2007-01-17 GnuCash IRC logs
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09:02:29 <cstim> hi warlord
09:05:40 <cstim> grmpf. I've been able to compile gncmod-hbci on win32, but on startup when dlopen()ing it, gnucash crashes.
09:13:31 <cstim> With gncmod-hbci and auxiliary DLLs, the setup.exe increases from 26MB to 30MB. Not too bad.
09:19:07 <cstim> the crash on startup shows this (non-debugsymbol) backtrace http://www.tu-harburg.de/~et2cs/gnc/backtrace-with-hbci.png
09:24:56 *** warlord-afk is now known as warlord
09:25:13 <warlord> @op
09:25:13 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
09:25:38 <warlord> cstim: hi. I lost my network around 9pm last night and it didn't come back until after I went to sleep.
09:25:54 <cstim> glad you have it back
09:25:54 <warlord> Anyways... I wonder if this is that cdecl v. stdcall thing?
09:25:57 <warlord> Me too!
09:26:37 <cstim> no idea at all.
09:27:37 <cstim> however, the crash seems to happen while dlopen() is still running. Something of double-initialization of the DLL, maybe.
09:31:57 <warlord> Huh
09:42:20 <cstim> actually, I was wrong. gncmod-hbci is g_module_open()ed just fine. The crash appears shortly after load_gnucash_modules() has finished in gnucash-bin.c
09:43:40 <warlord> Hmm...
09:45:37 <jsled> Hmm. Is it fair to lower a blocker "gnucash won't start" bug because it's distro-specific? Or should I just close it out enitrely because it's distro specific?
09:45:49 <jsled> <http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=397601>, in particular.
09:46:41 <cstim> I think you can close it because the solution exists already.
09:48:03 <rhowe> The solution is Debian
09:48:08 <jsled> Heh.
09:48:30 <warlord> Debian or Fedora
09:48:32 <warlord> or Ubuntu
09:48:40 <warlord> yeah, I think you can close it.
09:48:49 <jsled> Well, it looks like it's mostly gentoo-unstable users that would be affected, except someone screwed up the "unstable" keywords on the packages.
09:48:55 <warlord> It's an slib bug, not a gnucash bug. I think you can close it as NOTGNOME
09:49:48 <cstim> btw does anyone of us developers have guile-1.8.x in use already? there are a bunch of nasty reports that appear over and over again.
09:50:03 * cstim still has guile-1.6.7
09:55:02 * jsled too.
09:55:35 <warlord> Me too.
09:55:45 <warlord> hampton might have FC6 (with 1.8.0) relatively handy.
09:56:15 <jsled> btw if anyone has a clean tree and a few seconds, <http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=395553> would be good to patch before it gets lost...
10:00:10 <warlord> jsled: I'll apply shortly.
10:09:32 <cstim> Update on hbci crash: gnucash loads the hbci module but crashes in gnc_gnome_init().
10:11:01 <warlord> Huh!
10:11:13 <warlord> But only when the hbci module gets loaded?
10:13:09 <cstim> yes
10:13:35 <cstim> did you see the screenshot of the backtrace?
10:14:04 <cstim> it suggests this crash happens when libgnomevfs calls something in libssl of openssl.
10:14:33 <cstim> If the hbci module was loaded, then libssl/libeay has been loaded already due to the dependency aqbanking -> gwenhywfar -> openssl.
10:15:02 <cstim> whereas if the hbci module is not loaded, libssl hasn't been loaded at this point.
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10:18:44 <warlord> Hmmmmmm
10:19:45 <cstim> yeah, it crashes in gnc_gnome_init's call to gnome_program_init().
10:21:27 <warlord> Hmm.. I wonder.. What happens if we change the code to load the hbci module after we cann gnome_program_init()?
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10:28:09 <cstim> warlord: the module is not yet loaded in the sense of initialized though gnc_module_load. Instead, the module is only dlopen()d through gnc_module_system_init() - that one doesn't check for the particular name of the module anyway.
10:29:34 <cstim> gnc_module_load (with module names) happens in inner_main(), long after gnc_gnome_init/gnome_program_init.
10:31:19 <warlord> I wonder if there's a DLLinit?
10:33:45 <cstim> I think there is...
10:34:08 <warlord> Maybe the DLL is init'ing twice?
10:35:27 <cstim> maybe
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10:41:09 <cstim> maybe there's a problem with the openssl-0.9.8d we've chosen in custom.sh
10:41:27 <cstim> I'll try again with openssl-0.9.7c from gnuwin32.
10:42:05 <warlord> okay
10:42:19 <warlord> Oh, WAIT! 0.9.7c and 0.9.8d have very different ABIs!
10:42:31 <warlord> We need to make sure we compile everything against the same OpenSSL!
