merge in until I get back from CA, unless I do it tonight.)
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13:50:59 <jsled> But I should be able to do it tonight. I just need to find a replacement for g_object_ref_sink, or whatever.
13:51:16 <prock> It'd be nice to be able to to make a 'projection' by 1) taking a snapshot of my accounts on some arbitrary date, 2) selecting some SX's to apply to that snapshot.
13:51:48 <warlord> prock: writing a "projection report" that hooked into the SXes would be "really cool".
13:51:49 <prock> then provide some reporting mechanism so that two months down the road I can compare the projection with what actually happened
13:52:04 <prock> warlord: "really cool" ...?
13:53:05 <warlord> prock: it was a hint that if you did it we'd think you were really cool :)
13:53:50 * prock is already really cool, warlord just doesn't know it yet.
13:54:09 <warlord> well you could be ever cooler
13:54:10 <jsled> prock: if you do start looking at the code, make sure you're looking at branches/sx-cleanup/. Not only is the code much different from current/trunk, but also much simpler for stuff like this.
13:54:41 <prock> mind you I know nothing about budgeting or accounting and such... what would be the proper term for what I've suggested?
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14:17:28 <prock> jsled: have you been merging changes on trunk into sx-cleanup since you branched in July?
14:18:24 <jsled> prock: no. I have a recent copy of trunk/ with sx-cleanup merged back in sitting on my drive ,but I've not committed it.
14:18:40 <jsled> As I said, I will either later or in ~2 weeks.
14:18:51 <prock> yup ok tnx
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14:19:05 <jsled> hey hampton2
14:19:24 <hampton2> gncbot: op
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14:19:32 <hampton2> hi jsled
14:20:27 <warlord> hiya hampton2
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15:10:48 <prock> how many books are contain within my gnucash data file?
15:11:45 <jsled> 1.
15:11:59 <jsled> Like GncBook? Or generically?
15:11:59 <prock> what does QOF stand for?
15:12:05 <jsled> Query Object Framework.
15:12:12 <jsled> see lib/libqof/
15:12:37 <jsled> It's a sorta hybrid between glib and a datastore-independent storage/query framewokr.
15:13:04 <jsled> With a lot of utility functions thrown in for good measure
15:13:08 <prock> is it possible yet to close a book?
15:13:10 <jsled> Ah, better to say "gobject" than "glib".
15:13:34 <jsled> prock: IIRC it's mostly implemented. It's definitely buggy.
15:13:41 <prock> src/doc/books.txt suggested it's not done yet
15:13:42 <prock> oh ok
15:14:53 <prock> my data file is binary xml?
15:15:14 <jsled> no. It's likely gzipped xml.
15:15:38 <jsled> binary xml is a kinda contradiction in terms, no matter how much the binary xml people want it. :)
15:16:31 <prock> how safe is it to open my datafile with trunk/branch/release versions?
15:17:54 <jsled> to just open it? not a problem.
15:17:59 <jsled> Saving is a different matter.
15:18:08 <andi5> jsled: still looking for a replacement of g_object_ref_sink?
15:18:12 <prock> yes that was really my question thanks
15:18:17 <jsled> andi5: not actively, but yes. :)
15:18:27 <andi5> jsled: what is the type of the object?
15:18:29 <jsled> andi5: I was going to pull up the sources later and see how it's implemented.
15:18:46 <jsled> andi5: uh ... GncDenseCal (GtkWidget), IIRC.
15:19:32 <andi5> hm... what about g_object_ref ; gtk_object_sink? ... is that right?
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15:20:58 <jsled> andi5: could be ... I suppose if I could answer that, I wouldn't not know. :)
15:21:41 <andi5> well, somehow i think g_object_ref_sink is basically that sequence, but you will need to double-check that ;-)
15:21:58 <jsled> cool. thanks.
15:22:20 <andi5> this will not work for GObjects for obvious reasons ;-)
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15:26:36 <andi5> oh.... maybe g_object_ref will make the ref-count even "2"... so it could be a candidate for commenting out :-)
15:32:44 <warlord> Hmmm.. A complaint about gnucash's "insecure usage of /tmp" (via private email).
15:32:53 <warlord> ... complaining about /tmp/gnucash.trace and /tmp/qof.trace
15:33:23 <jsled> I never understood why we suddenly started writing to /tmp/gnucash.trace, rather than stderr.
15:33:43 <andi5> yeah ... /me definitely votes for trashing these files ;-)
15:33:47 <jsled> I guess it can get voluminous.
15:34:20 * jsled votes for log4j-style logging. I think there's a log4c, out there.
