GnuCash  5.6-150-g038405b370+
Data Structures | Macros | Typedefs | Functions
gnc-main-window.h File Reference

Functions for adding content to a window. More...

#include <gtk/gtk.h>
#include "gnc-plugin-page.h"

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  GncMenuUpdate
struct  GncMainWindowClass
 The class data structure for a main window object. More...
struct  GncMainWindowActionData
struct  GncToolBarShortNames
 A structure for defining alternate action names for use in the toolbar. More...


#define GNC_TYPE_MAIN_WINDOW   (gnc_main_window_get_type ())
#define GNC_MAIN_WINDOW_CLASS(klass)   (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GNC_TYPE_MAIN_WINDOW, GncMainWindowClass))
#define PLUGIN_PAGE_IMMUTABLE   "page-immutable"


typedef void(* GncMainWindowFunc) (GncMainWindow *window, GncPluginPage *page)
typedef void(* GncMainWindowPageFunc) (GncPluginPage *page, gpointer user_data)


GType gnc_main_window_get_type (void)
 Get the type of a gnc main window. More...
GncMainWindow * gnc_main_window_new (void)
 Create a new gnc main window plugin. More...
void gnc_main_window_display_page (GncPluginPage *page)
 Bring the window containing the specified page to the top of the window stack, then switch the notebook to show the specified page. More...
void gnc_main_window_open_page (GncMainWindow *window, GncPluginPage *page)
 Display a data plugin page in a window. More...
void gnc_main_window_close_page (GncPluginPage *page)
 Remove a data plugin page from a window and display the previous page. More...
void gnc_main_window_foreach_page (GncMainWindowPageFunc fn, gpointer user_data)
 Iterator function to walk all pages in all windows, calling the specified function for each page. More...
GncPluginPagegnc_main_window_get_current_page (GncMainWindow *window)
 Retrieve a pointer to the page that is currently at the front of the specified window. More...
void main_window_update_page_name (GncPluginPage *page, const gchar *name_in)
 Update the name of the page in the main window. More...
void main_window_update_page_long_name (GncPluginPage *page, const gchar *long_name_in)
 Update the long name of the page in the main window. More...
void main_window_update_page_color (GncPluginPage *page, const gchar *color_in)
 Update the color on the page tabs in the main window. More...
void main_window_update_page_set_read_only_icon (GncPluginPage *page, gboolean read_only)
 Update the icon on the page tabs in the main window. More...
void gnc_main_window_manual_merge_actions (GncMainWindow *window, const gchar *group_name, GSimpleActionGroup *group)
 Manually add a set of actions to the specified window. More...
void gnc_main_window_merge_actions (GncMainWindow *window, const gchar *group_name, GActionEntry *entries, guint n_entries, const gchar **ui_updates, const gchar *ui_filename, gpointer user_data)
 Add a set of actions to the specified window. More...
void gnc_main_window_unmerge_actions (GncMainWindow *window, const gchar *group_name)
 Remove a set of actions from the specified window. More...
void gnc_main_window_set_vis_of_items_by_action (GncMainWindow *window, const gchar **action_names, gboolean vis)
 Show or hide menu and toolbar items based on a NULL terminated list of action names. More...
GtkWidget * gnc_main_window_menu_find_menu_item (GncMainWindow *window, const gchar *action_name)
 Find the menu item with the given action name for the window specified. More...
GtkWidget * gnc_main_window_toolbar_find_tool_item (GncMainWindow *window, const gchar *action_name)
 Find the toolbar item with the given action name for the window specified. More...
gboolean gnc_main_window_update_menu_for_action (GncMainWindow *window, const gchar *action_name, const gchar *label, const gchar *tooltip)
 Find the GMenuModel item given the action name for the window specified. More...
void gnc_main_window_menu_add_accelerator_keys (GncMainWindow *window)
 Scan the main window menu and add accelerator keys to main window accelerator group. More...
void gnc_main_window_init_short_names (GncMainWindow *window, GncToolBarShortNames *toolbar_labels)
 Update the labels of the toolbar items with short names. More...
GSimpleActionGroup * gnc_main_window_get_action_group (GncMainWindow *window, const gchar *group_name)
 Retrieve a specific set of user interface actions from a window. More...
void gnc_main_window_set_progressbar_window (GncMainWindow *window)
 Set the window where all progressbar updates should occur. More...
gboolean gnc_main_window_button_press_cb (GtkWidget *whatever, GdkEventButton *event, GncPluginPage *page)
 Callback function invoked when the user clicks in the content of any Gnucash window. More...
gboolean gnc_main_window_popup_menu_cb (GtkWidget *widget, GncPluginPage *page)
 Callback function invoked when the user requests that Gnucash popup the contextual menu via the keyboard context-menu request key combination (Shift-F10 by default). More...
void gnc_main_window_restore_all_windows (const GKeyFile *keyfile)
 Restore the persistent state of all windows. More...
gboolean gnc_main_window_is_restoring_pages (GncMainWindow *window)
 Check if the main window is restoring the plugin pages. More...
void gnc_main_window_save_all_windows (GKeyFile *keyfile)
 Save the persistent state of all windows. More...
void gnc_main_window_restore_default_state (GncMainWindow *window)
 Restore the persistent state of one window to a sane default.
gboolean gnc_main_window_finish_pending (GncMainWindow *window)
 Tell a window to finish any outstanding activities. More...
gboolean gnc_main_window_all_finish_pending (void)
 Tell all pages in all windows to finish any outstanding activities. More...
void gnc_main_window_all_action_set_sensitive (const gchar *action_name, gboolean sensitive)
 Change the sensitivity of a command in all windows. More...
GAction * gnc_main_window_find_action (GncMainWindow *window, const gchar *action_name)
 Find the GAction in the main window. More...
GAction * gnc_main_window_find_action_in_group (GncMainWindow *window, const gchar *group_name, const gchar *action_name)
 Find the GAction in a specific action group for window. More...
GMenuModel * gnc_main_window_get_menu_model (GncMainWindow *window)
 Return the GMenuModel for the main window menu bar. More...
void gnc_main_window_update_menu_and_toolbar (GncMainWindow *window, GncPluginPage *page, const gchar **ui_updates)
 Update the main window menu with the placeholders listed in ui_updates and load the page specific toolbar. More...
void gnc_main_window_show_all_windows (void)
 Shows all main windows.
gboolean gnc_main_window_just_plugin_prefs (GncMainWindow *window)
GtkWidget * gnc_book_options_dialog_cb (gboolean modal, gchar *title, GtkWindow *parent)
 Opens the Book Options dialog. More...
gboolean gnc_book_options_dialog_apply_helper (GncOptionDB *options)
 Processes selected options in the Book Options dialog: checks book_currency and use_split_action_for_num to see if features kvp should be set. More...

Detailed Description

Functions for adding content to a window.

Copyright (C) 2003 Jan Arne Petersen
Copyright (C) 2003,2005 David Hampton

Definition in file gnc-main-window.h.