10:43:41 <cstim> heh
10:44:54 <cstim> We need to find out which ABI was used when compiling libgnomevfs :-)
10:45:04 <warlord> Yep.
10:45:11 <warlord> And then we need to use /that/ openssl.
10:45:21 <cstim> exactly
10:46:34 <cstim> oh, interestingly enough ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/binaries/win32/gnome-vfs/2.14/ has a version that says "no-openssl"
10:46:37 <warlord> Or we just build gnomevfs ourselves..
10:56:34 <cstim> with the gnomevfs-no-openssl there is no crash at gnome_program_init anymore, which is expected because without openssl, openssl isn't called anymore.
10:57:01 <warlord> jsled: done. not marked for backport.
10:57:10 <jsled> cool.
10:57:11 <warlord> cstim: okay..
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11:00:06 <jpeach> Hi
11:00:56 <jsled> We're good with slib-3.1.1, right?
11:01:24 <jpeach> I have set up a schedule transaction that requires a currency conversion. When the "To-Create Transaction Preparation" window comes up when the scheduled transaction is due, how to enter the exchange rate?
11:01:33 <jsled> jpeach: which version?
11:02:05 <jpeach> jsled: V 2.0.2
11:02:42 <jsled> jpeach: you should get a "XXX -> YYY" variable for the transaction, no?
11:03:54 <warlord> jsled: yes
11:04:43 <jpeach> jsled: Ah, I see the problem. The window was to small. Once I expanded to full screen I could see it. Thanks!!
11:05:07 <jpeach> jsled: It is supposed to remember window sizes and positions right? Mine is not
11:05:24 <jsled> jpeach: I'm not sure if that one does. :(
11:05:48 <jsled> jpeach: ah. So, I understand that seeing that variable, rather than getting the last exchange rate or something, is less than ideal ... but does it basically work?
11:06:14 <jsled> (I don't do multi-currency stuff, so I wasn't fully sure what to do....)
11:08:00 <jsled> warlord: hmm. but maybe because debian patches slib-3a1? I'm only seeing trouble with it on mlists.
11:09:29 <jpeach> jsled: None of the windows keep their old sizes. Yes, the currency thing working kind of alright. I entered an exchange rate of 1.1495 and it changed it to 1.15. The program has the ability to get the latest exchange rate. It would be nice if it did that and then entered it for you.
11:10:32 <jsled> yeah. I started down that road and ran out of time.
11:11:06 <jsled> It's complicated by the fact that the SX might be scheduled for the past (or the future), so you don't want the current rate.
11:11:17 <jpeach> jsled: Actually there is a bug. The transaction was going from CDN->USD and the prompt asked for USD->CDN which is what I gave it. It then converted it as if it was going USD->CDN so the amount in the USD account is wrong
11:12:48 <jpeach> jsled: It is only an approximate value for the exchange rate as the posted rate from the SX is never what you get from the institution that is doing the transfer
11:13:32 <jsled> Ah, too bad, but good to find. Could you add details to <http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=157179>, perhaps?
11:15:28 <jpeach> jsled: I will be glad to do that
11:17:42 <cstim> warlord: oh well. Once I'm using the no-openssl package of gnome-vfs, gnucash in fact starts up right there and now has the HBCI menu items.
11:18:40 <jpeach> jsled: Did you know that there is a problem with the price editor in that it fails to get the exchange rates? It worked the first time I used it and now I just get an error with no real information
11:21:00 <jsled> jpeach: No, I don't. I don't know much about the price editor; but that uses Finance::Quote, right? You might try using dump-finance-quote on the command line to get more detail about the error.
11:21:51 <jpeach> jsled: I have no idea what it uses. I will do as you suggest and see what happens.
11:22:15 <cstim> (except that gnucash crashes when I press "cancel" in the HBCI setup druid.)
11:22:25 <jpeach> jsled: I read the bug report that you told me to add the bug to but that appears to be a different problem.
11:22:59 <jsled> jpeach: did you get down to <http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=157179#c17> ?
11:26:03 <jpeach> jsled: Yes, but I think that is different yet again. The input box is there it is just converting the currency in the wrong direction.
11:26:42 <jsled> jpeach: ah, sorry, right. I'd just like to use this as the catch-all "Poor handling of multi-currency/fund scheduled txn" bug, rather than creating a different one. :)
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11:27:46 <jpeach> jsled: Your wish is my command :)
11:29:34 <jsled> That was fast: http://www.google.com/search?num=50&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&c2coff=1&q=site%3Alists.gnucash.org+inurl%3Alogs&btnG=Search
11:31:54 <cstim> jsled: interesting
11:42:01 <jsled> jpeach: looks good, thanks.
11:42:21 <jpeach> jsled: When I dump the finance quote I get the following
11:42:21 <jpeach> $ gnucash --dump-finance-quote
11:42:21 <jpeach> gnucash: [M] "Found Finance::Quote version ""1.12"
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11:43:22 <jsled> jpeach: it's a separate command; try `gnc-dump-fq`
11:43:34 <jsled> excuse me.