15:34:22 <andi5> jsled: run gnucash with GDK_DEBUG_FLAGS=all or so ...
15:35:13 <jsled> but that's just another todo item for me, and neither here nor there...
15:35:57 <warlord> There's log4cpp.. But the problem is that g_* logging needs some output.
15:35:57 <jsled> warlord: no real reason to not put it in bugzilla, though, right? I mean, I don't think we need to treat it as a super-secret issue.
15:37:15 <jsled> well, if someone's not written a g_log_[set_]handler -> log4c adapter ...
15:37:30 <andi5> Q: whenever you do not start gnucash with --debug --loglevel=$high, we never write sensitive data (like account names), right?
15:38:01 <warlord> Account names are sensitive?
15:38:03 <warlord> I dont know.
15:38:05 <andi5> why not
15:40:07 <warlord> Why don't I know if we output account names? Because I haven't recently audited the code.
15:51:44 <hampton2> What about a /tmp/gnucash.$USER.trace set mode 644? :-)
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15:51:54 <hampton2> sorry, set 600
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15:52:22 <andi5> hampton2: this sorting bug is confusing to me :)
15:52:33 <warlord> hampton2: the problem is that the code just does an fopen(). What if I symlink /tmp/gnucash.<whatever> -> /home/hampton/.procmailrc ?
15:52:35 <hampton2> what sorting bug?
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15:52:44 <andi5> #366361
15:53:05 <hampton2> I responded to that. What's the bug?
15:53:58 <andi5> Q1: if sort_column is "none", do we sort by "name" automatically or not? (if i open a file, the gtk tree is sorted by name for me; the reporter sounded differently)
15:54:35 <andi5> Q2: we do not track the gconf change to "none", right? i.e. if i unsort in one account tree tab, it will still be sorted in another?
15:54:58 <drucci> I'm paying a liability for someone totalling 500 over 5 months. Each time I pay I want the liability to go down 100 & my asset:money owed to me:friend to go up 100. I can't seem to make this happen. Whats the best way to represent this?
15:54:59 <hampton2> A1. By code, then by type, then by name.
15:55:27 <hampton2> A2: I don't know if we track the change to none and put that into gconf.
15:55:52 <andi5> we put it into gconf, but do not update other trees
15:56:31 <andi5> to A1: the first column (name) is highlighted in grey, so i cannot see why it should sort by type or code ...
15:56:38 <warlord> drucci: so you want to track the liability (which isn't YOUR liability), the amount your friend owes you, and also the money leaving your checking account?!?
15:56:54 <drucci> warlord: biting off too much?
15:57:04 <warlord> Well, it's not really GAAP.
15:57:22 <drucci> well since i've agreed to pay it, it is my liability
15:57:30 <drucci> so I want to retain that relation
15:57:54 <drucci> i suppose I could just seperately, using Opening balances throw 500 into the money they owe me account
15:58:11 <warlord> Well, what I would do is: create the liability and initialize it by transfering from Liability -> Asset:Owed by Friend. Then just pay the liability.
15:58:55 <warlord> If you put both this Liability and your "Owed by Friend" account until the same parent then you could see how much your friend owes you.
15:59:46 <hampton2> A highlighted column implies that you have a sort on that column. Is there a sort order direction at the right end of the column header?
15:59:47 <andi5> Q3: if i unsort (by clicking a header until there is no arrow), the list does not seem to be sorted at all... code is 20, 10, 15; types are Erträge,Passiva,..,Erträge ; names are not sorted too... strange
16:00:27 <andi5> Yes, it comes up if i load a file for column "name", even if sort_column is "none"
16:02:20 <hampton2> Hmm, maybe you are getting a truly unsorted view of the accounts tree. I'd need to go look at the code to see what its actually doing. I thought that an "unsorted" tree gave you the default sort order from xaccAccountOrder().
16:03:01 <andi5> well, actually that is what _i_ expected... something unsorted ;-)
16:03:14 <drucci> warlord: hmm ok ill give that a try
16:03:17 <drucci> tx
16:03:18 <drucci> thx*
16:03:20 <warlord> np
16:05:16 <andi5> hampton2: /* Default the sorting to account name */ gtk_tree_sortable_set_sort_column_id(GTK_TREE_SORTABLE(s_model), GNC_TREE_MODEL_ACCOUNT_COL_NAME, GTK_SORT_ASCENDING);
16:05:16 <andi5> so that is predictable now :)
16:05:31 <hampton2> afaict, my unsorted accounts tree is showing the default sort order
16:12:49 <drucci> warlord: If i were to charge interest. When I add monthly interest to the asset:money owed to me: Does that transfer from some Income:Interest account?
