GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+
gnc-plugin-manager.h File Reference

Plugin management functions for the GnuCash UI. More...

#include "gnc-plugin.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


Basic Object Implementation
#define GNC_TYPE_PLUGIN_MANAGER   (gnc_plugin_manager_get_type ())


Management Functions
GncPluginManager * gnc_plugin_manager_get (void)
 Retrieve a pointer to the plugin manager. More...
void gnc_plugin_manager_add_plugin (GncPluginManager *manager, GncPlugin *plugin)
 Add a plugin to the list maintained by the plugin manager. More...
void gnc_plugin_manager_remove_plugin (GncPluginManager *manager, GncPlugin *plugin)
 Remove a plugin from the list maintained by the plugin manager. More...
GList * gnc_plugin_manager_get_plugins (GncPluginManager *manager)
 Get a list of all plugins being held by the plugin manager. More...
GncPlugin * gnc_plugin_manager_get_plugin (GncPluginManager *manager, const gchar *name)
 Find a plugin by name from the list of plugins being held by the plugin manager. More...

Detailed Description

Plugin management functions for the GnuCash UI.

Copyright (C) 2003 Jan Arne Petersen

The plugin manager maintains a list of all non-content plugins that have been instantiated by various parts of Gnucash. The manager will provide this list upon request, it will also look up individual plugins on request. The main client of this manager is the main gnucash window code. All plugins registered here will automatically be installed in each top level gnucash window that is created.

This code installs a hook to be called when the gnucash user interface shuts down, and at that time it will unref any plugins that are still in its plugin list.

Note: This code maintains a list of plugins (which provide user interface items), not a list of plugin-pages (which provide window content).

Definition in file gnc-plugin-manager.h.