11:43:39 <jsled> `gnc-fq-dump`
11:44:15 <jsled> (there's other commands; `gnc-fq-check` might be useful, too)
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11:49:05 <jpeach> jsled: gnc-fc-dump takes a parameter of the quote source. Any idea what gnucash is using for currency exchange rates?
11:51:00 <tri> hi
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11:54:47 <jsled> jpeach: no... hmm.
11:57:30 <jsled> jpeach: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_do_I_fix_a_system_error_when_getting_stock_quotes.
11:57:42 <jsled> In particular, the '-debug' suggestion.
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12:19:19 <Renich> Hello guys!
12:19:31 <Renich> Where is the spanish documentation!
12:19:41 <Renich> I'm trying to implement gnu-cash in México and I really need help!
12:19:57 <Renich> Enterprise-level accounting
12:20:03 <Renich> and salaries and stuff... hehe
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12:27:10 <warlord> Renich: the documentation was never translated, because nobody ever offered to translated the docs into spanish.
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12:36:06 <jpeac1> jsled: I tried the help information you sent me on the wiki site. I was able to retrieve a quite with no problem but was not able to get debugging information (I just posted a bug report about some command line parameters not working --debug is one of them)
12:39:12 <Renich> warlord: whaaaa?!... I can do that for you, guys!
12:39:20 <Renich> I mean, I really need those docs!
12:40:01 <Renich> Is there anyone among us that has used COI, NOI or SAE?? (mexican accounting soft... sucks)
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12:43:41 <Renich> brb (rebooting)...
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12:43:46 <esodan> hi all I have some questions about QOF->GObject... :)
12:45:37 <esodan> Can I typedef GncObject QofEntity and #define the functions qof_entity_* to gnc_object_*?
12:46:02 <magenpie> before i switched from debian to arch, i took the latest gnucash data file and gzipped it...now i don't understand how to get it into a file format that i can import into my new gnucash...
12:46:42 <magenpie> i think i want to import qif files
12:46:47 <esodan> Can I move QofCollection from qofid.* files to qof-collection.* files names (even better gnc-collection.*)?
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12:47:20 <esodan> If not, Ok no problem, but I have other question...
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12:50:41 <esodan> qof_instance_init is called each time you create a Qof object, but in GObject this is done automaticaly using g_object_new, and I need to call it each time I create a GObject in order to be sure GObject init is correct...
12:50:53 <jpeac1> Has anyone been able to get gnucash to save window size and position? There is an option for in the preferences but it does not appear to work
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13:09:17 <jsled> jpeac1: it's partially implemented. Main windows should save their state, but some dialogs (the since-last-run dialog, for instance) might not.
13:09:28 <jsled> esodan: don't change file names; I thought we talked about that.
13:10:05 <jsled> esodan: yes, g_object_new needs to be called.
13:10:27 <jsled> magenpie: if you gzipped the file, then un-gzip-it. Note that it already might have been gzipped.
13:11:12 <jsled> magenpie: `file ${datafile}` might be useful. If it keeps saying gzipped data, then keep gunziping. When it says XML text, you'll have your datafile.
13:11:33 <magenpie> hmmmmm...let me look at it again...
13:12:31 <jsled> jpeac1: that's too bad re: --debug (or is it -debug)? you might want to check the gnucash-user archives (or post yourself) regarding finance::Quote stuff. The developer most knowledgeable about it isn't in the channel at the moment.
13:12:37 <magenpie> after i zipped it it was called latest.gz
13:12:45 <magenpie> unzipped it's just called latest
13:13:01 <magenpie> i can open it with text editor and see it's xml
13:13:10 <warlord> Renich: never heard of COI, NOI, or SAE. If you want to help translate the docs you're welcome to work on it! Pull down gnucash-docs from SVN and send patches to gnucash-devel.
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13:14:50 <warlord> esodan: I wouldn't typedef GncObject QofEntity.. That's a lot more work than necessary. Just make QofEntity a subclass of GObject directly and make sure all the init code does the right thing.
13:15:43 <magenpie> wait a min...a small dim lightbulb is going off
13:17:44 <esodan> Ok working... :)
13:18:09 <magenpie> i copied the file into the .gnucash folder...
13:18:18 <magenpie> now i'm stuck
13:19:27 <jsled> Don't put your datafile in ~/.gnucash.
13:19:41 <jsled> That's not your directory. That's gnucash's directory.
13:20:00 <warlord> esodan: let me know if/when you want a SVN branch
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13:20:17 <jsled> magenpie: put it in ~/documents/finances/ or something. Or on your desktop.