16:13:04 <warlord> drucci: yeah
16:13:14 <drucci> K
16:13:24 <drucci> teaching my sister a nice lesson in DONT SHOPLIFT :)
16:13:30 <warlord> OH?
16:13:37 <jsled> heh heh
16:14:31 <warlord> How old is this sister that needs this lesson?!?
16:14:32 <jsled> drucci: what happened, if you don't mind saying? And mind the public logging.
16:16:21 <drucci> well lets just say she got caught and they elluded to cops getting involved if she didnt sign a document stating she had to pay an amount based on how much she was caught with
16:16:37 <drucci> Of course they wouldnt let her call anyone for legal advice
16:16:46 <drucci> and refuse to give her a copy of what shes signed
16:16:56 <drucci> so slightly illegal imho on their side
16:17:14 <drucci> but its not that much money and shes horribly freaked out now so I hope shes learned a thing or 2
16:17:51 <warlord> hopefully!
16:21:08 <drucci> So hows gnucash-current looking
16:21:26 <warlord> in terms of..??
16:21:55 <drucci> Should i hack my ports make file so that it can build from svn?
16:22:11 <jsled> naw.
16:22:15 <jsled> 2.0 was the big upgrade.
16:22:31 <jsled> Otherwise, wait for the releases.
16:22:39 <jsled> (unless you're not on 2.0, yet)
16:23:04 <drucci> I'm on the latest ive seen for freebsd (2.0.2)
16:23:36 <jsled> @tell jpeach (re: private message) Yes, I do! And yes, it is!
16:23:36 <gncbot> jsled: The operation succeeded.
16:23:50 <andi5> hampton2: you must rename yourself, your color is silly.... ;-)
16:24:05 <warlord> drucci: I'd at least upgrade to 2.0.4
16:35:04 <drucci> alright, i'll see if i can build it
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16:36:16 <silly_colored_name> andi5: Any better?
16:36:30 <jsled> :)
16:36:31 <andi5> i do not know, you mentioned my name
16:36:44 <silly_colored_name> lol
16:36:50 <andi5> hm... it is ok
16:36:55 *** silly_colored_name is now known as hampton
16:37:00 <andi5> perfect :)
16:37:09 <jsled> I've always wondered how xchat decides on the color... especially when it does the wrong thing.
16:37:15 <andi5> -> gaim
16:37:32 <jsled> (like assigning the same color to two people with nicks of the same length, making it easy to confuse who says what)
16:38:19 <drucci> warlord: can you patch lib/srfi/srfi-8.scm
16:40:07 <warlord> drucci: patch how? and why?
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16:42:51 <drucci> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Talk:FreeBSD
16:42:58 <drucci> ok it looks horrible in non edit mode
16:43:12 <drucci> click edit to see what im referring to
16:43:25 <jsled> Ah. Add some <pre>s around it?
16:43:35 <drucci> oh true, i tried no wiki formating
16:43:40 <drucci> didnt realize i could put html in there
16:43:45 <jsled> there
16:45:08 <drucci> those are supposedly patches needed to make gnucash2 work on freebsd
16:45:24 <warlord> drucci: you really should update to guile 1.6
16:46:13 <drucci> I have 1.6.8
16:47:18 <warlord> Well, the first patch isn't necessary
16:47:23 <drucci> I didn't write those patches, I dont even know if they are needed.
16:47:38 <drucci> Someone on the freebsd mailing list is working on the port so those are there patches
16:48:20 <warlord> The first one is clearly someone who doesn't understand guile/scheme. (substring "1.4.1" 0 3) results in "1.4" so it would match the already-existing line.
16:48:33 <warlord> The second one might be necessary.
16:48:39 <drucci> it looks like the first one was just dragged over the patch from gnucash1.8's port
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16:49:24 <warlord> Well, it was wrong there, too ;)
16:49:37 <warlord> It's just not needed.
16:51:00 <drucci> ah scheme
16:51:03 <drucci> reminds me of college
16:51:43 <warlord> I've just commented on that page.
17:05:49 <drucci> compiling 2.0.4 on freebsd
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17:24:12 <jsled> huh. gnucash-2.0.4 doesn't work for me. :/
17:25:18 <warlord> jsled: oh?
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17:31:23 <warlord> jsled: how doesn't it work for you?
17:31:59 <jsled> http://pastebin.ca/320920
17:37:42 <drucci> (gnucash:79457): GLib-CRITICAL **: Invalid key name: Account Name
17:37:45 <drucci> is that normal?
17:37:51 <jsled> This seems familiar too, but I can't seem to find it via google searches.
17:38:00 <drucci> btw im running 2.0.4 now
17:38:44 <jsled> drucci: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=158646 has a good summary.