13:20:25 <magenpie> ok
13:21:03 <magenpie> is on desktop
13:21:36 <esodan> warlord: Ok, I have to test before, and thanks...
13:21:49 <warlord> esodan: okay. and you're welcome.
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13:23:29 <esodan> Other question: I can use GNC_TYPE_QOF_ENTITY to avoid conflicts with the existing macros or try to change them, the last is more work but that's Ok.
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13:26:20 <warlord> You should change the existing macros.
13:26:29 <warlord> (not sure why that would be more work)
13:26:50 <warlord> ... that's the point of using a macro, you can change the implementation and all the code that uses it shouldn't care.
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13:27:56 <esodan> warlord: Ok...
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13:42:16 <magenpie> how do i get gnucash to use that file?
13:42:33 <warlord> File -> Open
13:44:27 <magenpie> ddarn
13:44:41 <magenpie> i tried to open the file and hd going nuts
13:44:51 <magenpie> brb
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13:50:36 <magenpie> i don't know why i made thqt
13:50:45 <magenpie> that so much harder than it needed to be...
13:51:17 <magenpie> i'll write it down so i can spare all of you the next time i change distros
13:51:24 <magenpie> thanks for the help people
13:53:08 <Renich> warlord: any howto on that?
13:53:22 * Renich was talking about the doc contribution
13:53:23 <warlord> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Subversion
13:53:42 <warlord> also look at http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation
13:54:02 <Renich> lol, not on subversion... but ... oh... yeah, the second one is cool
13:54:35 <Renich> I promise to work on it next week... this week I'm all crazy migrating this Foundation in México
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14:03:06 <warlord> okay
14:06:09 <magenpie> something different here...i'm not getting the list of accounts when i'm entering transactions
14:07:02 <magenpie> i mean like if i tab to unspecified, i don't get a list of accounts to chose from
14:07:46 <magenpie> i think there used to be a little icon to click on that would open the list...
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14:19:49 <warlord> magenpie: in the register or in the importer?
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14:24:52 <magenpie> in the register
14:25:55 <warlord> magenpie: there's no little triangle to click on? Or if you start typing it doesn't pop up the window?
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14:39:15 <magenpie> it does pop up but i seem to remember that if i made a mistake and chose the wrong account, there was i triangle to click on and it's not there now
14:42:11 <warlord> I dont understand.. what kind of mistake?
14:43:51 <magenpie> if i select the wrong account...i was sure there was an icon in Transfer column that i could click and get the list of accounts
14:44:03 <magenpie> maybe i'm just losing my mind...
14:48:56 <warlord> I think you're losing your mind. When you're in the transfer column thre's a little box on the right-hand side of the column. When you click on that, it pops up the list.
14:49:05 <warlord> This works for me just fine in 2.0.4
14:50:37 <magenpie> that box isn't there!
14:50:43 <magenpie> i remember it
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14:51:24 <magenpie> if i had never seen it i couldn't ask about it...
14:51:38 <magenpie> but that's not to say that i'm not losing my mind too
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14:52:15 <warlord> Dont know what to tell you.
14:52:21 <warlord> Send a screenshot?
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14:53:53 <magenpie> i'll see if i can do that...
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18:45:21 <prock> If I enter a number of SX's can I change my ledger to show me a projection of what would happen in the future?
18:45:37 <jsled> no.
18:46:08 <jsled> You can set them all to create X={60,90,120,...} days in advance, create them, then close your file w/o saving.
18:46:22 <jsled> Which sucks, but will work.
18:48:17 <prock> are you the famous jsled that I read all about here? http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Budgets
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18:49:22 <jsled> That'd be me, yup.
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18:49:47 <prock> do you use gnucash for budgeting?
18:49:59 <jsled> nope.
18:50:04 <jsled> :)
18:50:13 <prock> :)
18:50:16 <prock> just curious
18:50:36 <jsled> Even with Chris's addition of the feature.
18:51:05 <prock> I'll stop poking a bear, I think ;)
18:54:04 <jsled> It's all good. I'm happy to try to help.
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19:34:36 <goldphish> What is the proper way to show an educational loan? I didn't obtain any tangible asset but I still owe lot's of money.
19:35:02 <jsled> Liabilities:Loan
19:35:27 <jsled> With an opening transfer against Equity:Opening Balances, as usual.
19:35:29 <goldphish> What do I balance it with though?
19:36:04 <goldphish> ahh, but that would make the opening balance be a negative value. Is that correct?
19:36:19 <jsled> That's right. :)
19:36:45 <goldphish> hmm, that's what I thought to do but it seemed too easy :p
19:36:47 <jsled> Well, the absence of having a large number of assets to balance it.
19:37:05 <jsled> But, yeah ... if you owe a lot of money, your equity will reflect that.
19:37:26 <jsled> Both Equity accounts and your actual (computed) equity.
19:39:11 <goldphish> Well I guess I really am poor :( I really got to work on that.
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09:02:29 <cstim> hi warlord
09:05:40 <cstim> grmpf. I've been able to compile gncmod-hbci on win32, but on startup when dlopen()ing it, gnucash crashes.
09:13:31 <cstim> With gncmod-hbci and auxiliary DLLs, the setup.exe increases from 26MB to 30MB. Not too bad.
09:19:07 <cstim> the crash on startup shows this (non-debugsymbol) backtrace http://www.tu-harburg.de/~et2cs/gnc/backtrace-with-hbci.png
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09:25:13 <warlord> @op
09:25:13 *** gncbot sets mode: +o warlord
09:25:38 <warlord> cstim: hi. I lost my network around 9pm last night and it didn't come back until after I went to sleep.
09:25:54 <cstim> glad you have it back
09:25:54 <warlord> Anyways... I wonder if this is that cdecl v. stdcall thing?
09:25:57 <warlord> Me too!
09:26:37 <cstim> no idea at all.
09:27:37 <cstim> however, the crash seems to happen while dlopen() is still running. Something of double-initialization of the DLL, maybe.
09:31:57 <warlord> Huh
09:42:20 <cstim> actually, I was wrong. gncmod-hbci is g_module_open()ed just fine. The crash appears shortly after load_gnucash_modules() has finished in gnucash-bin.c
09:43:40 <warlord> Hmm...
09:45:37 <jsled> Hmm. Is it fair to lower a blocker "gnucash won't start" bug because it's distro-specific? Or should I just close it out enitrely because it's distro specific?
09:45:49 <jsled> <http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=397601>, in particular.
09:46:41 <cstim> I think you can close it because the solution exists already.
09:48:03 <rhowe> The solution is Debian
09:48:08 <jsled> Heh.
09:48:30 <warlord> Debian or Fedora
09:48:32 <warlord> or Ubuntu
09:48:40 <warlord> yeah, I think you can close it.
09:48:49 <jsled> Well, it looks like it's mostly gentoo-unstable users that would be affected, except someone screwed up the "unstable" keywords on the packages.
09:48:55 <warlord> It's an slib bug, not a gnucash bug. I think you can close it as NOTGNOME
09:49:48 <cstim> btw does anyone of us developers have guile-1.8.x in use already? there are a bunch of nasty reports that appear over and over again.
09:50:03 * cstim still has guile-1.6.7
09:55:02 * jsled too.
09:55:35 <warlord> Me too.
09:55:45 <warlord> hampton might have FC6 (with 1.8.0) relatively handy.
09:56:15 <jsled> btw if anyone has a clean tree and a few seconds, <http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=395553> would be good to patch before it gets lost...
10:00:10 <warlord> jsled: I'll apply shortly.
10:09:32 <cstim> Update on hbci crash: gnucash loads the hbci module but crashes in gnc_gnome_init().
10:11:01 <warlord> Huh!
10:11:13 <warlord> But only when the hbci module gets loaded?
10:13:09 <cstim> yes
10:13:35 <cstim> did you see the screenshot of the backtrace?
10:14:04 <cstim> it suggests this crash happens when libgnomevfs calls something in libssl of openssl.
10:14:33 <cstim> If the hbci module was loaded, then libssl/libeay has been loaded already due to the dependency aqbanking -> gwenhywfar -> openssl.
10:15:02 <cstim> whereas if the hbci module is not loaded, libssl hasn't been loaded at this point.
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10:18:44 <warlord> Hmmmmmm
10:19:45 <cstim> yeah, it crashes in gnc_gnome_init's call to gnome_program_init().
10:21:27 <warlord> Hmm.. I wonder.. What happens if we change the code to load the hbci module after we cann gnome_program_init()?
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10:28:09 <cstim> warlord: the module is not yet loaded in the sense of initialized though gnc_module_load. Instead, the module is only dlopen()d through gnc_module_system_init() - that one doesn't check for the particular name of the module anyway.
10:29:34 <cstim> gnc_module_load (with module names) happens in inner_main(), long after gnc_gnome_init/gnome_program_init.
10:31:19 <warlord> I wonder if there's a DLLinit?
10:33:45 <cstim> I think there is...
10:34:08 <warlord> Maybe the DLL is init'ing twice?
10:35:27 <cstim> maybe
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10:41:09 <cstim> maybe there's a problem with the openssl-0.9.8d we've chosen in custom.sh
10:41:27 <cstim> I'll try again with openssl-0.9.7c from gnuwin32.
10:42:05 <warlord> okay
10:42:19 <warlord> Oh, WAIT! 0.9.7c and 0.9.8d have very different ABIs!
10:42:31 <warlord> We need to make sure we compile everything against the same OpenSSL!
10:43:41 <cstim> heh
10:44:54 <cstim> We need to find out which ABI was used when compiling libgnomevfs :-)
10:45:04 <warlord> Yep.