17:38:59 <jsled> Sorry. http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=158673
17:40:32 <drucci> k
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17:41:52 <warlord> drucci: it's a glib "bug"
17:42:15 <warlord> You can't use 2.12.6 (IIRC)
17:43:15 <warlord> jsled: I saw a report of that on the list. IIRC it's a g-wrap bug.
17:43:24 <jsled> Oh? Heh heh.
17:43:46 <warlord> Yeah, it's trying to convert '#f' to a QofSession* and failing.
17:44:00 <warlord> Are you using g-wrap 1.9.6 or 1.9.7?
17:44:02 <jsled> date? list?
17:44:06 <jsled> 1.9.7
17:44:20 <warlord> That seems to be the common thread, 1.9.7...
17:44:25 <jsled> *sigh*
17:44:47 <warlord> Um... It was either -devel, -user, or -bugzilla. I dont recall which offhand.
17:45:12 <jsled> Ah, I thought you might be looking at the message...
17:45:22 <warlord> Nope. I'm looking for it ..
17:46:19 <warlord> try gnucash-user .. subject "2.0.4 Backtrace on Start-up" around Jan 4th or 5th
17:46:38 <jsled> ah. thanks.
17:56:34 <warlord> NP
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18:21:27 <warlord> jsled: or even check the most recent message on -user
18:21:38 <warlord> (from Grant Sturgis)
18:23:04 <jsled> warlord: aye.
18:25:54 <warlord> okay, i'm out.
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18:26:00 <jsled> warlord: and that's what I'm basically doing; I just removed g-wrap-1.9.7, and am rebuilding. :(
18:26:03 <jsled> (gnucash)
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18:26:12 <jsled> Then I'll try it with slib-3.1.1
18:26:25 * jsled headshakes. What a fucking mess.
18:26:59 <jsled> And we haven't even broached the guile-1.8 subject, with all sorts of loveliness, if <http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=125468> is to be believed.
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19:20:40 <chris> jsled: Are the gcrap 1.9.7 generated files the same as 1.9.6?
19:21:08 <jsled> chris: That's a good question; I've not looked, but can in a while.
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21:02:49 <jsled> gncbot: tell andi5 It seems you speak the truth: <http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=336677#c4>
21:02:49 <gncbot> jsled: The operation succeeded.
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23:39:16 <hampton2> Yahoo is acting weird tonight. Attempts to pull quotes fail randomly with a 404 error
23:41:31 <warlord> fun!
23:43:04 <hampton2> makes it hard to debug bugs related to stock quotes. :-(
23:43:28 <warlord> Yeah
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23:50:00 <pestilence> i set up gnucash to get transactions from discover card, but it doesn't return any transactions :-(
23:50:34 <pestilence> "The HBCI import returned no transactions for the selected time period."
23:51:16 <warlord> OFX-DC says "HBCI"?
23:51:38 <warlord> Are you sure you have transactions for the selected time period?
23:51:40 <pestilence> i'm using the version of gnucash and aqbanking that is in ubuntu edgy
23:51:47 <pestilence> warlord: positive :)
23:51:57 <pestilence> although, i had to rebuild it to enable all this stuff.
23:52:22 <pestilence> should i bother trying newer versions of everything? think it's a bug that's been fixed?
23:52:48 <warlord> What version of gnucash?
23:53:02 <pestilence> 2.0.1
23:53:14 <pestilence> aqbanking 2.0.0
23:53:34 <warlord> Well, 2.0.4 is current gnucash, so I'd encourage you upgrading. But I dont know if there are any HBCI/AQB bugs there.
23:53:57 <pestilence> i had the impression that the code talking to discover was in aqbanking, but what do i know.
23:54:07 <warlord> it is.
23:54:34 <pestilence> whoa...latest version of it is 2.2.4
23:54:51 <warlord> And what version of libofx?
23:55:19 <pestilence> libofx2c2a 0.8.0-12
23:55:22 <pestilence> is that what you mean?
23:55:32 <warlord> OH! You need 0.8.2 for Direct Connect!
23:55:37 <pestilence> doh!
23:55:48 <pestilence> that really should be mentioned in the http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Debian
23:56:19 <pestilence> i'll try it if you think that'll fix it
23:57:31 <pestilence> i guess i'll have to rebuild gnucash too?
23:57:55 <warlord> you'll need to rebuild AQB and gnucash
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23:58:25 <pestilence> :-/
23:58:27 <pestilence> ok
23:59:48 <pestilence> so if i use ABQ 2.2.5 and gnucash 2.0.4 with libofx 0.8.3, will that work?