10:45:11 <warlord> And then we need to use /that/ openssl.
10:45:21 <cstim> exactly
10:46:34 <cstim> oh, interestingly enough ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/binaries/win32/gnome-vfs/2.14/ has a version that says "no-openssl"
10:46:37 <warlord> Or we just build gnomevfs ourselves..
10:56:34 <cstim> with the gnomevfs-no-openssl there is no crash at gnome_program_init anymore, which is expected because without openssl, openssl isn't called anymore.
10:57:01 <warlord> jsled: done. not marked for backport.
10:57:10 <jsled> cool.
10:57:11 <warlord> cstim: okay..
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11:00:06 <jpeach> Hi
11:00:56 <jsled> We're good with slib-3.1.1, right?
11:01:24 <jpeach> I have set up a schedule transaction that requires a currency conversion. When the "To-Create Transaction Preparation" window comes up when the scheduled transaction is due, how to enter the exchange rate?
11:01:33 <jsled> jpeach: which version?
11:02:05 <jpeach> jsled: V 2.0.2
11:02:42 <jsled> jpeach: you should get a "XXX -> YYY" variable for the transaction, no?
11:03:54 <warlord> jsled: yes
11:04:43 <jpeach> jsled: Ah, I see the problem. The window was to small. Once I expanded to full screen I could see it. Thanks!!
11:05:07 <jpeach> jsled: It is supposed to remember window sizes and positions right? Mine is not
11:05:24 <jsled> jpeach: I'm not sure if that one does. :(
11:05:48 <jsled> jpeach: ah. So, I understand that seeing that variable, rather than getting the last exchange rate or something, is less than ideal ... but does it basically work?
11:06:14 <jsled> (I don't do multi-currency stuff, so I wasn't fully sure what to do....)
11:08:00 <jsled> warlord: hmm. but maybe because debian patches slib-3a1? I'm only seeing trouble with it on mlists.
11:09:29 <jpeach> jsled: None of the windows keep their old sizes. Yes, the currency thing working kind of alright. I entered an exchange rate of 1.1495 and it changed it to 1.15. The program has the ability to get the latest exchange rate. It would be nice if it did that and then entered it for you.
11:10:32 <jsled> yeah. I started down that road and ran out of time.
11:11:06 <jsled> It's complicated by the fact that the SX might be scheduled for the past (or the future), so you don't want the current rate.
11:11:17 <jpeach> jsled: Actually there is a bug. The transaction was going from CDN->USD and the prompt asked for USD->CDN which is what I gave it. It then converted it as if it was going USD->CDN so the amount in the USD account is wrong
11:12:48 <jpeach> jsled: It is only an approximate value for the exchange rate as the posted rate from the SX is never what you get from the institution that is doing the transfer
11:13:32 <jsled> Ah, too bad, but good to find. Could you add details to <http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=157179>, perhaps?
11:15:28 <jpeach> jsled: I will be glad to do that
11:17:42 <cstim> warlord: oh well. Once I'm using the no-openssl package of gnome-vfs, gnucash in fact starts up right there and now has the HBCI menu items.
11:18:40 <jpeach> jsled: Did you know that there is a problem with the price editor in that it fails to get the exchange rates? It worked the first time I used it and now I just get an error with no real information
11:21:00 <jsled> jpeach: No, I don't. I don't know much about the price editor; but that uses Finance::Quote, right? You might try using dump-finance-quote on the command line to get more detail about the error.
11:21:51 <jpeach> jsled: I have no idea what it uses. I will do as you suggest and see what happens.
11:22:15 <cstim> (except that gnucash crashes when I press "cancel" in the HBCI setup druid.)
11:22:25 <jpeach> jsled: I read the bug report that you told me to add the bug to but that appears to be a different problem.
11:22:59 <jsled> jpeach: did you get down to <http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=157179#c17> ?
11:26:03 <jpeach> jsled: Yes, but I think that is different yet again. The input box is there it is just converting the currency in the wrong direction.
11:26:42 <jsled> jpeach: ah, sorry, right. I'd just like to use this as the catch-all "Poor handling of multi-currency/fund scheduled txn" bug, rather than creating a different one. :)
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11:27:46 <jpeach> jsled: Your wish is my command :)
11:29:34 <jsled> That was fast: http://www.google.com/search?num=50&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&c2coff=1&q=site%3Alists.gnucash.org+inurl%3Alogs&btnG=Search
11:31:54 <cstim> jsled: interesting
11:42:01 <jsled> jpeach: looks good, thanks.
11:42:21 <jpeach> jsled: When I dump the finance quote I get the following
11:42:21 <jpeach> $ gnucash --dump-finance-quote
11:42:21 <jpeach> gnucash: [M] "Found Finance::Quote version ""1.12"
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11:43:22 <jsled> jpeach: it's a separate command; try `gnc-dump-fq`
11:43:34 <jsled> excuse me.
11:43:39 <jsled> `gnc-fq-dump`
11:44:15 <jsled> (there's other commands; `gnc-fq-check` might be useful, too)
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11:49:05 <jpeach> jsled: gnc-fc-dump takes a parameter of the quote source. Any idea what gnucash is using for currency exchange rates?
11:51:00 <tri> hi
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11:54:47 <jsled> jpeach: no... hmm.
11:57:30 <jsled> jpeach: http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ#Q:_How_do_I_fix_a_system_error_when_getting_stock_quotes.
11:57:42 <jsled> In particular, the '-debug' suggestion.
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12:19:19 <Renich> Hello guys!
12:19:31 <Renich> Where is the spanish documentation!
12:19:41 <Renich> I'm trying to implement gnu-cash in México and I really need help!
12:19:57 <Renich> Enterprise-level accounting
12:20:03 <Renich> and salaries and stuff... hehe
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12:27:10 <warlord> Renich: the documentation was never translated, because nobody ever offered to translated the docs into spanish.
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12:36:06 <jpeac1> jsled: I tried the help information you sent me on the wiki site. I was able to retrieve a quite with no problem but was not able to get debugging information (I just posted a bug report about some command line parameters not working --debug is one of them)
12:39:12 <Renich> warlord: whaaaa?!... I can do that for you, guys!
12:39:20 <Renich> I mean, I really need those docs!
12:40:01 <Renich> Is there anyone among us that has used COI, NOI or SAE?? (mexican accounting soft... sucks)
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12:43:46 <esodan> hi all I have some questions about QOF->GObject... :)
12:45:37 <esodan> Can I typedef GncObject QofEntity and #define the functions qof_entity_* to gnc_object_*?
12:46:02 <magenpie> before i switched from debian to arch, i took the latest gnucash data file and gzipped it...now i don't understand how to get it into a file format that i can import into my new gnucash...
12:46:42 <magenpie> i think i want to import qif files
12:46:47 <esodan> Can I move QofCollection from qofid.* files to qof-collection.* files names (even better gnc-collection.*)?
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12:47:20 <esodan> If not, Ok no problem, but I have other question...
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12:50:41 <esodan> qof_instance_init is called each time you create a Qof object, but in GObject this is done automaticaly using g_object_new, and I need to call it each time I create a GObject in order to be sure GObject init is correct...
12:50:53 <jpeac1> Has anyone been able to get gnucash to save window size and position? There is an option for in the preferences but it does not appear to work
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13:09:17 <jsled> jpeac1: it's partially implemented. Main windows should save their state, but some dialogs (the since-last-run dialog, for instance) might not.
13:09:28 <jsled> esodan: don't change file names; I thought we talked about that.
13:10:05 <jsled> esodan: yes, g_object_new needs to be called.
13:10:27 <jsled> magenpie: if you gzipped the file, then un-gzip-it. Note that it already might have been gzipped.
13:11:12 <jsled> magenpie: `file ${datafile}` might be useful. If it keeps saying gzipped data, then keep gunziping. When it says XML text, you'll have your datafile.
13:11:33 <magenpie> hmmmmm...let me look at it again...
13:12:31 <jsled> jpeac1: that's too bad re: --debug (or is it -debug)? you might want to check the gnucash-user archives (or post yourself) regarding finance::Quote stuff. The developer most knowledgeable about it isn't in the channel at the moment.
13:12:37 <magenpie> after i zipped it it was called latest.gz
13:12:45 <magenpie> unzipped it's just called latest
13:13:01 <magenpie> i can open it with text editor and see it's xml
13:13:10 <warlord> Renich: never heard of COI, NOI, or SAE. If you want to help translate the docs you're welcome to work on it! Pull down gnucash-docs from SVN and send patches to gnucash-devel.
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13:14:50 <warlord> esodan: I wouldn't typedef GncObject QofEntity.. That's a lot more work than necessary. Just make QofEntity a subclass of GObject directly and make sure all the init code does the right thing.
13:15:43 <magenpie> wait a min...a small dim lightbulb is going off
13:17:44 <esodan> Ok working... :)
13:18:09 <magenpie> i copied the file into the .gnucash folder...
13:18:18 <magenpie> now i'm stuck
13:19:27 <jsled> Don't put your datafile in ~/.gnucash.
13:19:41 <jsled> That's not your directory. That's gnucash's directory.
13:20:00 <warlord> esodan: let me know if/when you want a SVN branch
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13:20:17 <jsled> magenpie: put it in ~/documents/finances/ or something. Or on your desktop.
13:20:25 <magenpie> ok
13:21:03 <magenpie> is on desktop
13:21:36 <esodan> warlord: Ok, I have to test before, and thanks...
13:21:49 <warlord> esodan: okay. and you're welcome.
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13:23:29 <esodan> Other question: I can use GNC_TYPE_QOF_ENTITY to avoid conflicts with the existing macros or try to change them, the last is more work but that's Ok.
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13:26:20 <warlord> You should change the existing macros.
13:26:29 <warlord> (not sure why that would be more work)
13:26:50 <warlord> ... that's the point of using a macro, you can change the implementation and all the code that uses it shouldn't care.
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13:27:56 <esodan> warlord: Ok...
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13:42:16 <magenpie> how do i get gnucash to use that file?
13:42:33 <warlord> File -> Open
13:44:27 <magenpie> ddarn
13:44:41 <magenpie> i tried to open the file and hd going nuts
13:44:51 <magenpie> brb
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13:50:36 <magenpie> i don't know why i made thqt
13:50:45 <magenpie> that so much harder than it needed to be...
13:51:17 <magenpie> i'll write it down so i can spare all of you the next time i change distros
13:51:24 <magenpie> thanks for the help people
13:53:08 <Renich> warlord: any howto on that?
13:53:22 * Renich was talking about the doc contribution
13:53:23 <warlord> http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Subversion
13:53:42 <warlord> also look at http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Translation
13:54:02 <Renich> lol, not on subversion... but ... oh... yeah, the second one is cool
13:54:35 <Renich> I promise to work on it next week... this week I'm all crazy migrating this Foundation in México
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14:03:06 <warlord> okay
14:06:09 <magenpie> something different here...i'm not getting the list of accounts when i'm entering transactions
14:07:02 <magenpie> i mean like if i tab to unspecified, i don't get a list of accounts to chose from
14:07:46 <magenpie> i think there used to be a little icon to click on that would open the list...
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14:19:49 <warlord> magenpie: in the register or in the importer?
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14:24:52 <magenpie> in the register
14:25:55 <warlord> magenpie: there's no little triangle to click on? Or if you start typing it doesn't pop up the window?
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14:39:15 <magenpie> it does pop up but i seem to remember that if i made a mistake and chose the wrong account, there was i triangle to click on and it's not there now
14:42:11 <warlord> I dont understand.. what kind of mistake?
14:43:51 <magenpie> if i select the wrong account...i was sure there was an icon in Transfer column that i could click and get the list of accounts
14:44:03 <magenpie> maybe i'm just losing my mind...
14:48:56 <warlord> I think you're losing your mind. When you're in the transfer column thre's a little box on the right-hand side of the column. When you click on that, it pops up the list.
14:49:05 <warlord> This works for me just fine in 2.0.4
14:50:37 <magenpie> that box isn't there!
14:50:43 <magenpie> i remember it
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14:51:24 <magenpie> if i had never seen it i couldn't ask about it...
14:51:38 <magenpie> but that's not to say that i'm not losing my mind too
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14:52:15 <warlord> Dont know what to tell you.
14:52:21 <warlord> Send a screenshot?
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14:53:53 <magenpie> i'll see if i can do that...
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18:45:21 <prock> If I enter a number of SX's can I change my ledger to show me a projection of what would happen in the future?
18:45:37 <jsled> no.
18:46:08 <jsled> You can set them all to create X={60,90,120,...} days in advance, create them, then close your file w/o saving.
18:46:22 <jsled> Which sucks, but will work.
18:48:17 <prock> are you the famous jsled that I read all about here? http://wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/Budgets
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18:49:22 <jsled> That'd be me, yup.
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18:49:47 <prock> do you use gnucash for budgeting?
18:49:59 <jsled> nope.
18:50:04 <jsled> :)
18:50:13 <prock> :)
18:50:16 <prock> just curious
18:50:36 <jsled> Even with Chris's addition of the feature.
18:51:05 <prock> I'll stop poking a bear, I think ;)
18:54:04 <jsled> It's all good. I'm happy to try to help.
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19:34:36 <goldphish> What is the proper way to show an educational loan? I didn't obtain any tangible asset but I still owe lot's of money.
19:35:02 <jsled> Liabilities:Loan
19:35:27 <jsled> With an opening transfer against Equity:Opening Balances, as usual.
19:35:29 <goldphish> What do I balance it with though?
19:36:04 <goldphish> ahh, but that would make the opening balance be a negative value. Is that correct?
19:36:19 <jsled> That's right. :)
19:36:45 <goldphish> hmm, that's what I thought to do but it seemed too easy :p
19:36:47 <jsled> Well, the absence of having a large number of assets to balance it.
19:37:05 <jsled> But, yeah ... if you owe a lot of money, your equity will reflect that.
19:37:26 <jsled> Both Equity accounts and your actual (computed) equity.
19:39:11 <goldphish> Well I guess I really am poor :( I really got to work on that.
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